| # Recipe creation tool - create build system handler for python |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 2015 Mentor Graphics Corporation |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only |
| # |
| |
| import ast |
| import codecs |
| import collections |
| import setuptools.command.build_py |
| import email |
| import importlib |
| import glob |
| import itertools |
| import logging |
| import os |
| import re |
| import sys |
| import subprocess |
| import json |
| import urllib.request |
| from recipetool.create import RecipeHandler |
| from urllib.parse import urldefrag |
| from recipetool.create import determine_from_url |
| |
| logger = logging.getLogger('recipetool') |
| |
| tinfoil = None |
| |
| |
| def tinfoil_init(instance): |
| global tinfoil |
| tinfoil = instance |
| |
| |
| class PythonRecipeHandler(RecipeHandler): |
| base_pkgdeps = ['python3-core'] |
| excluded_pkgdeps = ['python3-dbg'] |
| # os.path is provided by python3-core |
| assume_provided = ['builtins', 'os.path'] |
| # Assumes that the host python3 builtin_module_names is sane for target too |
| assume_provided = assume_provided + list(sys.builtin_module_names) |
| excluded_fields = [] |
| |
| |
| classifier_license_map = { |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL)': 'AFL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License': 'Apache', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apple Public Source License': 'APSL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Artistic License': 'Artistic', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Attribution Assurance License': 'AAL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License': 'BSD-3-Clause', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)': 'BSL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: CEA CNRS Inria Logiciel Libre License, version 2.1 (CeCILL-2.1)': 'CECILL-2.1', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 (CDDL-1.0)': 'CDDL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Common Public License': 'CPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)': 'EPL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0)': 'EPL-2.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eiffel Forum License': 'EFL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.0 (EUPL 1.0)': 'EUPL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.1 (EUPL 1.1)': 'EUPL-1.1', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2)': 'EUPL-1.2', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3': 'AGPL-3.0-only', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)': 'AGPL-3.0-or-later', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)': 'GFDL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)': 'GPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)': 'GPL-2.0-only', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)': 'GPL-3.0-only', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 (LGPLv2)': 'LGPL-2.0-only', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)': 'LGPL-2.0-or-later', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)': 'LGPL-3.0-only', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)': 'LGPL-3.0-or-later', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)': 'LGPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)': 'HPND', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: IBM Public License': 'IPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)': 'ISC', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Intel Open Source License': 'Intel', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Jabber Open Source License': 'Jabber', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License': 'MIT', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT No Attribution License (MIT-0)': 'MIT-0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace License (CVW)': 'CVWL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: MirOS License (MirOS)': 'MirOS', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Motosoto License': 'Motosoto', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)': 'MPL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)': 'MPL-1.1', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)': 'MPL-2.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Nethack General Public License': 'NGPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Nokia Open Source License': 'Nokia', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Open Group Test Suite License': 'OGTSL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)': 'OSL-3.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: PostgreSQL License': 'PostgreSQL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python License (CNRI Python License)': 'CNRI-Python', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License': 'PSF-2.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Qt Public License (QPL)': 'QPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Ricoh Source Code Public License': 'RSCPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: SIL Open Font License 1.1 (OFL-1.1)': 'OFL-1.1', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sleepycat License': 'Sleepycat', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL)': 'SISSL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Public License': 'SPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: The Unlicense (Unlicense)': 'Unlicense', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Universal Permissive License (UPL)': 'UPL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License': 'NCSA', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Vovida Software License 1.0': 'VSL-1.0', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: W3C License': 'W3C', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: X.Net License': 'Xnet', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License': 'ZPL', |
| 'License :: OSI Approved :: zlib/libpng License': 'Zlib', |
| 'License :: Other/Proprietary License': 'Proprietary', |
| 'License :: Public Domain': 'PD', |
| } |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| pass |
| |
| def process_url(self, args, classes, handled, extravalues): |
| """ |
| Convert any pypi url https://pypi.org/project/<package>/<version> into https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/... |
| which corresponds to the archive location, and add pypi class |
| """ |
| |
| if 'url' in handled: |
| return None |
| |
| fetch_uri = None |
| source = args.source |
| required_version = args.version if args.version else None |
| match = re.match(r'https?://pypi.org/project/([^/]+)(?:/([^/]+))?/?$', urldefrag(source)[0]) |
| if match: |
| package = match.group(1) |
| version = match.group(2) if match.group(2) else required_version |
| |
| json_url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/%s/json" % package |
| response = urllib.request.urlopen(json_url) |
| if response.status == 200: |
| data = json.loads(response.read()) |
| if not version: |
| # grab latest version |
| version = data["info"]["version"] |
| pypi_package = data["info"]["name"] |
| for release in reversed(data["releases"][version]): |
| if release["packagetype"] == "sdist": |
| fetch_uri = release["url"] |
| break |
| else: |
| logger.warning("Cannot handle pypi url %s: cannot fetch package information using %s", source, json_url) |
| return None |
| else: |
| match = re.match(r'^https?://files.pythonhosted.org/packages.*/(.*)-.*$', source) |
| if match: |
| fetch_uri = source |
| pypi_package = match.group(1) |
| _, version = determine_from_url(fetch_uri) |
| |
| if match and not args.no_pypi: |
| if required_version and version != required_version: |
| raise Exception("Version specified using --version/-V (%s) and version specified in the url (%s) do not match" % (required_version, version)) |
| # This is optionnal if BPN looks like "python-<pypi_package>" or "python3-<pypi_package>" (see pypi.bbclass) |
| # but at this point we cannot know because because user can specify the output name of the recipe on the command line |
| extravalues["PYPI_PACKAGE"] = pypi_package |
| # If the tarball extension is not 'tar.gz' (default value in pypi.bblcass) whe should set PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT in the recipe |
| pypi_package_ext = re.match(r'.*%s-%s\.(.*)$' % (pypi_package, version), fetch_uri) |
| if pypi_package_ext: |
| pypi_package_ext = pypi_package_ext.group(1) |
| if pypi_package_ext != "tar.gz": |
| extravalues["PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT"] = pypi_package_ext |
| |
| # Pypi class will handle S and SRC_URI variables, so remove them |
| # TODO: allow oe.recipeutils.patch_recipe_lines() to accept regexp so we can simplify the following to: |
| # extravalues['SRC_URI(?:\[.*?\])?'] = None |
| extravalues['S'] = None |
| extravalues['SRC_URI'] = None |
| |
| classes.append('pypi') |
| |
| handled.append('url') |
| return fetch_uri |
| |
| def handle_classifier_license(self, classifiers, existing_licenses=""): |
| |
| licenses = [] |
| for classifier in classifiers: |
| if classifier in self.classifier_license_map: |
| license = self.classifier_license_map[classifier] |
| if license == 'Apache' and 'Apache-2.0' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'Apache-2.0' |
| elif license == 'GPL': |
| if 'GPL-2.0' in existing_licenses or 'GPLv2' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'GPL-2.0' |
| elif 'GPL-3.0' in existing_licenses or 'GPLv3' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'GPL-3.0' |
| elif license == 'LGPL': |
| if 'LGPL-2.1' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv2.1' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'LGPL-2.1' |
| elif 'LGPL-2.0' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv2' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'LGPL-2.0' |
| elif 'LGPL-3.0' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv3' in existing_licenses: |
| license = 'LGPL-3.0' |
| licenses.append(license) |
| |
| if licenses: |
| return ' & '.join(licenses) |
| |
| return None |
| |
| def map_info_to_bbvar(self, info, extravalues): |
| |
| # Map PKG-INFO & setup.py fields to bitbake variables |
| for field, values in info.items(): |
| if field in self.excluded_fields: |
| continue |
| |
| if field not in self.bbvar_map: |
| continue |
| |
| if isinstance(values, str): |
| value = values |
| else: |
| value = ' '.join(str(v) for v in values if v) |
| |
| bbvar = self.bbvar_map[field] |
| if bbvar == "PN": |
| # by convention python recipes start with "python3-" |
| if not value.startswith('python'): |
| value = 'python3-' + value |
| |
| if bbvar not in extravalues and value: |
| extravalues[bbvar] = value |
| |
| def apply_info_replacements(self, info): |
| if not self.replacements: |
| return |
| |
| for variable, search, replace in self.replacements: |
| if variable not in info: |
| continue |
| |
| def replace_value(search, replace, value): |
| if replace is None: |
| if re.search(search, value): |
| return None |
| else: |
| new_value = re.sub(search, replace, value) |
| if value != new_value: |
| return new_value |
| return value |
| |
| value = info[variable] |
| if isinstance(value, str): |
| new_value = replace_value(search, replace, value) |
| if new_value is None: |
| del info[variable] |
| elif new_value != value: |
| info[variable] = new_value |
| elif hasattr(value, 'items'): |
| for dkey, dvalue in list(value.items()): |
| new_list = [] |
| for pos, a_value in enumerate(dvalue): |
| new_value = replace_value(search, replace, a_value) |
| if new_value is not None and new_value != value: |
| new_list.append(new_value) |
| |
| if value != new_list: |
| value[dkey] = new_list |
| else: |
| new_list = [] |
| for pos, a_value in enumerate(value): |
| new_value = replace_value(search, replace, a_value) |
| if new_value is not None and new_value != value: |
| new_list.append(new_value) |
| |
| if value != new_list: |
| info[variable] = new_list |
| |
| |
| def scan_python_dependencies(self, paths): |
| deps = set() |
| try: |
| dep_output = self.run_command(['pythondeps', '-d'] + paths) |
| except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
| pass |
| else: |
| for line in dep_output.splitlines(): |
| line = line.rstrip() |
| dep, filename = line.split('\t', 1) |
| if filename.endswith('/setup.py'): |
| continue |
| deps.add(dep) |
| |
| try: |
| provides_output = self.run_command(['pythondeps', '-p'] + paths) |
| except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
| pass |
| else: |
| provides_lines = (l.rstrip() for l in provides_output.splitlines()) |
| provides = set(l for l in provides_lines if l and l != 'setup') |
| deps -= provides |
| |
| return deps |
| |
| def parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages(self): |
| pkgdata_dir = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR') |
| |
| ldata = tinfoil.config_data.createCopy() |
| bb.parse.handle('classes-recipe/python3-dir.bbclass', ldata, True) |
| python_sitedir = ldata.getVar('PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR') |
| |
| dynload_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(python_sitedir), 'lib-dynload') |
| python_dirs = [python_sitedir + os.sep, |
| os.path.join(os.path.dirname(python_sitedir), 'dist-packages') + os.sep, |
| os.path.dirname(python_sitedir) + os.sep] |
| packages = {} |
| for pkgdatafile in glob.glob('{}/runtime/*'.format(pkgdata_dir)): |
| files_info = None |
| with open(pkgdatafile, 'r') as f: |
| for line in f.readlines(): |
| field, value = line.split(': ', 1) |
| if field.startswith('FILES_INFO'): |
| files_info = ast.literal_eval(value) |
| break |
| else: |
| continue |
| |
| for fn in files_info: |
| for suffix in importlib.machinery.all_suffixes(): |
| if fn.endswith(suffix): |
| break |
| else: |
| continue |
| |
| if fn.startswith(dynload_dir + os.sep): |
| if '/.debug/' in fn: |
| continue |
| base = os.path.basename(fn) |
| provided = base.split('.', 1)[0] |
| packages[provided] = os.path.basename(pkgdatafile) |
| continue |
| |
| for python_dir in python_dirs: |
| if fn.startswith(python_dir): |
| relpath = fn[len(python_dir):] |
| relstart, _, relremaining = relpath.partition(os.sep) |
| if relstart.endswith('.egg'): |
| relpath = relremaining |
| base, _ = os.path.splitext(relpath) |
| |
| if '/.debug/' in base: |
| continue |
| if os.path.basename(base) == '__init__': |
| base = os.path.dirname(base) |
| base = base.replace(os.sep + os.sep, os.sep) |
| provided = base.replace(os.sep, '.') |
| packages[provided] = os.path.basename(pkgdatafile) |
| return packages |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def run_command(cls, cmd, **popenargs): |
| if 'stderr' not in popenargs: |
| popenargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT |
| try: |
| return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **popenargs).decode('utf-8') |
| except OSError as exc: |
| logger.error('Unable to run `{}`: {}', ' '.join(cmd), exc) |
| raise |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: |
| logger.error('Unable to run `{}`: {}', ' '.join(cmd), exc.output) |
| raise |
| |
| class PythonSetupPyRecipeHandler(PythonRecipeHandler): |
| bbvar_map = { |
| 'Name': 'PN', |
| 'Version': 'PV', |
| 'Home-page': 'HOMEPAGE', |
| 'Summary': 'SUMMARY', |
| 'Description': 'DESCRIPTION', |
| 'License': 'LICENSE', |
| 'Requires': 'RDEPENDS:${PN}', |
| 'Provides': 'RPROVIDES:${PN}', |
| 'Obsoletes': 'RREPLACES:${PN}', |
| } |
| # PN/PV are already set by recipetool core & desc can be extremely long |
| excluded_fields = [ |
| 'Description', |
| ] |
| setup_parse_map = { |
| 'Url': 'Home-page', |
| 'Classifiers': 'Classifier', |
| 'Description': 'Summary', |
| } |
| setuparg_map = { |
| 'Home-page': 'url', |
| 'Classifier': 'classifiers', |
| 'Summary': 'description', |
| 'Description': 'long-description', |
| } |
| # Values which are lists, used by the setup.py argument based metadata |
| # extraction method, to determine how to process the setup.py output. |
| setuparg_list_fields = [ |
| 'Classifier', |
| 'Requires', |
| 'Provides', |
| 'Obsoletes', |
| 'Platform', |
| 'Supported-Platform', |
| ] |
| setuparg_multi_line_values = ['Description'] |
| |
| replacements = [ |
| ('License', r' +$', ''), |
| ('License', r'^ +', ''), |
| ('License', r' ', '-'), |
| ('License', r'^GNU-', ''), |
| ('License', r'-[Ll]icen[cs]e(,?-[Vv]ersion)?', ''), |
| ('License', r'^UNKNOWN$', ''), |
| |
| # Remove currently unhandled version numbers from these variables |
| ('Requires', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), |
| ('Provides', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), |
| ('Obsoletes', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), |
| ('Install-requires', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), |
| ('Extras-require', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), |
| ('Tests-require', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), |
| |
| # Remove unhandled dependency on particular features (e.g. foo[PDF]) |
| ('Install-requires', r'\[[^\]]+\]$', ''), |
| ] |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| pass |
| |
| def parse_setup_py(self, setupscript='./setup.py'): |
| with codecs.open(setupscript) as f: |
| info, imported_modules, non_literals, extensions = gather_setup_info(f) |
| |
| def _map(key): |
| key = key.replace('_', '-') |
| key = key[0].upper() + key[1:] |
| if key in self.setup_parse_map: |
| key = self.setup_parse_map[key] |
| return key |
| |
| # Naive mapping of setup() arguments to PKG-INFO field names |
| for d in [info, non_literals]: |
| for key, value in list(d.items()): |
| if key is None: |
| continue |
| new_key = _map(key) |
| if new_key != key: |
| del d[key] |
| d[new_key] = value |
| |
| return info, 'setuptools' in imported_modules, non_literals, extensions |
| |
| def get_setup_args_info(self, setupscript='./setup.py'): |
| cmd = ['python3', setupscript] |
| info = {} |
| keys = set(self.bbvar_map.keys()) |
| keys |= set(self.setuparg_list_fields) |
| keys |= set(self.setuparg_multi_line_values) |
| grouped_keys = itertools.groupby(keys, lambda k: (k in self.setuparg_list_fields, k in self.setuparg_multi_line_values)) |
| for index, keys in grouped_keys: |
| if index == (True, False): |
| # Splitlines output for each arg as a list value |
| for key in keys: |
| arg = self.setuparg_map.get(key, key.lower()) |
| try: |
| arg_info = self.run_command(cmd + ['--' + arg], cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)) |
| except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
| pass |
| else: |
| info[key] = [l.rstrip() for l in arg_info.splitlines()] |
| elif index == (False, True): |
| # Entire output for each arg |
| for key in keys: |
| arg = self.setuparg_map.get(key, key.lower()) |
| try: |
| arg_info = self.run_command(cmd + ['--' + arg], cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)) |
| except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
| pass |
| else: |
| info[key] = arg_info |
| else: |
| info.update(self.get_setup_byline(list(keys), setupscript)) |
| return info |
| |
| def get_setup_byline(self, fields, setupscript='./setup.py'): |
| info = {} |
| |
| cmd = ['python3', setupscript] |
| cmd.extend('--' + self.setuparg_map.get(f, f.lower()) for f in fields) |
| try: |
| info_lines = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)).splitlines() |
| except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
| pass |
| else: |
| if len(fields) != len(info_lines): |
| logger.error('Mismatch between setup.py output lines and number of fields') |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| for lineno, line in enumerate(info_lines): |
| line = line.rstrip() |
| info[fields[lineno]] = line |
| return info |
| |
| def get_pkginfo(self, pkginfo_fn): |
| msg = email.message_from_file(open(pkginfo_fn, 'r')) |
| msginfo = {} |
| for field in msg.keys(): |
| values = msg.get_all(field) |
| if len(values) == 1: |
| msginfo[field] = values[0] |
| else: |
| msginfo[field] = values |
| return msginfo |
| |
| def scan_setup_python_deps(self, srctree, setup_info, setup_non_literals): |
| if 'Package-dir' in setup_info: |
| package_dir = setup_info['Package-dir'] |
| else: |
| package_dir = {} |
| |
| dist = setuptools.Distribution() |
| |
| class PackageDir(setuptools.command.build_py.build_py): |
| def __init__(self, package_dir): |
| self.package_dir = package_dir |
| self.dist = dist |
| super().__init__(self.dist) |
| |
| pd = PackageDir(package_dir) |
| to_scan = [] |
| if not any(v in setup_non_literals for v in ['Py-modules', 'Scripts', 'Packages']): |
| if 'Py-modules' in setup_info: |
| for module in setup_info['Py-modules']: |
| try: |
| package, module = module.rsplit('.', 1) |
| except ValueError: |
| package, module = '.', module |
| module_path = os.path.join(pd.get_package_dir(package), module + '.py') |
| to_scan.append(module_path) |
| |
| if 'Packages' in setup_info: |
| for package in setup_info['Packages']: |
| to_scan.append(pd.get_package_dir(package)) |
| |
| if 'Scripts' in setup_info: |
| to_scan.extend(setup_info['Scripts']) |
| else: |
| logger.info("Scanning the entire source tree, as one or more of the following setup keywords are non-literal: py_modules, scripts, packages.") |
| |
| if not to_scan: |
| to_scan = ['.'] |
| |
| logger.info("Scanning paths for packages & dependencies: %s", ', '.join(to_scan)) |
| |
| provided_packages = self.parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages() |
| scanned_deps = self.scan_python_dependencies([os.path.join(srctree, p) for p in to_scan]) |
| mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = set(self.base_pkgdeps), set() |
| for dep in scanned_deps: |
| mapped = provided_packages.get(dep) |
| if mapped: |
| logger.debug('Mapped %s to %s' % (dep, mapped)) |
| mapped_deps.add(mapped) |
| else: |
| logger.debug('Could not map %s' % dep) |
| unmapped_deps.add(dep) |
| return mapped_deps, unmapped_deps |
| |
| def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues): |
| |
| if 'buildsystem' in handled: |
| return False |
| |
| # Check for non-zero size setup.py files |
| setupfiles = RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ['setup.py']) |
| for fn in setupfiles: |
| if os.path.getsize(fn): |
| break |
| else: |
| return False |
| |
| # setup.py is always parsed to get at certain required information, such as |
| # distutils vs setuptools |
| # |
| # If egg info is available, we use it for both its PKG-INFO metadata |
| # and for its requires.txt for install_requires. |
| # If PKG-INFO is available but no egg info is, we use that for metadata in preference to |
| # the parsed setup.py, but use the install_requires info from the |
| # parsed setup.py. |
| |
| setupscript = os.path.join(srctree, 'setup.py') |
| try: |
| setup_info, uses_setuptools, setup_non_literals, extensions = self.parse_setup_py(setupscript) |
| except Exception: |
| logger.exception("Failed to parse setup.py") |
| setup_info, uses_setuptools, setup_non_literals, extensions = {}, True, [], [] |
| |
| egginfo = glob.glob(os.path.join(srctree, '*.egg-info')) |
| if egginfo: |
| info = self.get_pkginfo(os.path.join(egginfo[0], 'PKG-INFO')) |
| requires_txt = os.path.join(egginfo[0], 'requires.txt') |
| if os.path.exists(requires_txt): |
| with codecs.open(requires_txt) as f: |
| inst_req = [] |
| extras_req = collections.defaultdict(list) |
| current_feature = None |
| for line in f.readlines(): |
| line = line.rstrip() |
| if not line: |
| continue |
| |
| if line.startswith('['): |
| # PACKAGECONFIG must not contain expressions or whitespace |
| line = line.replace(" ", "") |
| line = line.replace(':', "") |
| line = line.replace('.', "-dot-") |
| line = line.replace('"', "") |
| line = line.replace('<', "-smaller-") |
| line = line.replace('>', "-bigger-") |
| line = line.replace('_', "-") |
| line = line.replace('(', "") |
| line = line.replace(')', "") |
| line = line.replace('!', "-not-") |
| line = line.replace('=', "-equals-") |
| current_feature = line[1:-1] |
| elif current_feature: |
| extras_req[current_feature].append(line) |
| else: |
| inst_req.append(line) |
| info['Install-requires'] = inst_req |
| info['Extras-require'] = extras_req |
| elif RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ['PKG-INFO']): |
| info = self.get_pkginfo(os.path.join(srctree, 'PKG-INFO')) |
| |
| if setup_info: |
| if 'Install-requires' in setup_info: |
| info['Install-requires'] = setup_info['Install-requires'] |
| if 'Extras-require' in setup_info: |
| info['Extras-require'] = setup_info['Extras-require'] |
| else: |
| if setup_info: |
| info = setup_info |
| else: |
| info = self.get_setup_args_info(setupscript) |
| |
| # Grab the license value before applying replacements |
| license_str = info.get('License', '').strip() |
| |
| self.apply_info_replacements(info) |
| |
| if uses_setuptools: |
| classes.append('setuptools3') |
| else: |
| classes.append('distutils3') |
| |
| if license_str: |
| for i, line in enumerate(lines_before): |
| if line.startswith('##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##'): |
| lines_before.insert(i, '# NOTE: License in setup.py/PKGINFO is: %s' % license_str) |
| break |
| |
| if 'Classifier' in info: |
| license = self.handle_classifier_license(info['Classifier'], info.get('License', '')) |
| if license: |
| info['License'] = license |
| |
| self.map_info_to_bbvar(info, extravalues) |
| |
| mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = self.scan_setup_python_deps(srctree, setup_info, setup_non_literals) |
| |
| extras_req = set() |
| if 'Extras-require' in info: |
| extras_req = info['Extras-require'] |
| if extras_req: |
| lines_after.append('# The following configs & dependencies are from setuptools extras_require.') |
| lines_after.append('# These dependencies are optional, hence can be controlled via PACKAGECONFIG.') |
| lines_after.append('# The upstream names may not correspond exactly to bitbake package names.') |
| lines_after.append('# The configs are might not correct, since PACKAGECONFIG does not support expressions as may used in requires.txt - they are just replaced by text.') |
| lines_after.append('#') |
| lines_after.append('# Uncomment this line to enable all the optional features.') |
| lines_after.append('#PACKAGECONFIG ?= "{}"'.format(' '.join(k.lower() for k in extras_req))) |
| for feature, feature_reqs in extras_req.items(): |
| unmapped_deps.difference_update(feature_reqs) |
| |
| feature_req_deps = ('python3-' + r.replace('.', '-').lower() for r in sorted(feature_reqs)) |
| lines_after.append('PACKAGECONFIG[{}] = ",,,{}"'.format(feature.lower(), ' '.join(feature_req_deps))) |
| |
| inst_reqs = set() |
| if 'Install-requires' in info: |
| if extras_req: |
| lines_after.append('') |
| inst_reqs = info['Install-requires'] |
| if inst_reqs: |
| unmapped_deps.difference_update(inst_reqs) |
| |
| inst_req_deps = ('python3-' + r.replace('.', '-').lower() for r in sorted(inst_reqs)) |
| lines_after.append('# WARNING: the following rdepends are from setuptools install_requires. These') |
| lines_after.append('# upstream names may not correspond exactly to bitbake package names.') |
| lines_after.append('RDEPENDS:${{PN}} += "{}"'.format(' '.join(inst_req_deps))) |
| |
| if mapped_deps: |
| name = info.get('Name') |
| if name and name[0] in mapped_deps: |
| # Attempt to avoid self-reference |
| mapped_deps.remove(name[0]) |
| mapped_deps -= set(self.excluded_pkgdeps) |
| if inst_reqs or extras_req: |
| lines_after.append('') |
| lines_after.append('# WARNING: the following rdepends are determined through basic analysis of the') |
| lines_after.append('# python sources, and might not be 100% accurate.') |
| lines_after.append('RDEPENDS:${{PN}} += "{}"'.format(' '.join(sorted(mapped_deps)))) |
| |
| unmapped_deps -= set(extensions) |
| unmapped_deps -= set(self.assume_provided) |
| if unmapped_deps: |
| if mapped_deps: |
| lines_after.append('') |
| lines_after.append('# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module') |
| lines_after.append('# dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:') |
| lines_after.extend('# {}'.format(d) for d in sorted(unmapped_deps)) |
| |
| handled.append('buildsystem') |
| |
| class PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler(PythonRecipeHandler): |
| """Base class to support PEP517 and PEP518 |
| |
| PEP517 https://peps.python.org/pep-0517/#source-trees |
| PEP518 https://peps.python.org/pep-0518/#build-system-table |
| """ |
| # bitbake currently supports the 4 following backends |
| build_backend_map = { |
| "setuptools.build_meta": "python_setuptools_build_meta", |
| "poetry.core.masonry.api": "python_poetry_core", |
| "flit_core.buildapi": "python_flit_core", |
| "hatchling.build": "python_hatchling", |
| "maturin": "python_maturin", |
| } |
| |
| # setuptools.build_meta and flit declare project metadata into the "project" section of pyproject.toml |
| # according to PEP-621: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/#declaring-project-metadata |
| # while poetry uses the "tool.poetry" section according to its official documentation: https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/ |
| # keys from "project" and "tool.poetry" sections are almost the same except for the HOMEPAGE which is "homepage" for tool.poetry |
| # and "Homepage" for "project" section. So keep both |
| bbvar_map = { |
| "name": "PN", |
| "version": "PV", |
| "Homepage": "HOMEPAGE", |
| "homepage": "HOMEPAGE", |
| "description": "SUMMARY", |
| "license": "LICENSE", |
| "dependencies": "RDEPENDS:${PN}", |
| "requires": "DEPENDS", |
| } |
| |
| replacements = [ |
| ("license", r" +$", ""), |
| ("license", r"^ +", ""), |
| ("license", r" ", "-"), |
| ("license", r"^GNU-", ""), |
| ("license", r"-[Ll]icen[cs]e(,?-[Vv]ersion)?", ""), |
| ("license", r"^UNKNOWN$", ""), |
| # Remove currently unhandled version numbers from these variables |
| ("requires", r"\[[^\]]+\]$", ""), |
| ("requires", r"^([^><= ]+).*", r"\1"), |
| ("dependencies", r"\[[^\]]+\]$", ""), |
| ("dependencies", r"^([^><= ]+).*", r"\1"), |
| ] |
| |
| excluded_native_pkgdeps = [ |
| # already provided by python_setuptools_build_meta.bbclass |
| "python3-setuptools-native", |
| "python3-wheel-native", |
| # already provided by python_poetry_core.bbclass |
| "python3-poetry-core-native", |
| # already provided by python_flit_core.bbclass |
| "python3-flit-core-native", |
| ] |
| |
| # add here a list of known and often used packages and the corresponding bitbake package |
| known_deps_map = { |
| "setuptools": "python3-setuptools", |
| "wheel": "python3-wheel", |
| "poetry-core": "python3-poetry-core", |
| "flit_core": "python3-flit-core", |
| "setuptools-scm": "python3-setuptools-scm", |
| "hatchling": "python3-hatchling", |
| "hatch-vcs": "python3-hatch-vcs", |
| } |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| pass |
| |
| def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues): |
| info = {} |
| metadata = {} |
| |
| if 'buildsystem' in handled: |
| return False |
| |
| # Check for non-zero size setup.py files |
| setupfiles = RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ["pyproject.toml"]) |
| for fn in setupfiles: |
| if os.path.getsize(fn): |
| break |
| else: |
| return False |
| |
| setupscript = os.path.join(srctree, "pyproject.toml") |
| |
| try: |
| try: |
| import tomllib |
| except ImportError: |
| try: |
| import tomli as tomllib |
| except ImportError: |
| logger.exception("Neither 'tomllib' nor 'tomli' could be imported. Please use python3.11 or above or install tomli module") |
| return False |
| except Exception: |
| logger.exception("Failed to parse pyproject.toml") |
| return False |
| |
| with open(setupscript, "rb") as f: |
| config = tomllib.load(f) |
| build_backend = config["build-system"]["build-backend"] |
| if build_backend in self.build_backend_map: |
| classes.append(self.build_backend_map[build_backend]) |
| else: |
| logger.error( |
| "Unsupported build-backend: %s, cannot use pyproject.toml. Will try to use legacy setup.py" |
| % build_backend |
| ) |
| return False |
| |
| licfile = "" |
| |
| if build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": |
| if "tool" in config and "poetry" in config["tool"]: |
| metadata = config["tool"]["poetry"] |
| else: |
| if "project" in config: |
| metadata = config["project"] |
| |
| if metadata: |
| for field, values in metadata.items(): |
| if field == "license": |
| # For setuptools.build_meta and flit, licence is a table |
| # but for poetry licence is a string |
| # for hatchling, both table (jsonschema) and string (iniconfig) have been used |
| if build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": |
| value = values |
| else: |
| value = values.get("text", "") |
| if not value: |
| licfile = values.get("file", "") |
| continue |
| elif field == "dependencies" and build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": |
| # For poetry backend, "dependencies" section looks like: |
| # [tool.poetry.dependencies] |
| # requests = "^2.13.0" |
| # requests = { version = "^2.13.0", source = "private" } |
| # See https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/pyproject/#dependencies-and-dependency-groups for more details |
| # This class doesn't handle versions anyway, so we just get the dependencies name here and construct a list |
| value = [] |
| for k in values.keys(): |
| value.append(k) |
| elif isinstance(values, dict): |
| for k, v in values.items(): |
| info[k] = v |
| continue |
| else: |
| value = values |
| |
| info[field] = value |
| |
| # Grab the license value before applying replacements |
| license_str = info.get("license", "").strip() |
| |
| if license_str: |
| for i, line in enumerate(lines_before): |
| if line.startswith("##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##"): |
| lines_before.insert( |
| i, "# NOTE: License in pyproject.toml is: %s" % license_str |
| ) |
| break |
| |
| info["requires"] = config["build-system"]["requires"] |
| |
| self.apply_info_replacements(info) |
| |
| if "classifiers" in info: |
| license = self.handle_classifier_license( |
| info["classifiers"], info.get("license", "") |
| ) |
| if license: |
| if licfile: |
| lines = [] |
| md5value = bb.utils.md5_file(os.path.join(srctree, licfile)) |
| lines.append('LICENSE = "%s"' % license) |
| lines.append( |
| 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://%s;md5=%s"' |
| % (licfile, md5value) |
| ) |
| lines.append("") |
| |
| # Replace the placeholder so we get the values in the right place in the recipe file |
| try: |
| pos = lines_before.index("##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##") |
| except ValueError: |
| pos = -1 |
| if pos == -1: |
| lines_before.extend(lines) |
| else: |
| lines_before[pos : pos + 1] = lines |
| |
| handled.append(("license", [license, licfile, md5value])) |
| else: |
| info["license"] = license |
| |
| provided_packages = self.parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages() |
| provided_packages.update(self.known_deps_map) |
| native_mapped_deps, native_unmapped_deps = set(), set() |
| mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = set(), set() |
| |
| if "requires" in info: |
| for require in info["requires"]: |
| mapped = provided_packages.get(require) |
| |
| if mapped: |
| logger.debug("Mapped %s to %s" % (require, mapped)) |
| native_mapped_deps.add(mapped) |
| else: |
| logger.debug("Could not map %s" % require) |
| native_unmapped_deps.add(require) |
| |
| info.pop("requires") |
| |
| if native_mapped_deps != set(): |
| native_mapped_deps = { |
| item + "-native" for item in native_mapped_deps |
| } |
| native_mapped_deps -= set(self.excluded_native_pkgdeps) |
| if native_mapped_deps != set(): |
| info["requires"] = " ".join(sorted(native_mapped_deps)) |
| |
| if native_unmapped_deps: |
| lines_after.append("") |
| lines_after.append( |
| "# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module" |
| ) |
| lines_after.append( |
| "# dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:" |
| ) |
| lines_after.extend( |
| "# {}".format(d) for d in sorted(native_unmapped_deps) |
| ) |
| |
| if "dependencies" in info: |
| for dependency in info["dependencies"]: |
| mapped = provided_packages.get(dependency) |
| if mapped: |
| logger.debug("Mapped %s to %s" % (dependency, mapped)) |
| mapped_deps.add(mapped) |
| else: |
| logger.debug("Could not map %s" % dependency) |
| unmapped_deps.add(dependency) |
| |
| info.pop("dependencies") |
| |
| if mapped_deps != set(): |
| if mapped_deps != set(): |
| info["dependencies"] = " ".join(sorted(mapped_deps)) |
| |
| if unmapped_deps: |
| lines_after.append("") |
| lines_after.append( |
| "# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module" |
| ) |
| lines_after.append( |
| "# runtime dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:" |
| ) |
| lines_after.extend( |
| "# {}".format(d) for d in sorted(unmapped_deps) |
| ) |
| |
| self.map_info_to_bbvar(info, extravalues) |
| |
| handled.append("buildsystem") |
| except Exception: |
| logger.exception("Failed to correctly handle pyproject.toml, falling back to another method") |
| return False |
| |
| |
| def gather_setup_info(fileobj): |
| parsed = ast.parse(fileobj.read(), fileobj.name) |
| visitor = SetupScriptVisitor() |
| visitor.visit(parsed) |
| |
| non_literals, extensions = {}, [] |
| for key, value in list(visitor.keywords.items()): |
| if key == 'ext_modules': |
| if isinstance(value, list): |
| for ext in value: |
| if (isinstance(ext, ast.Call) and |
| isinstance(ext.func, ast.Name) and |
| ext.func.id == 'Extension' and |
| not has_non_literals(ext.args)): |
| extensions.append(ext.args[0]) |
| elif has_non_literals(value): |
| non_literals[key] = value |
| del visitor.keywords[key] |
| |
| return visitor.keywords, visitor.imported_modules, non_literals, extensions |
| |
| |
| class SetupScriptVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): |
| def __init__(self): |
| ast.NodeVisitor.__init__(self) |
| self.keywords = {} |
| self.non_literals = [] |
| self.imported_modules = set() |
| |
| def visit_Expr(self, node): |
| if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and \ |
| isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and \ |
| node.value.func.id == 'setup': |
| self.visit_setup(node.value) |
| |
| def visit_setup(self, node): |
| call = LiteralAstTransform().visit(node) |
| self.keywords = call.keywords |
| for k, v in self.keywords.items(): |
| if has_non_literals(v): |
| self.non_literals.append(k) |
| |
| def visit_Import(self, node): |
| for alias in node.names: |
| self.imported_modules.add(alias.name) |
| |
| def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): |
| self.imported_modules.add(node.module) |
| |
| |
| class LiteralAstTransform(ast.NodeTransformer): |
| """Simplify the ast through evaluation of literals.""" |
| excluded_fields = ['ctx'] |
| |
| def visit(self, node): |
| if not isinstance(node, ast.AST): |
| return node |
| else: |
| return ast.NodeTransformer.visit(self, node) |
| |
| def generic_visit(self, node): |
| try: |
| return ast.literal_eval(node) |
| except ValueError: |
| for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): |
| if field in self.excluded_fields: |
| delattr(node, field) |
| if value is None: |
| continue |
| |
| if isinstance(value, list): |
| if field in ('keywords', 'kwargs'): |
| new_value = dict((kw.arg, self.visit(kw.value)) for kw in value) |
| else: |
| new_value = [self.visit(i) for i in value] |
| else: |
| new_value = self.visit(value) |
| setattr(node, field, new_value) |
| return node |
| |
| def visit_Name(self, node): |
| if hasattr('__builtins__', node.id): |
| return getattr(__builtins__, node.id) |
| else: |
| return self.generic_visit(node) |
| |
| def visit_Tuple(self, node): |
| return tuple(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts) |
| |
| def visit_List(self, node): |
| return [self.visit(v) for v in node.elts] |
| |
| def visit_Set(self, node): |
| return set(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts) |
| |
| def visit_Dict(self, node): |
| keys = (self.visit(k) for k in node.keys) |
| values = (self.visit(v) for v in node.values) |
| return dict(zip(keys, values)) |
| |
| |
| def has_non_literals(value): |
| if isinstance(value, ast.AST): |
| return True |
| elif isinstance(value, str): |
| return False |
| elif hasattr(value, 'values'): |
| return any(has_non_literals(v) for v in value.values()) |
| elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): |
| return any(has_non_literals(v) for v in value) |
| |
| |
| def register_recipe_handlers(handlers): |
| # We need to make sure these are ahead of the makefile fallback handler |
| # and the pyproject.toml handler ahead of the setup.py handler |
| handlers.append((PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler(), 75)) |
| handlers.append((PythonSetupPyRecipeHandler(), 70)) |