blob: ced3e0636041ec7253237cd5fe32b292ceb1fabe [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse
import layerindexlib
import layerindexlib.plugin
logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.layerindexlib.cooker')
import bb.utils
def plugin_init(plugins):
return CookerPlugin()
class CookerPlugin(layerindexlib.plugin.IndexPlugin):
def __init__(self):
self.type = "cooker"
self.server_connection = None
self.ui_module = None
self.server = None
def _run_command(self, command, path, default=None):
result, _ =, cwd=path)
result = result.strip()
except bb.process.ExecutionError:
result = default
return result
def _handle_git_remote(self, remote):
if "://" not in remote:
if ':' in remote:
# This is assumed to be ssh
remote = "ssh://" + remote
# This is assumed to be a file path
remote = "file://" + remote
return remote
def _get_bitbake_info(self):
"""Return a tuple of bitbake information"""
# Our path SHOULD be .../bitbake/lib/layerindex/
bb_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # .../bitbake/lib/layerindex/
bb_path = os.path.dirname(bb_path) # .../bitbake/lib/layerindex
bb_path = os.path.dirname(bb_path) # .../bitbake/lib
bb_path = os.path.dirname(bb_path) # .../bitbake
bb_path = self._run_command('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', os.path.dirname(__file__), default=bb_path)
bb_branch = self._run_command('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', bb_path, default="<unknown>")
bb_rev = self._run_command('git rev-parse HEAD', bb_path, default="<unknown>")
for remotes in self._run_command('git remote -v', bb_path, default="").split("\n"):
remote = remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
if "(fetch)" == remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[1]:
bb_remote = self._handle_git_remote(remote)
bb_remote = self._handle_git_remote(bb_path)
return (bb_remote, bb_branch, bb_rev, bb_path)
def _load_bblayers(self, branches=None):
"""Load the BBLAYERS and related collection information"""
d =
if not branches:
raise layerindexlib.LayerIndexFetchError("No branches specified for _load_bblayers!")
index = layerindexlib.LayerIndexObj()
branchId = 0
index.branches = {}
layerItemId = 0
index.layerItems = {}
layerBranchId = 0
index.layerBranches = {}
bblayers = d.getVar('BBLAYERS').split()
if not bblayers:
# It's blank! Nothing to process...
return index
collections = d.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS')
layerconfs = d.varhistory.get_variable_items_files('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS')
bbfile_collections = {layer: os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)) for layer, path in layerconfs.items()}
(_, bb_branch, _, _) = self._get_bitbake_info()
for branch in branches:
branchId += 1
index.branches[branchId] = layerindexlib.Branch(index, None)
index.branches[branchId].define_data(branchId, branch, bb_branch)
for entry in collections.split():
layerpath = entry
if entry in bbfile_collections:
layerpath = bbfile_collections[entry]
layername = d.getVar('BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_NAME_%s' % entry) or os.path.basename(layerpath)
layerversion = d.getVar('LAYERVERSION_%s' % entry) or ""
layerurl = self._handle_git_remote(layerpath)
layersubdir = ""
layerrev = "<unknown>"
layerbranch = "<unknown>"
if os.path.isdir(layerpath):
layerbasepath = self._run_command('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', layerpath, default=layerpath)
if os.path.abspath(layerpath) != os.path.abspath(layerbasepath):
layersubdir = os.path.abspath(layerpath)[len(layerbasepath) + 1:]
layerbranch = self._run_command('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', layerpath, default="<unknown>")
layerrev = self._run_command('git rev-parse HEAD', layerpath, default="<unknown>")
for remotes in self._run_command('git remote -v', layerpath, default="").split("\n"):
if not remotes:
layerurl = self._handle_git_remote(layerpath)
remote = remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
if "(fetch)" == remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[1]:
layerurl = self._handle_git_remote(remote)
layerItemId += 1
index.layerItems[layerItemId] = layerindexlib.LayerItem(index, None)
index.layerItems[layerItemId].define_data(layerItemId, layername, description=layerpath, vcs_url=layerurl)
for branchId in index.branches:
layerBranchId += 1
index.layerBranches[layerBranchId] = layerindexlib.LayerBranch(index, None)
index.layerBranches[layerBranchId].define_data(layerBranchId, entry, layerversion, layerItemId, branchId,
vcs_subdir=layersubdir, vcs_last_rev=layerrev, actual_branch=layerbranch)
return index
def load_index(self, url, load):
Fetches layer information from a build configuration.
The return value is a dictionary containing API,
layer, branch, dependency, recipe, machine, distro, information.
url type should be 'cooker'.
url path is ignored
up = urlparse(url)
if up.scheme != 'cooker':
raise layerindexlib.plugin.LayerIndexPluginUrlError(self.type, url)
d =
params = self.layerindex._parse_params(up.params)
# Only reason to pass a branch is to emulate them...
if 'branch' in params:
branches = params['branch'].split(',')
branches = ['HEAD']
logger.debug("Loading cooker data branches %s" % branches)
index = self._load_bblayers(branches=branches)
index.config = {}
index.config['TYPE'] = self.type
index.config['URL'] = url
if 'desc' in params:
index.config['DESCRIPTION'] = unquote(params['desc'])
index.config['DESCRIPTION'] = 'local'
if 'cache' in params:
index.config['CACHE'] = params['cache']
index.config['BRANCH'] = branches
# ("layerDependencies", layerindexlib.LayerDependency)
layerDependencyId = 0
if "layerDependencies" in load:
index.layerDependencies = {}
for layerBranchId in index.layerBranches:
branchName = index.layerBranches[layerBranchId]
collection = index.layerBranches[layerBranchId].collection
def add_dependency(layerDependencyId, index, deps, required):
depDict = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(deps)
except bb.utils.VersionStringException as vse:
bb.fatal('Error parsing LAYERDEPENDS_%s: %s' % (collection, str(vse)))
for dep, oplist in list(depDict.items()):
# We need to search ourselves, so use the _ version...
depLayerBranch = index.find_collection(dep, branches=[branchName])
if not depLayerBranch:
# Missing dependency?!
logger.error('Missing dependency %s (%s)' % (dep, branchName))
# We assume that the oplist matches...
layerDependencyId += 1
layerDependency = layerindexlib.LayerDependency(index, None)
required=required, layerbranch=layerBranchId,
logger.debug('%s requires %s' % (,
index.add_element("layerDependencies", [layerDependency])
return layerDependencyId
deps = d.getVar("LAYERDEPENDS_%s" % collection)
if deps:
layerDependencyId = add_dependency(layerDependencyId, index, deps, True)
deps = d.getVar("LAYERRECOMMENDS_%s" % collection)
if deps:
layerDependencyId = add_dependency(layerDependencyId, index, deps, False)
# Need to load recipes here (requires cooker access)
recipeId = 0
# The code following this is an example of what needs to be
# implemented. However, it does not work as-is.
if False and 'recipes' in load: = {}
ret = self.ui_module.main(self.server_connection.connection,, config_params)
all_versions = self._run_command('allProviders')
all_versions_list = defaultdict(list, all_versions)
for pn in all_versions_list:
for ((pe, pv, pr), fpath) in all_versions_list[pn]:
realfn = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(fpath)
filepath = os.path.dirname(realfn[0])
filename = os.path.basename(realfn[0])
# This is all HORRIBLY slow, and likely unnecessary
#dscon = self._run_command('parseRecipeFile', fpath, False, [])
#connector = myDataStoreConnector(self, dscon.dsindex)
#recipe_data =
#recipe_data.setVar('_remote_data', connector)
#summary = recipe_data.getVar('SUMMARY')
#description = recipe_data.getVar('DESCRIPTION')
#section = recipe_data.getVar('SECTION')
#license = recipe_data.getVar('LICENSE')
#homepage = recipe_data.getVar('HOMEPAGE')
#bugtracker = recipe_data.getVar('BUGTRACKER')
#provides = recipe_data.getVar('PROVIDES')
layer = bb.utils.get_file_layer(realfn[0], self.config_data)
depBranchId = collection[layer]
recipeId += 1
recipe = layerindexlib.Recipe(index, None)
filename=filename, filepath=filepath,
pn=pn, pv=pv,
summary=pn, description=pn, section='?',
license='?', homepage='?', bugtracker='?',
provides='?', bbclassextend='?', inherits='?',
disallowed='?', layerbranch=depBranchId)
index = addElement("recipes", [recipe], index)
# ("machines", layerindexlib.Machine)
machineId = 0
if 'machines' in load:
index.machines = {}
for layerBranchId in index.layerBranches:
# load_bblayers uses the description to cache the actual path...
machine_path = index.layerBranches[layerBranchId].layer.description
machine_path = os.path.join(machine_path, 'conf/machine')
if os.path.isdir(machine_path):
for (dirpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(machine_path):
# Ignore subdirs...
if not dirpath.endswith('conf/machine'):
for fname in filenames:
if fname.endswith('.conf'):
machineId += 1
machine = layerindexlib.Machine(index, None)
machine.define_data(id=machineId, name=fname[:-5],
index.add_element("machines", [machine])
# ("distros", layerindexlib.Distro)
distroId = 0
if 'distros' in load:
index.distros = {}
for layerBranchId in index.layerBranches:
# load_bblayers uses the description to cache the actual path...
distro_path = index.layerBranches[layerBranchId].layer.description
distro_path = os.path.join(distro_path, 'conf/distro')
if os.path.isdir(distro_path):
for (dirpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(distro_path):
# Ignore subdirs...
if not dirpath.endswith('conf/distro'):
for fname in filenames:
if fname.endswith('.conf'):
distroId += 1
distro = layerindexlib.Distro(index, None)
distro.define_data(id=distroId, name=fname[:-5],
index.add_element("distros", [distro])
return index