blob: 3272d98192998c8c915d4ff2a41efa004de6d868 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lists of the ptest in meta-python, sorted into two sets by the time they take
# Please keep these sorted in alphabetical order
# A first pass at getting all meta-python recipes which inherit ptest
# meta_python_ptest_recipes=$(bitbake-layers show-recipes --recipes-only --layer meta-python --inherits ptest --bare | tr '\n' ' ' | pcregrep -o1 '^NOTE:.+===(.+)$')
# ptests which take less than ~30s each
python3-ansicolors \
python3-asgiref \
python3-aspectlib \
python3-blinker \
python3-cachetools \
python3-cbor2 \
python3-click \
python3-dominate \
python3-execnet \
python3-geojson \
python3-html2text \
python3-inflection \
python3-intervals \
python3-ipy \
python3-iso3166 \
python3-parse-type \
python3-platformdirs \
python3-polyline \
python3-precise-runner \
python3-prettytable \
python3-pylint \
python3-ptyprocess \
python3-py-cpuinfo \
python3-pyasn1-modules \
python3-pyroute2 \
python3-pyserial \
python3-pytest-mock \
python3-pytoml \
python3-rapidjson \
python3-requests-file \
python3-requests-toolbelt \
python3-semver \
python3-serpent \
python3-simpleeval \
python3-smpplib \
python3-soupsieve \
python3-sqlparse \
python3-tomlkit \
python3-u-msgpack-python \
python3-unidiff \
python3-uritemplate \
python3-xmltodict \
python3-xxhash \
python3-lz4 \
python3-appdirs \
python3-betamax \
python3-dnspython \
python3-fastjsonschema \
python3-gpiod \
python3-gunicorn \
python3-inotify \
python3-jdcal \
python3-jsmin \
python3-license-expression \
python3-msgpack \
python3-multidict \
python3-ordered-set \
python3-parse \
python3-pillow \
python3-pint \
python3-pytest-lazy-fixture \
python3-pyzmq \
python3-scrypt \
python3-service-identity \
python3-trustme \
python3-typeguard \
python3-whoosh \
python3-ujson \
python3-xlrd \
python3-yappi \
python3-yarl \