| SUMMARY = "Setuptools Rust extension plugin" |
| DESCRIPTION = "setuptools-rust is a plugin for setuptools to build Rust \ |
| Python extensions implemented with PyO3 or rust-cpython.\ |
| Compile and distribute Python extensions written in Rust as easily as if they were written in C." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/PyO3/setuptools-rust" |
| BUGTRACKER = "https://github.com/PyO3/setuptools-rust/issues" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=011cd92e702dd9e6b1a26157b6fd53f5" |
| SRC_URI = "${PYPI_SRC_URI} \ |
| https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/67/08/e1aa2c582c62ac76e4d60f8e454bd3bba933781a06a88b4e38797445822a/setuptools-rust-${PV}.tar.gz \ |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "704df0948f2e4cc60c2596ad6e840ea679f4f43e58ed4ad0c1857807240eab96" |
| inherit cargo pypi python_setuptools_build_meta |
| DEPENDS += "python3-setuptools-scm-native python3-wheel-native" |
| # remove when https://github.com/PyO3/setuptools-rust/commit/7ced8d2a8f36e1b4fc41b5544636defb7bd44bdf |
| DEPENDS += "python3-semantic-version-native" |
| python3-semantic-version \ |
| python3-typing-extensions \ |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" |