| SUMMARY = "Perl module to manipulate and access URI strings" |
| DESCRIPTION = "This package contains the URI.pm module with friends. \ |
| The module implements the URI class. URI objects can be used to access \ |
| and manipulate the various components that make up these strings." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://metacpan.org/dist/URI" |
| LICENSE = "Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0-or-later" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=d8ca5f628bf2cd180bc4fa044cb8ef41" |
| SRC_URI = "${CPAN_MIRROR}/authors/id/O/OA/OALDERS/URI-${PV}.tar.gz \ |
| file://0001-Skip-TODO-test-cases-that-fail.patch \ |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5f7e42b769cb27499113cfae4b786c37d49e7c7d32dbb469602cd808308568f8" |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/URI-${PV}" |
| export LIBC="$(find ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/${base_libdir}/ -name 'libc-*.so')" |
| # these tests require "-T" (taint) command line option |
| perl-module-mime-base64 \ |
| RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest += " \ |
| perl-module-encode-encoding \ |
| perl-module-extutils-makemaker \ |
| perl-module-extutils-mm-unix \ |
| perl-module-file-spec-functions \ |
| perl-module-perlio-encoding \ |