| SUMMARY = "Line-oriented text editor -- selftest variant" |
| HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/ed/" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0c7051aef9219dc7237f206c5c4179a7 \ |
| file://ed.h;endline=20;md5=4e36b7a40e137f42aee718165590d125 \ |
| file://main.c;endline=17;md5=c5b8f78f115df187af76868a2aead16a" |
| # LSB states that ed should be in /bin/ |
| bindir = "${base_bindir}" |
| SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/ed/ed-${PV}.tar.lz" |
| RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "This recipe is used in selftest and shouldn't be updated otherwise" |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7f4a54fa7f366479f03654b8af645fd0" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "ffb97eb8f2a2b5a71a9b97e3872adce953aa1b8958e04c5b7bf11d556f32552a" |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/ed-${PV}" |
| oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' install |
| # Info dir listing isn't interesting at this point so remove it if it exists. |
| if [ -e "${D}${infodir}/dir" ]; then |