blob: c6e00c340a38d1b31c65ff422c61a2f7e4f9d4d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Recipe for building gutenprint-native
# Native part is for generating strings - xmli18n-tmp.h used by target recipe
# We don't depend on cups as this is for generating the string header.
# Copyright (c) Ambu A/S - All rights reserved
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Author(s)
# (Claus Stovgaard)
# We could consider switching to BBCLASSEXTEND native instead of inherit
# Using devtool with this results in warning, as devtool append externalsrc to
# inheritance, making native not being inherited last.
inherit autotools-brokensep pkgconfig native
SECTION = "libs"
# binutils is for xz etc.
# gettext-native for configuration
# flex-native is used for compilation
# byacc-native is for yacc command (compilation)
DEPENDS += "binutils-native gettext-native flex-native byacc-native"
EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-doc --without-cups"
# gutenprint does not have a configure file in its root folder.
# Rather it has a in its root folder. We just use it
do_configure() {
${S}/ || bbnote "${PN} failed to"
# Currently we only uses the string header, even though we compile the complete
# native version of the library. So we limit the install to the needed.
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${datadir}/gutenprint/
install -m644 ${B}/src/xml/xmli18n-tmp.h ${D}${datadir}/gutenprint/