blob: 8cb74c4b130cfffd714b8ea4b16c60fe40c6c80c [file] [log] [blame]
Add excludefs config option to mount module
Adds a configuration option (currently hidden) to allow the distro to
hide certain filesystems from the mount module within Webmin (e.g. /dev)
since these shouldn't be modified from the web interface.
Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
Upstream-status: Pending
--- webmin-1.570.orig/mount/index.cgi
+++ webmin-1.570/mount/index.cgi
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ elsif ($config{'sort_mode'} == 1) {
# Build visible filesystems list
+@excludefs = split(/,/, $config{excludefs});
foreach $m (@all) {
@minfo = @$m;
$p = &simplify_mount_path($minfo[0], $minfo[2]);
next if ($ignore{$minfo[2]});
+ next if (grep {$_ eq $minfo[2]} @excludefs);
@mmodes = &mount_modes($minfo[2], $minfo[0], $minfo[1]);
$canedit = $can_edit{$minfo[2]} && !$mmodes[4] &&