| # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
| from tempfile import mkstemp |
| from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase |
| from oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends |
| from oeqa.runtime.decorator.package import OEHasPackage |
| class ScpTest(OERuntimeTestCase): |
| cls.tmp_fd, cls.tmp_path = mkstemp() |
| with os.fdopen(cls.tmp_fd, 'w') as f: |
| @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh']) |
| @OEHasPackage(['openssh-scp', 'dropbear']) |
| dst = '/tmp/test_scp_file' |
| (status, output) = self.target.copyTo(self.tmp_path, dst) |
| msg = 'File could not be copied. Output: %s' % output |
| self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg=msg) |
| (status, output) = self.target.run('ls -la %s' % dst) |
| self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = 'SCP test failed') |
| self.target.run('rm %s' % dst) |