blob: 57463355a7c7a46d32636f5b051ab8f47a584843 [file] [log] [blame]
Enable operation with later versions of gettext.
Upstream-Status: Inappropriate
RP 2012/10/19
Index: grep-2.5.1a/
--- grep-2.5.1a.orig/ 2012-10-19 12:57:51.646970204 +0000
+++ grep-2.5.1a/ 2012-10-19 12:59:49.946968803 +0000
@@ -140,4 +140,4 @@
AC_CHECK_LIB(pcre, pcre_exec)
-AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lib/Makefile lib/posix/Makefile src/Makefile tests/Makefile po/ intl/Makefile doc/Makefile m4/Makefile vms/Makefile bootstrap/Makefile, [sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/ > po/Makefile; echo timestamp > stamp-h])
+AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lib/Makefile lib/posix/Makefile src/Makefile tests/Makefile po/ intl/Makefile doc/Makefile m4/Makefile vms/Makefile bootstrap/Makefile, [echo timestamp > stamp-h])