blob: da413c2d378c514a52b591e95e20c645be07f8e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is a sample Gammu SMSD configuration file. It's required for gammu-smsd,
# see gammu-smsdrc(5) for documentation.
# Gammu configuration, this section is like section "gammu" in "gammurc" file,
# see gammurc(5) for documentation.
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
model = at115200
#connection = dlr3
#synchronizetime = yes
#logfile = gammulog # this is not used at all in SMSD mode
#logformat = textall
#use_locking = yes
#gammuloc =
#startinfo = yes
# When uncomment this section and insert numbers here, smsd will process
# incoming sms only from numbers written here (incoming sms from all other
# numbers will be deleted)
#number1 = 1234
# When uncomment this section and insert numbers here, smsd will process
# incoming sms from all numbers not written here (incoming sms from numbers
# written here will be deleted). This is "black" list.
# Note: after using "include_numbers" section this one will be ignored
#number1 = 1234
# General SMSD settings, see gammu-smsdrc(5) for detailed description.
# SMSD service to use, one of FILES, MYSQL, PGSQL, DBI
service = files
# PIN for SIM card
PIN = 0000
# File (or stderr, syslog, eventlog) where information will be logged
logfile = smsdlog
# Amount of information being logged, each bit mean one level
debuglevel = 0
# Configuration for using more phones on same database
#phoneid = MyPhone1
# Script to be executed when new message has been received
#runonreceive = /some/script
# Commication frequency settings
commtimeout = 30
sendtimeout = 30
#receivefrequency = 0
# Phone communication settings
#checksecurity = 1
#resetfrequency = 0
# Delivery report configuration
#deliveryreport = no
#deliveryreportdelay = 10
# Ignoring broken SMSC
#skipsmscnumber = +48602123456
# Database backends congfiguration
user = gammu
password = gammupassword
pc = localhost
# pc can also contain port or socket path after colon (eg. localhost:/path/to/socket)
database = sms
# DBI configuration
driver = sqlite
# driverspath = /usr/lib/dbd/
# Database directory for sqlite
# dbdir = /var/lib/smsd
# Files backend configuration
inboxpath = /var/spool/sms/inbox/
outboxpath = /var/spool/sms/outbox/
sentsmspath = /var/spool/sms/sent/
errorsmspath = /var/spool/sms/error/
inboxformat = detail
transmitformat = auto
outboxformat = detail