blob: 6e4c3c0b217eef5248defff17b2cf49f2ef2f90b [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "U-Boot uEnv.txt SD boot environment generation for Zynq targets"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
python () {
# The device trees must be populated in the deploy directory to correctly
# detect them and their names. This means that this recipe needs to depend
# on those deployables just like the image recipe does.
deploydeps = ["virtual/kernel"]
for i in (d.getVar("MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS") or "").split():
if i != d.getVar("BPN"):
for i in (d.getVar("EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS") or "").split():
if i != d.getVar("BPN"):
# add as DEPENDS since the targets might not have do_deploy tasks
if len(deploydeps) != 0:
d.appendVar("DEPENDS", " " + " ".join(deploydeps))
inherit deploy image-wic-utils
def uboot_boot_cmd(d):
if d.getVar("KERNEL_IMAGETYPE") in ["uImage", "fitImage"]:
return "bootm"
if d.getVar("KERNEL_IMAGETYPE") in ["zImage"]:
return "bootz"
if d.getVar("KERNEL_IMAGETYPE") in ["Image"]:
return "booti"
raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("Unsupport kernel image type")
def get_sdbootdev(d):
if d.getVar("SOC_FAMILY") in ["zynqmp"]:
return "${sdbootdev}"
return "0"
def uenv_populate(d):
# populate the environment values
env = {}
env["machine_name"] = d.getVar("MACHINE")
env["kernel_image"] = d.getVar("KERNEL_IMAGETYPE")
env["kernel_load_address"] = d.getVar("KERNEL_LOAD_ADDRESS")
env["devicetree_image"] = boot_files_dtb_filepath(d)
env["devicetree_load_address"] = d.getVar("DEVICETREE_LOAD_ADDRESS")
env["bootargs"] = d.getVar("KERNEL_BOOTARGS")
env["loadkernel"] = "fatload mmc " + get_sdbootdev(d) + " ${kernel_load_address} ${kernel_image}"
env["loaddtb"] = "fatload mmc " + get_sdbootdev(d) + " ${devicetree_load_address} ${devicetree_image}"
env["bootkernel"] = "run loadkernel && run loaddtb && " + uboot_boot_cmd(d) + " ${kernel_load_address} - ${devicetree_load_address}"
if d.getVar("SOC_FAMILY") in ["zynqmp"]:
env["bootkernel"] = "setenv bootargs " + d.getVar("KERNEL_BOOTARGS") + " ; " + env["bootkernel"]
# default uenvcmd does not load bitstream
env["uenvcmd"] = "run bootkernel"
bitstream, bitstreamtype = boot_files_bitstream(d)
if bitstream:
env["bitstream_image"] = bitstream
env["bitstream_load_address"] = "0x100000"
# if bitstream is "bit" format use loadb, otherwise use load
env["bitstream_type"] = "loadb" if bitstreamtype else "load"
# load bitstream first with loadfpa
env["loadfpga"] = "fatload mmc " + get_sdbootdev(d) + " ${bitstream_load_address} ${bitstream_image} && fpga ${bitstream_type} 0 ${bitstream_load_address} ${filesize}"
env["uenvcmd"] = "run loadfpga && run bootkernel"
return env
# bootargs, default to booting with the rootfs device being partition 2
KERNEL_BOOTARGS_zynq = "earlyprintk console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait"
KERNEL_BOOTARGS_zynqmp = "earlycon clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/mmcblk${sdbootdev}p2 rw rootwait"
KERNEL_LOAD_ADDRESS_zynq = "0x2080000"
KERNEL_LOAD_ADDRESS_zynqmp = "0x80000"
DEVICETREE_LOAD_ADDRESS_zynq = "0x2000000"
DEVICETREE_LOAD_ADDRESS_zynqmp = "0x4000000"
python do_compile() {
env = uenv_populate(d)
with open(d.expand("${WORKDIR}/uEnv.txt"), "w") as f:
for k, v in env.items():
f.write("{0}={1}\n".format(k, v))
FILES_${PN} += "/boot/uEnv.txt"
do_install() {
install -Dm 0644 ${WORKDIR}/uEnv.txt ${D}/boot/uEnv.txt
do_deploy() {
install -Dm 0644 ${WORKDIR}/uEnv.txt ${DEPLOYDIR}/uEnv.txt
addtask do_deploy after do_compile before do_build