blob: 43d916cd1c870b904e295e359273086961d4bae1 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux"
DESCRIPTION = "Video Acceleration API (VA API) is a library (libVA) \
and API specification which enables and provides access to graphics \
hardware (GPU) acceleration for video processing on Linux and UNIX \
based operating systems. Accelerated processing includes video \
decoding, video encoding, subpicture blending and rendering. The \
specification was originally designed by Intel for its GMA (Graphics \
Media Accelerator) series of GPU hardware, the API is however not \
limited to GPUs or Intel specific hardware, as other hardware and \
manufacturers can also freely use this API for hardware accelerated \
video decoding."
SECTION = "x11"
SRC_URI = "${PV}/libva-${PV}.tar.bz2"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=2e48940f94acb0af582e5ef03537800f"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6e361117038b571ad4741d38c9280db8c140b17e76e8c01fc7a4d608d3ed7d5d"
S = "${WORKDIR}/libva-${PV}"
DEPENDS = "libdrm"
inherit meson pkgconfig