blob: 65c2ab7590624f2c5bd0295571a5488cbf8b5536 [file] [log] [blame]
DESCRIPTION = "Linux Kernel for Raspberry Pi"
SECTION = "kernel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7"
PE = "1"
inherit kernel siteinfo
require recipes-kernel/linux/
KCONFIG_MODE = "--alldefconfig"
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi0-wifi ?= "bcmrpi_defconfig"
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi ?= "bcmrpi_defconfig"
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi2 ?= "bcm2709_defconfig"
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi3 ?= "bcm2709_defconfig"
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi3-64 ?= "bcmrpi3_defconfig"
# CMDLINE for raspberrypi
SERIAL = "${@oe.utils.conditional("ENABLE_UART", "1", "console=serial0,115200", "", d)}"
CMDLINE ?= "dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 ${SERIAL} root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait"
# Add the kernel debugger over console kernel command line option if enabled
CMDLINE_append = ' ${@oe.utils.conditional("ENABLE_KGDB", "1", "kgdboc=serial0,115200", "", d)}'
# Disable rpi logo on boot
CMDLINE_append += ' ${@oe.utils.conditional("DISABLE_RPI_BOOT_LOGO", "1", "logo.nologo", "", d)}'
# You can define CMDLINE_DEBUG as "debug" in your local.conf or distro.conf
# to enable kernel debugging.
KERNEL_INITRAMFS ?= '${@oe.utils.conditional("INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE", "1", "1", "", d)}'
KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD += "${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "pitft28r", "stmpe-ts", "", d)}"
# A LOADADDR is needed when building a uImage format kernel. This value is not
# set by default in rpi-4.8.y and later branches so we need to provide it
# manually. This value unused if KERNEL_IMAGETYPE is not uImage.
# Set a variable in .configure
# $1 - Configure variable to be set
# $2 - value [n/y/value]
kernel_configure_variable() {
# Remove the config
if test "$2" = "n"
echo "# CONFIG_$1 is not set" >> ${B}/.config
echo "CONFIG_$1=$2" >> ${B}/.config
config_setup() {
# From kernel.bbclass. Unfortunately, this is needed to support builds that
# use devtool. The reason is as follows:
# - In devtool builds, externalsrc.bbclass gets inherited and sets a list of
# SRCTREECOVEREDTASKS, which don't get run because they affect the source
# tree and, when using devtool, we want the developer's changes to be the
# single source of truth. kernel-yocto.bbclass adds do_kernel_configme to
# SRCTREECOVEREDTASKS, so it doesn't run in a devtool build., In a normal
# non-devtool build, do_kernel_configme creates ${B}.config.
# - Normally (e.g. in linux-yocto), it would be OK that do_kernel_configme
# doesn't run, because the first few lines of do_configure in kernel.bbclass
# populate ${B}.config from either ${S}.config (if it exists) for custom
# developer changes, or otherwise from ${WORDIR}/defconfig.
# - In linux-raspberrypi, we add do_configure_prepend, which tweaks
# ${B}.config. Since this runs *before* the kernel.bbclass do_configure,
# ${B}.config doesn't yet exist and we hit an error. Thus we need to move
# the logic from do_configure up to before our do_configure_prepend. Because
# we are copying only a portion of do_configure and not the whole thing,
# there is no clean way to do it using OE functionality, so we just
# copy-and-paste.
if [ "${S}" != "${B}" ] && [ -f "${S}/.config" ] && [ ! -f "${B}/.config" ]; then
mv "${S}/.config" "${B}/.config"
# Copy defconfig to .config if .config does not exist. This allows
# recipes to manage the .config themselves in do_configure_prepend().
if [ -f "${WORKDIR}/defconfig" ] && [ ! -f "${B}/.config" ]; then
cp "${WORKDIR}/defconfig" "${B}/.config"
do_configure_prepend() {
mv -f ${B}/.config ${B}/.config.patched
# Localversion
kernel_configure_variable LOCALVERSION "\"\""
if [ ! -z "${KERNEL_INITRAMFS}" ]; then
kernel_configure_variable OVERLAY_FS y
kernel_configure_variable SQUASHFS y
kernel_configure_variable UBIFS_FS y
# Activate the configuration options for VC4
VC4GRAPHICS="${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "vc4graphics", "1", "0", d)}"
if [ ${VC4GRAPHICS} = "1" ]; then
kernel_configure_variable I2C_BCM2835 y
kernel_configure_variable DRM y
kernel_configure_variable DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION y
kernel_configure_variable DRM_VC4 y
# Keep this the last line
# Remove all modified configs and add the rest to .config
sed -e "${CONF_SED_SCRIPT}" < '${B}/.config.patched' >> '${B}/.config'
rm -f ${B}/.config.patched
do_compile_append_raspberrypi3-64() {
oe_runmake dtbs CC="${KERNEL_CC} $cc_extra " LD="${KERNEL_LD}" ${KERNEL_EXTRA_ARGS}
do_deploy_append() {
# Deploy cmdline.txt
install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles
PITFT="${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "pitft", "1", "0", d)}"
if [ ${PITFT} = "1" ]; then
PITFT_PARAMS="fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8"
echo "${CMDLINE}${PITFT_PARAMS}" > ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/cmdline.txt