blob: 446aaeadb423a9838fce68ccf32699c2c483b5a3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
SUMMARY = "Graphics abstraction library for the Linux Framebuffer Device"
DESCRIPTION = "DirectFB is a thin library that provides developers \
with hardware graphics acceleration, input device handling and \
abstraction, an integrated windowing system with support for \
translucent windows and multiple display layers on top of the \
Linux framebuffer device."
SECTION = "libs"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=dcf3c825659e82539645da41a7908589"
DEPENDS = "jpeg libpng freetype zlib tslib sysfsutils"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \
file://configurefix.patch \
file://fusion.patch \
file://bashism.patch \
file://0001-gfx-direct-Aboid-usng-VLAs-and-printf-formats.patch \
S = "${WORKDIR}/DirectFB-${PV}"
LDFLAGS_append =" -lts -lm"
BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/directfb-config"
inherit autotools binconfig-disabled pkgconfig
PACKAGECONFIG[jpeg2000] = "--enable-jpeg2000,--disable-jpeg2000,jasper"
PACKAGECONFIG[drmkms] = "--enable-drmkms,--disable-drmkms,libdrm"
PACKAGECONFIG[tiff] = "--enable-tiff,--disable-tiff,tiff"
PACKAGECONFIG[webp] = "--enable-webp,--disable-webp,libwebp"
--with-gfxdrivers=none \
--enable-freetype=yes \
--enable-zlib \
--disable-imlib2 \
--disable-mesa \
--disable-sdl \
--disable-vnc \
--disable-x11 \
#Once -fno-omit-frame-pointer option of gcc is added into TARGET_CLFAGS as default
#this will cause directfb build failure on x86 arch, so filter out it.
TARGET_CFLAGS_remove_x86 = "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"
#PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^directfb-inputdrivers-.*"
#python populate_packages_prepend () {
# inputdrivers_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/inputdrivers')
# do_split_packages(d, inputdrivers_libdir, '*.so$', 'directfb-inputdrivers-%s', 'Directfb plugin for %s')
# NOTE: monolithic packaging for now, should improve that eventually
FILES_${PN}-dbg += "\
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/*/*/.debug/*.so \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/*/.debug/*.so \
FILES_${PN}-dev += "\
${bindir}/directfb-config \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/systems/*.la \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/inputdrivers/*.la \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/interfaces/*/*.la \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/wm/*.la \
FILES_${PN} += "\
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/systems/*.so \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/inputdrivers/*.so \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/interfaces/*/*.so \
${libdir}/directfb-${RV}/wm/*.so \
${datadir}/directfb-${PV} \