blob: f13de089673b407ca4ef534d42dd231790b27cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
This layer provides support for building Xen, KVM, Libvirt, and associated
packages necessary for constructing OE-based virtualized solutions.
The bbappend files for some recipes (e.g. linux-yocto) in this layer need to
have 'virtualization' in DISTRO_FEATURES to have effect. To enable them, add
in configuration file the following line.
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " virtualization"
If meta-virtualization is included, but virtualization is not enabled as a
distro feature a warning is printed at parse time:
You have included the meta-virtualization layer, but
'virtualization' has not been enabled in your DISTRO_FEATURES. Some bbappend files
may not take effect. See the meta-virtualization README for details on enabling
virtualization support.
If you know what you are doing, this warning can be disabled by setting the following
variable in your configuration:
Depending on your use case, there are other distro features in meta-virtualization
that may also be enabled:
- xen: enables xen functionality in various packages (kernel, libvirt, etc)
- kvm: enables KVM configurations in the kernel and autoloads modules
- aufs: enables aufs support in docker and linux-yocto
- x11: enable xen and libvirt functionality related to x11
- selinux: enables functionality in libvirt and lxc
- systemd: enable systemd services and unit files (for recipes for support)
- sysvinit: enable sysvinit scripts (for recipes with support)
This layer depends on:
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
prio: default
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
layers: meta-oe
BBFILE_PRIORITY_openembedded-layer = "4"
Required for Xen XSM policy:
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
prio: default
Send pull requests, patches, comments or questions to
Maintainers: Raymond Danks <>
Bruce Ashfield <>
When sending single patches, please using something like:
$ git send-email -1 -M --to --subject-prefix='meta-virtualization][PATCH'
All metadata is MIT licensed unless otherwise stated. Source code included
in tree for individual recipes is under the LICENSE stated in each recipe
(.bb file) unless otherwise stated.