blob: 71382089c124102116867e197afc0210ea59162a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../../../../')
lib_path = basepath + '/scripts/lib'
sys.path = sys.path + [lib_path]
import oeqa.utils.gitarchive as ga
from oeqa.utils.git import GitError
import tempfile
import shutil
import scriptutils
import logging
from import OESelftestTestCase
logger = scriptutils.logger_create('resulttool')
def create_fake_repository(commit, tag_list=[], add_remote=True):
""" Create a testing git directory
Initialize a simple git repository with one initial commit, and as many
tags on this commit as listed in tag_list
Returns both git directory path and gitarchive git object
If commit is true, fake data will be commited, otherwise it will stay in staging area
If commit is true and tag_lsit is non empty, all tags in tag_list will be
created on the initial commit
Fake remote will also be added to make git ls-remote work
fake_data_file = "fake_data.txt"
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='fake_results.')
repo = ga.init_git_repo(tempdir, False, False, logger)
if add_remote:
repo.run_cmd(["remote", "add", "origin", "."])
with open(os.path.join(tempdir, fake_data_file), "w") as fake_data:
fake_data.write("Fake data")
if commit:
repo.run_cmd(["add", fake_data_file])
repo.run_cmd(["commit", "-m", "\"Add fake data\""])
for tag in tag_list:
repo.run_cmd(["tag", tag])
return tempdir, repo
def delete_fake_repository(path):
def tag_exists(git_obj, target_tag):
for tag in git_obj.run_cmd(["tag"]).splitlines():
if target_tag == tag:
return True
return False
class GitArchiveTests(OESelftestTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.log = logging.getLogger('gitarchivetests')
def test_create_first_test_tag(self):
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(False)
keywords = {'commit': self.TEST_COMMIT, 'branch': self.TEST_BRANCH, "commit_count": self.TEST_COMMIT_COUNT}
target_tag = f"{self.TEST_BRANCH}/{self.TEST_COMMIT_COUNT}-g{self.TEST_COMMIT}/0"
ga.gitarchive(path, path, True, False,
"Results of {branch}:{commit}", "branch: {branch}\ncommit: {commit}", "{branch}",
False, "{branch}/{commit_count}-g{commit}/{tag_number}",
'Test run #{tag_number} of {branch}:{commit}', '',
[], [], False, keywords, logger)
self.assertTrue(tag_exists(git_obj, target_tag), msg=f"Tag {target_tag} has not been created")
def test_create_second_test_tag(self):
first_tag = f"{self.TEST_BRANCH}/{self.TEST_COMMIT_COUNT}-g{self.TEST_COMMIT}/0"
second_tag = f"{self.TEST_BRANCH}/{self.TEST_COMMIT_COUNT}-g{self.TEST_COMMIT}/1"
keywords = {'commit': self.TEST_COMMIT, 'branch': self.TEST_BRANCH, "commit_count": self.TEST_COMMIT_COUNT}
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(True, [first_tag])
ga.gitarchive(path, path, True, False,
"Results of {branch}:{commit}", "branch: {branch}\ncommit: {commit}", "{branch}",
False, "{branch}/{commit_count}-g{commit}/{tag_number}",
'Test run #{tag_number} of {branch}:{commit}', '',
[], [], False, keywords, logger)
self.assertTrue(tag_exists(git_obj, second_tag), msg=f"Second tag {second_tag} has not been created")
def test_get_revs_on_branch(self):
fake_tags_list=["main/10-g0f7d5df/0", "main/10-g0f7d5df/1", "foo/20-g2468f5d/0"]
tag_name = "{branch}/{commit_number}-g{commit}/{tag_number}"
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(True, fake_tags_list)
revs = ga.get_test_revs(logger, git_obj, tag_name, branch="main")
self.assertEqual(len(revs), 1)
self.assertEqual(revs[0].commit, "0f7d5df")
self.assertEqual(len(revs[0].tags), 2)
self.assertEqual(revs[0].tags, ['main/10-g0f7d5df/0', 'main/10-g0f7d5df/1'])
def test_get_tags_without_valid_remote(self):
url = 'git://'
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(False, None, False)
tags = ga.get_tags(git_obj, self.log, pattern="yocto-*", url=url)
"""Test for some well established tags (released tags)"""
self.assertIn("yocto-4.0", tags)
self.assertIn("yocto-4.1", tags)
self.assertIn("yocto-4.2", tags)
def test_get_tags_with_only_local_tag(self):
fake_tags_list=["main/10-g0f7d5df/0", "main/10-g0f7d5df/1", "foo/20-g2468f5d/0"]
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(True, fake_tags_list, False)
"""No remote is configured and no url is passed: get_tags must fall
back to local tags
tags = ga.get_tags(git_obj, self.log)
self.assertCountEqual(tags, fake_tags_list)
def test_get_tags_without_valid_remote_and_wrong_url(self):
url = 'git://'
path, git_obj = create_fake_repository(False, None, False)
"""Test for some well established tags (released tags)"""
with self.assertRaises(GitError):
tags = ga.get_tags(git_obj, self.log, pattern="yocto-*", url=url)