blob: 98f2109ed262b37e8d0fbdf3d34ac510a4ed9650 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Yang
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import os, logging, re
import bb
logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Monitor")
def printErr(info):
logger.error("%s\n Disk space monitor will NOT be enabled" % info)
def convertGMK(unit):
""" Convert the space unit G, M, K, the unit is case-insensitive """
unitG = re.match(r'([1-9][0-9]*)[gG]\s?$', unit)
if unitG:
return int( * (1024 ** 3)
unitM = re.match(r'([1-9][0-9]*)[mM]\s?$', unit)
if unitM:
return int( * (1024 ** 2)
unitK = re.match(r'([1-9][0-9]*)[kK]\s?$', unit)
if unitK:
return int( * 1024
unitN = re.match(r'([1-9][0-9]*)\s?$', unit)
if unitN:
return int(
return None
def getMountedDev(path):
""" Get the device mounted at the path, uses /proc/mounts """
# Get the mount point of the filesystem containing path
# st_dev is the ID of device containing file
parentDev = os.stat(path).st_dev
currentDev = parentDev
# When the current directory's device is different from the
# parent's, then the current directory is a mount point
while parentDev == currentDev:
mountPoint = path
# Use dirname to get the parent's directory
path = os.path.dirname(path)
# Reach the "/"
if path == mountPoint:
parentDev= os.stat(path).st_dev
with open("/proc/mounts", "r") as ifp:
for line in ifp:
procLines = line.rstrip('\n').split()
if procLines[1] == mountPoint:
return procLines[0]
except EnvironmentError:
return None
def getDiskData(BBDirs):
"""Prepare disk data for disk space monitor"""
# Save the device IDs, need the ID to be unique (the dictionary's key is
# unique), so that when more than one directory is located on the same
# device, we just monitor it once
devDict = {}
for pathSpaceInode in BBDirs.split():
# The input format is: "dir,space,inode", dir is a must, space
# and inode are optional
pathSpaceInodeRe = re.match(r'([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),?(.*)', pathSpaceInode)
if not pathSpaceInodeRe:
printErr("Invalid value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" % pathSpaceInode)
return None
action =
if action not in ("ABORT", "STOPTASKS", "WARN"):
printErr("Unknown disk space monitor action: %s" % action)
return None
path = os.path.realpath(
if not path:
printErr("Invalid path value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" % pathSpaceInode)
return None
# The disk space or inode is optional, but it should have a correct
# value once it is specified
minSpace =
if minSpace:
minSpace = convertGMK(minSpace)
if not minSpace:
printErr("Invalid disk space value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" %
return None
# None means that it is not specified
minSpace = None
minInode =
if minInode:
minInode = convertGMK(minInode)
if not minInode:
printErr("Invalid inode value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" %
return None
# None means that it is not specified
minInode = None
if minSpace is None and minInode is None:
printErr("No disk space or inode value in found BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" % pathSpaceInode)
return None
# mkdir for the directory since it may not exist, for example the
# DL_DIR may not exist at the very beginning
if not os.path.exists(path):
dev = getMountedDev(path)
# Use path/action as the key
devDict[(path, action)] = [dev, minSpace, minInode]
return devDict
def getInterval(configuration):
""" Get the disk space interval """
# The default value is 50M and 5K.
spaceDefault = 50 * 1024 * 1024
inodeDefault = 5 * 1024
interval = configuration.getVar("BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL")
if not interval:
return spaceDefault, inodeDefault
# The disk space or inode interval is optional, but it should
# have a correct value once it is specified
intervalRe = re.match(r'([^,]*),?\s*(.*)', interval)
if intervalRe:
intervalSpace =
if intervalSpace:
intervalSpace = convertGMK(intervalSpace)
if not intervalSpace:
printErr("Invalid disk space interval value in BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL: %s" %
return None, None
intervalSpace = spaceDefault
intervalInode =
if intervalInode:
intervalInode = convertGMK(intervalInode)
if not intervalInode:
printErr("Invalid disk inode interval value in BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL: %s" %
return None, None
intervalInode = inodeDefault
return intervalSpace, intervalInode
printErr("Invalid interval value in BB_DISKMON_WARNINTERVAL: %s" % interval)
return None, None
class diskMonitor:
"""Prepare the disk space monitor data"""
def __init__(self, configuration):
self.enableMonitor = False
self.configuration = configuration
BBDirs = configuration.getVar("BB_DISKMON_DIRS") or None
if BBDirs:
self.devDict = getDiskData(BBDirs)
if self.devDict:
self.spaceInterval, self.inodeInterval = getInterval(configuration)
if self.spaceInterval and self.inodeInterval:
self.enableMonitor = True
# These are for saving the previous disk free space and inode, we
# use them to avoid printing too many warning messages
self.preFreeS = {}
self.preFreeI = {}
# This is for STOPTASKS and ABORT, to avoid printing the message
# repeatedly while waiting for the tasks to finish
self.checked = {}
for k in self.devDict:
self.preFreeS[k] = 0
self.preFreeI[k] = 0
self.checked[k] = False
if self.spaceInterval is None and self.inodeInterval is None:
self.enableMonitor = False
def check(self, rq):
""" Take action for the monitor """
if self.enableMonitor:
diskUsage = {}
for k, attributes in self.devDict.items():
path, action = k
dev, minSpace, minInode = attributes
st = os.statvfs(path)
# The available free space, integer number
freeSpace = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
# Send all relevant information in the event.
freeSpaceRoot = st.f_bfree * st.f_frsize
totalSpace = st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize
diskUsage[dev] = bb.event.DiskUsageSample(freeSpace, freeSpaceRoot, totalSpace)
if minSpace and freeSpace < minSpace:
# Always show warning, the self.checked would always be False if the action is WARN
if self.preFreeS[k] == 0 or self.preFreeS[k] - freeSpace > self.spaceInterval and not self.checked[k]:
logger.warning("The free space of %s (%s) is running low (%.3fGB left)" % \
(path, dev, freeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024.0))
self.preFreeS[k] = freeSpace
if action == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[k]:
logger.error("No new tasks can be executed since the disk space monitor action is \"STOPTASKS\"!")
self.checked[k] = True
rq.finish_runqueue(False), 'disk', freeSpace, path), self.configuration)
elif action == "ABORT" and not self.checked[k]:
logger.error("Immediately abort since the disk space monitor action is \"ABORT\"!")
self.checked[k] = True
rq.finish_runqueue(True), 'disk', freeSpace, path), self.configuration)
# The free inodes, integer number
freeInode = st.f_favail
if minInode and freeInode < minInode:
# Some filesystems use dynamic inodes so can't run out
# (e.g. btrfs). This is reported by the inode count being 0.
if st.f_files == 0:
self.devDict[k][2] = None
# Always show warning, the self.checked would always be False if the action is WARN
if self.preFreeI[k] == 0 or self.preFreeI[k] - freeInode > self.inodeInterval and not self.checked[k]:
logger.warning("The free inode of %s (%s) is running low (%.3fK left)" % \
(path, dev, freeInode / 1024.0))
self.preFreeI[k] = freeInode
if action == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[k]:
logger.error("No new tasks can be executed since the disk space monitor action is \"STOPTASKS\"!")
self.checked[k] = True
rq.finish_runqueue(False), 'inode', freeInode, path), self.configuration)
elif action == "ABORT" and not self.checked[k]:
logger.error("Immediately abort since the disk space monitor action is \"ABORT\"!")
self.checked[k] = True
rq.finish_runqueue(True), 'inode', freeInode, path), self.configuration), self.configuration)