blob: 131fa74bede9f3753997793326594c2b210e11c5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
inherit meson setuptools3-base python3targetconfig python_pep517
# meson_do_qa_configure does the wrong thing here because
# mesonpy runs "meson setup ..." in do_compile context.
# Make it a dummy function.
meson_do_qa_configure () {
# This prevents the meson error:
# ERROR: Got argument buildtype as both -Dbuildtype and --buildtype. Pick one.
MESONOPTS:remove = "--buildtype ${MESON_BUILDTYPE}"
CONFIGURE_FILES = "pyproject.toml"
DEPENDS += "python3-wheel-native python3-meson-python-native"
def mesonpy_get_args(d):
varlist = []
for var in vars:
value = d.getVar(var)
vallist = value.split()
for elem in vallist:
varlist.append("-Csetup-args=" + elem)
return ' '.join(varlist)
PEP517_BUILD_OPTS = "-Cbuilddir='${B}' ${@mesonpy_get_args(d)}"
# Python pyx -> c -> so build leaves absolute build paths in the code
INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "buildpaths"
INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-src += "buildpaths"
python_mesonpy_do_configure () {
python_mesonpy_do_compile () {
python_mesonpy_do_install () {
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure do_compile do_install