| # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
| from oeqa.selftest.case import OESelftestTestCase |
| from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake |
| class SysrootTests(OESelftestTestCase): |
| def test_sysroot_cleanup(self): |
| Build sysroot test which depends on virtual/sysroot-test for one machine, |
| switch machine, switch provider of virtual/sysroot-test and check that the |
| sysroot is correctly cleaned up. The files in the two providers overlap |
| so can cause errors if the sysroot code doesn't function correctly. |
| Yes, sysroot-test should be machine specific really to avoid this, however |
| the sysroot cleanup should also work [YOCTO #13702]. |
| PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/sysroot-test = "sysroot-test-arch1" |
| TESTSTRING_pn-sysroot-test-arch1 = "%s" |
| TESTSTRING_pn-sysroot-test-arch2 = "%s" |
| PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/sysroot-test = "sysroot-test-arch2" |
| TESTSTRING_pn-sysroot-test-arch1 = "%s" |
| TESTSTRING_pn-sysroot-test-arch2 = "%s" |