blob: b372d3c4a1a1ba14d1737e4482835aa6cd67ecbb [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Debian's start-stop-daemon utility extracted from the dpkg \
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://utils/start-stop-daemon.c;endline=21;md5=8fbd0497a7d0b01e99820bffcb58e9ad"
DEPENDS = "zlib bzip2 perl ncurses"
# start-stop-daemon is usually shipped by dpkg
RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "dpkg"
SRC_URI = " \
${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/d/dpkg/dpkg_${PV}.tar.xz \
file://0001-dpkg-start-stop-daemon-Accept-SIG-prefixed-signal-na.patch \
file://noman.patch \
file://remove-tar-no-timestamp.patch \
file://arch_pm.patch \
file://add_armeb_triplet_entry.patch \
file://0002-Adapt-to-linux-wrs-kernel-version-which-has-characte.patch \
file://0003-Our-pre-postinsts-expect-D-to-be-set-when-running-in.patch \
file://0004-The-lutimes-function-doesn-t-work-properly-for-all-s.patch \
file://0005-dpkg-compiler.m4-remove-Wvla.patch \
file://0006-add-musleabi-to-known-target-tripets.patch \
file://0007-dpkg-deb-build.c-Remove-usage-of-clamp-mtime-in-tar.patch \
file://0001-dpkg-Support-muslx32-build.patch \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e463f58b04acb23659df23d2a7a05cff"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c49c371953aea03f543814dcae37c069e86069333fb2e24e9252e76647663492"
inherit autotools gettext perlnative pkgconfig perl-version
S = "${WORKDIR}/dpkg-${PV}"
--disable-dselect \
--enable-start-stop-daemon \
--with-libz \
--with-libbz2 \
--without-libselinux \
PACKAGECONFIG[liblzma] = "--with-liblzma,--without-liblzma, xz"
export PERL = "${bindir}/perl"
export PERL_LIBDIR = "${libdir}/perl/${@get_perl_version(d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF_append_class-target = " DEB_HOST_ARCH=${DPKG_ARCH}"
DPKG_ARCH ??= "${@deb_arch_map(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'), d.getVar('TUNE_FEATURES'))}"
def deb_arch_map(arch, tune):
tune_features = tune.split()
if arch == "allarch":
return "all"
if arch in ["i586", "i686"]:
return "i386"
if arch == "x86_64":
if "mx32" in tune_features:
return "x32"
return "amd64"
if arch.startswith("mips"):
endian = ["el", ""]["bigendian" in tune_features]
if "n64" in tune_features:
return "mips64" + endian
if "n32" in tune_features:
return "mipsn32" + endian
return "mips" + endian
if arch == "powerpc":
return arch + ["", "spe"]["spe" in tune_features]
if arch == "aarch64":
return "arm64"
if arch == "arm":
return arch + ["el", "hf"]["callconvention-hard" in tune_features]
return arch
do_install_append () {
# remove everything that is not related to start-stop-daemon, since there
# is no explicit rule for only installing ssd
find ${D} -type f -not -name "*start-stop-daemon*" -exec rm {} \;
find ${D} -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
# support for buggy init.d scripts that refer to an alternative
# explicit path to start-stop-daemon
if [ "${base_sbindir}" != "${sbindir}" ]; then
mkdir -p ${D}${base_sbindir}
ln -sf ${sbindir}/start-stop-daemon ${D}${base_sbindir}/start-stop-daemon