blob: 36fcbfba15e26263339c289e7ba2c66bf160c5eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Savoir-Faire Linux
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
BitBake 'Fetch' npm shrinkwrap implementation
npm fetcher support the SRC_URI with format of:
SRC_URI = "npmsw://some.registry.url;OptionA=xxx;OptionB=xxx;..."
Supported SRC_URI options are:
- dev
Set to 1 to also install devDependencies.
- destsuffix
Specifies the directory to use to unpack the dependencies (default: ${S}).
import json
import os
import re
import bb
from bb.fetch2 import Fetch
from bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod
from bb.fetch2 import ParameterError
from bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd
from bb.fetch2 import URI
from bb.fetch2.npm import npm_integrity
from bb.fetch2.npm import npm_localfile
from bb.fetch2.npm import npm_unpack
from bb.utils import is_semver
from bb.utils import lockfile
from bb.utils import unlockfile
def foreach_dependencies(shrinkwrap, callback=None, dev=False):
Run a callback for each dependencies of a shrinkwrap file.
The callback is using the format:
callback(name, params, deptree)
name = the package name (string)
params = the package parameters (dictionary)
deptree = the package dependency tree (array of strings)
def _walk_deps(deps, deptree):
for name in deps:
subtree = [*deptree, name]
_walk_deps(deps[name].get("dependencies", {}), subtree)
if callback is not None:
if deps[name].get("dev", False) and not dev:
elif deps[name].get("bundled", False):
callback(name, deps[name], subtree)
_walk_deps(shrinkwrap.get("dependencies", {}), [])
class NpmShrinkWrap(FetchMethod):
"""Class to fetch all package from a shrinkwrap file"""
def supports(self, ud, d):
"""Check if a given url can be fetched with npmsw"""
return ud.type in ["npmsw"]
def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
"""Init npmsw specific variables within url data"""
# Get the 'shrinkwrap' parameter
ud.shrinkwrap_file = re.sub(r"^npmsw://", "", ud.url.split(";")[0])
# Get the 'dev' parameter = bb.utils.to_boolean(ud.parm.get("dev"), False)
# Resolve the dependencies
ud.deps = []
def _resolve_dependency(name, params, deptree):
url = None
localpath = None
extrapaths = []
destsubdirs = [os.path.join("node_modules", dep) for dep in deptree]
destsuffix = os.path.join(*destsubdirs)
unpack = True
integrity = params.get("integrity", None)
resolved = params.get("resolved", None)
version = params.get("version", None)
# Handle registry sources
if is_semver(version) and integrity:
# Handle duplicate dependencies without url
if not resolved:
localfile = npm_localfile(name, version)
uri = URI(resolved)
uri.params["downloadfilename"] = localfile
checksum_name, checksum_expected = npm_integrity(integrity)
uri.params[checksum_name] = checksum_expected
url = str(uri)
localpath = os.path.join(d.getVar("DL_DIR"), localfile)
# Create a resolve file to mimic the npm fetcher and allow
# re-usability of the downloaded file.
resolvefile = localpath + ".resolved"
with open(resolvefile, "w") as f:
# Handle http tarball sources
elif version.startswith("http") and integrity:
localfile = npm_localfile(os.path.basename(version))
uri = URI(version)
uri.params["downloadfilename"] = localfile
checksum_name, checksum_expected = npm_integrity(integrity)
uri.params[checksum_name] = checksum_expected
url = str(uri)
localpath = os.path.join(d.getVar("DL_DIR"), localfile)
# Handle local tarball and link sources
elif version.startswith("file"):
localpath = version[5:]
if not version.endswith(".tgz"):
unpack = False
# Handle git sources
elif version.startswith(("git", "bitbucket","gist")) or (
not version.endswith((".tgz", ".tar", ".tar.gz"))
and not version.startswith((".", "@", "/"))
and "/" in version
if version.startswith("github:"):
version = "git+" + version[len("github:"):]
elif version.startswith("gist:"):
version = "git+" + version[len("gist:"):]
elif version.startswith("bitbucket:"):
version = "git+" + version[len("bitbucket:"):]
elif version.startswith("gitlab:"):
version = "git+" + version[len("gitlab:"):]
elif not version.startswith(("git+","git:")):
version = "git+" + version
regex = re.compile(r"""
""", re.VERBOSE)
match = regex.match(version)
if not match:
raise ParameterError("Invalid git url: %s" % version, ud.url)
groups = match.groupdict()
uri = URI("git://" + str(groups["url"]))
uri.params["protocol"] = str(groups["protocol"])
uri.params["rev"] = str(groups["rev"])
uri.params["destsuffix"] = destsuffix
url = str(uri)
raise ParameterError("Unsupported dependency: %s" % name, ud.url)
"url": url,
"localpath": localpath,
"extrapaths": extrapaths,
"destsuffix": destsuffix,
"unpack": unpack,
with open(ud.shrinkwrap_file, "r") as f:
shrinkwrap = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
raise ParameterError("Invalid shrinkwrap file: %s" % str(e), ud.url)
foreach_dependencies(shrinkwrap, _resolve_dependency,
# Avoid conflicts between the environment data and:
# - the proxy url revision
# - the proxy url checksum
data =
# This fetcher resolves multiple URIs from a shrinkwrap file and then
# forwards it to a proxy fetcher. The management of the donestamp file,
# the lockfile and the checksums are forwarded to the proxy fetcher.
ud.proxy = Fetch([dep["url"] for dep in ud.deps if dep["url"]], data)
ud.needdonestamp = False
def _foreach_proxy_method(ud, handle):
returns = []
for proxy_url in ud.proxy.urls:
proxy_ud = ud.proxy.ud[proxy_url]
proxy_d = ud.proxy.d
lf = lockfile(proxy_ud.lockfile)
returns.append(handle(proxy_ud.method, proxy_ud, proxy_d))
return returns
def verify_donestamp(self, ud, d):
"""Verify the donestamp file"""
def _handle(m, ud, d):
return m.verify_donestamp(ud, d)
return all(self._foreach_proxy_method(ud, _handle))
def update_donestamp(self, ud, d):
"""Update the donestamp file"""
def _handle(m, ud, d):
m.update_donestamp(ud, d)
self._foreach_proxy_method(ud, _handle)
def need_update(self, ud, d):
"""Force a fetch, even if localpath exists ?"""
def _handle(m, ud, d):
return m.need_update(ud, d)
return all(self._foreach_proxy_method(ud, _handle))
def try_mirrors(self, fetch, ud, d, mirrors):
"""Try to use a mirror"""
def _handle(m, ud, d):
return m.try_mirrors(fetch, ud, d, mirrors)
return all(self._foreach_proxy_method(ud, _handle))
def download(self, ud, d):
"""Fetch url"""
def unpack(self, ud, rootdir, d):
"""Unpack the downloaded dependencies"""
destdir = d.getVar("S")
destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix")
if destsuffix:
destdir = os.path.join(rootdir, destsuffix)
os.path.join(destdir, "npm-shrinkwrap.json"))
auto = [dep["url"] for dep in ud.deps if not dep["localpath"]]
manual = [dep for dep in ud.deps if dep["localpath"]]
if auto:
ud.proxy.unpack(destdir, auto)
for dep in manual:
depdestdir = os.path.join(destdir, dep["destsuffix"])
if dep["url"]:
npm_unpack(dep["localpath"], depdestdir, d)
depsrcdir= os.path.join(destdir, dep["localpath"])
if dep["unpack"]:
npm_unpack(depsrcdir, depdestdir, d)
cmd = 'cp -fpPRH "%s/." .' % (depsrcdir)
runfetchcmd(cmd, d, workdir=depdestdir)
def clean(self, ud, d):
"""Clean any existing full or partial download"""
# Clean extra files
for dep in ud.deps:
for path in dep["extrapaths"]:
def done(self, ud, d):
"""Is the download done ?"""
def _handle(m, ud, d):
return m.done(ud, d)
return all(self._foreach_proxy_method(ud, _handle))