blob: a7021e5b367c8be1b49c5f278ac6ffeed7b6507c [file] [log] [blame]
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementation for
# Copyright (C) 2016 Doug Goldstein
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import hashlib
import json
import os
import subprocess
import bb
from bb.fetch2 import logger, subprocess_setup, UnpackError
from bb.fetch2.wget import Wget
class Crate(Wget):
"""Class to fetch crates via wget"""
def _cargo_bitbake_path(self, rootdir):
return os.path.join(rootdir, "cargo_home", "bitbake")
def supports(self, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url is for this fetcher
return ud.type in ['crate']
def recommends_checksum(self, urldata):
return True
def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
Sets up to download the respective crate from
if ud.type == 'crate':
self._crate_urldata_init(ud, d)
super(Crate, self).urldata_init(ud, d)
def _crate_urldata_init(self, ud, d):
Sets up the download for a crate
# URL syntax is: crate://NAME/VERSION
# break the URL apart by /
parts = ud.url.split('/')
if len(parts) < 5:
raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid URL: Must be crate://HOST/NAME/VERSION", ud.url)
# version is expected to be the last token
# but ignore possible url parameters which will be used
# by the top fetcher class
version, _, _ = parts[len(parts) -1].partition(";")
# second to last field is name
name = parts[len(parts) - 2]
# host (this is to allow custom crate registries to be specified
host = '/'.join(parts[2:len(parts) - 2])
# if using upstream just fix it up nicely
if host == '':
host = ''
ud.url = "https://%s/%s/%s/download" % (host, name, version)
ud.parm['downloadfilename'] = "%s-%s.crate" % (name, version)
if 'name' not in ud.parm:
ud.parm['name'] = '%s-%s' % (name, version)
logger.debug2("Fetching %s to %s" % (ud.url, ud.parm['downloadfilename']))
def unpack(self, ud, rootdir, d):
Uses the crate to build the necessary paths for cargo to utilize it
if ud.type == 'crate':
return self._crate_unpack(ud, rootdir, d)
super(Crate, self).unpack(ud, rootdir, d)
def _crate_unpack(self, ud, rootdir, d):
Unpacks a crate
thefile = ud.localpath
# possible metadata we need to write out
metadata = {}
# change to the rootdir to unpack but save the old working dir
save_cwd = os.getcwd()
pn = d.getVar('BPN')
if pn == ud.parm.get('name'):
cmd = "tar -xz --no-same-owner -f %s" % thefile
cargo_bitbake = self._cargo_bitbake_path(rootdir)
cmd = "tar -xz --no-same-owner -f %s -C %s" % (thefile, cargo_bitbake)
# ensure we've got these paths made
# generate metadata necessary
with open(thefile, 'rb') as f:
# get the SHA256 of the original tarball
tarhash = hashlib.sha256(
metadata['files'] = {}
metadata['package'] = tarhash
path = d.getVar('PATH')
if path:
cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % (path, cmd)
bb.note("Unpacking %s to %s/" % (thefile, os.getcwd()))
ret =, preexec_fn=subprocess_setup, shell=True)
if ret != 0:
raise UnpackError("Unpack command %s failed with return value %s" % (cmd, ret), ud.url)
# if we have metadata to write out..
if len(metadata) > 0:
cratepath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(thefile))[0]
bbpath = self._cargo_bitbake_path(rootdir)
mdfile = '.cargo-checksum.json'
mdpath = os.path.join(bbpath, cratepath, mdfile)
with open(mdpath, "w") as f:
json.dump(metadata, f)