blob: 6d23c007073e07dfcfa578577d33775514ce1cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Y2038 safe version of wtmp"
DESCRIPTION = "last reports the login and logout times of users and when the machine got rebooted."
LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=020090a00b69dd2af9ab82eb0003ea2c"
SECTION = "libs"
SRCREV = "8ef2677a13d19aee3a834500f9c8a4dac9d68ef7"
SRC_URI = "git://;branch=main;protocol=https \
file://0001-remove-lto-to-fix-link-error-of-clang.patch \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit meson pkgconfig systemd features_check
DEPENDS += " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'libpam', '', d)} sqlite3 "
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "wtmpdb-update-boot.service wtmpdb-rotate.service"
EXTRA_OEMESON = " -Dpamlibdir=${libdir}"
do_install:append () {
if [ -d ${D}${prefix}/lib/systemd -a ${D}${prefix}/lib != `dirname ${D}${systemd_unitdir}` ]; then
# Fix makefile hardcoded path assumptions for systemd (assumes $prefix)
# without usrmerge distro feature enabled
install -d `dirname ${D}${systemd_unitdir}`
mv ${D}${prefix}/lib/systemd `dirname ${D}${systemd_unitdir}`
FILES:${PN} += " ${systemd_system_unitdir} "
FILES:${PN} += " ${libdir} "
FILES:${PN} += " ${nonarch_libdir}/tmpfiles.d/* "