| SUMMARY = "Xlib: C Language X Interface library" |
| |
| DESCRIPTION = "This package provides a client interface to the X Window \ |
| System, otherwise known as 'Xlib'. It provides a complete API for the \ |
| basic functions of the window system." |
| |
| require xorg-lib-common.inc |
| |
| LICENSE = "MIT & BSD-1-Clause & HPND & HPND-sell-variant & ISC" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1d49cdd2b386c5db11ec636d680b7116" |
| |
| DEPENDS += "xorgproto \ |
| xtrans \ |
| libxcb \ |
| xorgproto-native \ |
| autoconf-archive-native \ |
| " |
| |
| PROVIDES = "virtual/libx11" |
| |
| PE = "1" |
| |
| XORG_PN = "libX11" |
| |
| SRC_URI += "file://disable_tests.patch" |
| |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "59535b7cc6989ba806a022f7e8533b28c4397b9d86e9d07b6df0c0703fa25cc9" |
| |
| inherit gettext |
| |
| EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-keysymdefdir=${STAGING_INCDIR}/X11/ --disable-xf86bigfont" |
| |
| PACKAGECONFIG ??= "xcms" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[xcms] = "--enable-xcms,--disable-xcms" |
| |
| PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-xcb" |
| |
| FILES:${PN} += "${datadir}/X11/XKeysymDB ${datadir}/X11/XErrorDB ${datadir}/X11/Xcms.txt" |
| FILES:${PN}-xcb += "${libdir}/libX11-xcb.so.*" |
| FILES:${PN}-locale += "${datadir}/X11/locale ${libdir}/X11/locale" |
| |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" |