| SUMMARY = "XWayland is an X Server that runs under Wayland." |
| DESCRIPTION = "XWayland is an X Server running as a Wayland client, \ |
| and thus is capable of displaying native X11 client applications in a \ |
| Wayland compositor environment. The goal of XWayland is to facilitate \ |
| the transition from X Window System to Wayland environments, providing \ |
| a way to run unported applications in the meantime." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/XwaylandStandalone" |
| |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=5df87950af51ac2c5822094553ea1880" |
| |
| SRC_URI = "https://www.x.org/archive/individual/xserver/xwayland-${PV}.tar.xz" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "bd25d8498ee4d77874fda125127e2db37fc332531febc966231ea06fae8cf77f" |
| |
| UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "xwayland-(?P<pver>\d+(\.(?!90\d)\d+)+)\.tar" |
| |
| inherit meson features_check pkgconfig |
| |
| DEPENDS += "xorgproto xtrans pixman libxkbfile libxfont2 wayland wayland-native wayland-protocols libdrm libepoxy libxcvt" |
| |
| OPENGL_PKGCONFIGS = "glx glamor dri3" |
| ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', '${OPENGL_PKGCONFIGS}', '', d)} \ |
| " |
| PACKAGECONFIG[dri3] = "-Ddri3=true,-Ddri3=false,libxshmfence" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[glx] = "-Dglx=true,-Dglx=false,virtual/libgl virtual/libx11" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[glamor] = "-Dglamor=true,-Dglamor=false,libepoxy virtual/libgbm,libegl" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[unwind] = "-Dlibunwind=true,-Dlibunwind=false,libunwind" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[xinerama] = "-Dxinerama=true,-Dxinerama=false" |
| |
| # Xorg requires a SHA1 implementation, pick one |
| XORG_CRYPTO ??= "openssl" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[openssl] = "-Dsha1=libcrypto,,openssl" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[nettle] = "-Dsha1=libnettle,,nettle" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[gcrypt] = "-Dsha1=libgcrypt,,libgcrypt" |
| |
| do_install:append() { |
| # remove files not needed and clashing with xserver-xorg |
| rm -rf ${D}/${libdir}/xorg/ |
| } |
| |
| FILES:${PN} += "${libdir}/xorg/protocol.txt" |
| |
| RDEPENDS:${PN} += "xkbcomp" |