| [ |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_eSDK_devtool_build_make", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 5 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": " Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": "Create the following tree of files <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp_cmake \n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": " Create the following files withing the myapp directory myapp.c and the Makefile. Write the following inside of each file: \n---------------------------------------- \nMakefile should contain \n\nall: myapp \n\nmyapp: myapp.o \n\t$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $< -o $@ \n\nmyapp.o: myapp.c \n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ \n\nclean: \n\trm -rf myapp.o myapp \n\n----------------------------- \nmyapp.c shold contain \n\n\n#include <stdio.h> \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n \n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------ \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "be sure that the indentations on the makefile are tabs not spaces. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": " Create the following files within the myapp_cmake directory CMakeLists.txt and myapp.c. Write the following inside each file: \n\n------------------------------------ \nCMakeLists.txt should contain: \n\ncmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) \nproject (myapp) \n# The version number. \nset (myapp_VERSION_MAJOR 1) \nset (myapp_VERSION_MINOR 0) \n\n# add the executable \nadd_executable (myapp myapp.c) \n\ninstall(TARGETS myapp \nRUNTIME DESTINATION bin) \n\n------------------------------------------ \nmyapp.c should contain: \n\n#include <stdio.h> \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n\n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------------------- \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "Be sure that the indentations on CMakeLists.txt is tabs not spaces." |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": " source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": " run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n " |
| }, |
| "8": { |
| "action": "devtool add myapp <directory>(this is myapp dir) \n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "The directory you should input is the myapp directory. This should automatically create the recipe myapp.bb under <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/recipes/myapp/myapp.bb" |
| }, |
| "9": { |
| "action": " devtool build myapp \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should compile an image" |
| }, |
| "10": { |
| "action": " devtool reset myapp ", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the myapp recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase." |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_eSDK_devtool_build_make" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_devtool_build_esdk_package", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 5 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": " Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": " Create the following tree of files <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp/ \n <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp_cmake \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": " Create the following files withing the myapp directory myapp.c and the Makefile. Write the following inside of each file: \n---------------------------------------- \nMakefile should contain \n\nall: myapp \n\nmyapp: myapp.o \n\t$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $< -o $@ \n\nmyapp.o: myapp.c \n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ \n\nclean: \n\trm -rf myapp.o myapp \n\n----------------------------- \nmyapp.c shold contain \n\n#include <stdio.h> \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n \n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------ \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "be sure that the indentations on the makefile are tabs not spaces. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": " Create the following files within the myapp_cmake directory CMakeLists.txt and myapp.c. Write the following inside each file: \n\n------------------------------------ \nCMakeLists.txt should contain: \n\ncmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) \nproject (myapp) \n# The version number. \nset (myapp_VERSION_MAJOR 1) \nset (myapp_VERSION_MINOR 0) \n\n# add the executable \nadd_executable (myapp myapp.c) \n\ninstall(TARGETS myapp \nRUNTIME DESTINATION bin) \n\n------------------------------------------ \nmyapp.c should contain: \n\n#include<stdio.h> \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n\n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------------------- \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "Be sure that the indentations on CMakeLists.txt is tabs not spaces. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": " source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": " run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": " this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "8": { |
| "action": " devtool add myapp <directory> (this is myapp dir) \n\n", |
| "expected_results": " The directory you should input is the myapp directory. This should automatically create the recipe myapp.bb under <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/recipes/myapp/myapp.bb \n\n" |
| }, |
| "9": { |
| "action": " devtool package myapp \n\n", |
| "expected_results": " you should expect a package creation of myapp and it should be under the /tmp/deploy/ \n\n" |
| }, |
| "10": { |
| "action": " devtool reset myapp ", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the myapp recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase.\n</package_format>" |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_devtool_build_esdk_package" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_devtool_build_cmake", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 5 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": " Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": " Create the following tree of files <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp \n <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/sdkext/files/myapp_cmake \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": " Create the following files withing the myapp directory myapp.c and the Makefile. Write the following inside of each file: \n---------------------------------------- \nMakefile should contain \n\nall: myapp \n\nmyapp: myapp.o \n\t$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $< -o $@ \n\nmyapp.o: myapp.c \n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ \n\nclean: \n\trm -rf myapp.o myapp \n\n----------------------------- \nmyapp.c shold contain \n\n#include <stdio.h> \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n \n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------ \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "be sure that the indentations on the makefile are tabs not spaces. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": " Create the following files within the myapp_cmake directory CMakeLists.txt and myapp.c. Write the following inside each file: \n\n------------------------------------ \nCMakeLists.txt should contain: \n\ncmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) \nproject (myapp) \n# The version number. \nset (myapp_VERSION_MAJOR 1) \nset (myapp_VERSION_MINOR 0) \n\n# add the executable \nadd_executable (myapp myapp.c) \n\ninstall(TARGETS myapp \nRUNTIME DESTINATION bin) \n\n------------------------------------------ \nmyapp.c should contain: \n\n#include \n\nint \nmain(int argc, char *argv[]) \n{ \n\tprintf(\"Hello world\\n\"); \n\n\treturn 0; \n} \n------------------------------------------------- \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "Be sure that the indentations on CMakeLists.txt is tabs not spaces. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": " source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": " run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "8": { |
| "action": " devtool add myapp <directory> (this is myapp_cmake dir) \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "The directory you should input is the myapp_cmake directory. This should automatically create the recipe myapp.bb under <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/recipes/myapp/myapp.bb \n\n" |
| }, |
| "9": { |
| "action": " devtool build myapp \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should compile an image \n\n" |
| }, |
| "10": { |
| "action": " devtool reset myapp ", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the myapp recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase. " |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_devtool_build_cmake" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_extend_autotools_recipe_creation", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 2 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": "Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": " source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": " This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n\n" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": "run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": "devtool sdk-install -s libxml2 \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should install libxml2 \n\n" |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": "devtool add librdfa https://github.com/rdfa/librdfa \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should automatically create the recipe librdfa.bb under /recipes/librdfa/librdfa.bb \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": "devtool build librdfa \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should compile \n\n" |
| }, |
| "8": { |
| "action": "devtool reset librdfa ", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the librdfa recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase." |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_extend_autotools_recipe_creation" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_devtool_kernelmodule", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 2 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": " Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": "source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n \n" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": "run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": "devtool add v4l2loopback-driver https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback.git \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should automatically create the recipe v4l2loopback-driver.bb under <crops-esdk-workdir-workspace>/recipes/v4l2loopback-driver/v4l2loopback-driver.bb " |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": "devtool build v4l2loopback-driver \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should compile an image \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": "devtool reset v4l2loopback-driver ", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the v4l2loopback-driver recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase." |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_devtool_kernelmodule" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "test": { |
| "@alias": "crops-default.crops-default.sdkext_recipes_for_nodejs", |
| "author": [ |
| { |
| "email": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com", |
| "name": "francisco.j.pedraza.gonzalez@intel.com" |
| } |
| ], |
| "execution": { |
| "1": { |
| "action": "IMPORTANT NOTE: The firsts 2 steps refer to configuration of the environment to run the rest of the steps. These only apply for CROPS-eSDK. \n\n\nlets say variable npm = npm://registry.npmjs.org;name=winston;version=2.2.0 \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "action": "Initiate your Crops-esdk environment as it says in wiki https://github.com/crops/docker-win-mac-docs/wiki \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "" |
| }, |
| "3": { |
| "action": "source environment-setup-i586-poky-linux \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should output a message that says SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks etc etc ... \n\n" |
| }, |
| "4": { |
| "action": "run command which devtool \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "this should output the directory of the devtool script and it should be within the sdk workdir you are working in. \n\n" |
| }, |
| "5": { |
| "action": " 4a) git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded in layers/build directory \n \n4b) Add meta-openembedded/meta-oe in bblayer.conf as mentioned below: ${SDKBASEMETAPATH}/layers/build/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \\ \n\n4c) devtool add \"npm://registry.npmjs.org;name=npm;version=2.2.0\" \n\n", |
| "expected_results": " This should automatically create the recipe npm.bb under /recipes/npm/npm.bb \n\n" |
| }, |
| "6": { |
| "action": "devtool build npm \n\n", |
| "expected_results": "This should compile an image \n\n" |
| }, |
| "7": { |
| "action": " devtool reset npm", |
| "expected_results": "This cleans sysroot of the npm recipe, but it leaves the source tree intact. meaning it does not erase." |
| } |
| }, |
| "summary": "sdkext_recipes_for_nodejs" |
| } |
| } |
| ] |