| SUMMARY = "Tool to produce a statistics based on a diff" |
| DESCRIPTION = "diffstat reads the output of diff and displays a histogram of \ |
| the insertions, deletions, and modifications per-file. It is useful for \ |
| reviewing large, complex patch files." |
| HOMEPAGE = "http://invisible-island.net/diffstat/" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://install-sh;endline=42;md5=b3549726c1022bee09c174c72a0ca4a5" |
| SRC_URI = "http://invisible-mirror.net/archives/${BPN}/${BP}.tgz \ |
| file://avoid-check-user-break-cc.patch \ |
| file://0001-aclocal.m4-add-missing-header-defines.patch \ |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "b9272ec8af6257103261ec3622692991" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "7eddd53401b99b90bac3f7ebf23dd583d7d99c6106e67a4f1161b7a20110dc6f" |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/diffstat-${PV}" |
| inherit autotools gettext ptest |
| EXTRA_AUTORECONF += "--exclude=aclocal" |
| cp -r ${S}/testing ${D}${PTEST_PATH} |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "nativesdk" |