| #include <webassets.hpp> |
| #include <web_kvm.hpp> |
| #include "ssl_key_handler.hpp" |
| |
| #include <crow/bmc_app_type.hpp> |
| |
| #include "crow/app.h" |
| #include "crow/ci_map.h" |
| #include "crow/common.h" |
| #include "crow/dumb_timer_queue.h" |
| #include "crow/http_connection.h" |
| #include "crow/http_parser_merged.h" |
| #include "crow/http_request.h" |
| #include "crow/http_response.h" |
| #include "crow/http_server.h" |
| #include "crow/json.h" |
| #include "crow/logging.h" |
| #include "crow/middleware.h" |
| #include "crow/middleware_context.h" |
| #include "crow/mustache.h" |
| #include "crow/parser.h" |
| #include "crow/query_string.h" |
| #include "crow/routing.h" |
| #include "crow/settings.h" |
| #include "crow/socket_adaptors.h" |
| #include "crow/utility.h" |
| #include "crow/websocket.h" |
| |
| |
| #include "color_cout_g3_sink.hpp" |
| #include "webassets.hpp" |
| |
| |
| #include <boost/asio.hpp> |
| #include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp> |
| |
| |
| #include <iostream> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <unordered_set> |
| |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| auto worker(g3::LogWorker::createLogWorker()); |
| std::string logger_name("bmcweb"); |
| std::string folder("/tmp/"); |
| auto handle = worker->addDefaultLogger(logger_name, folder); |
| g3::initializeLogging(worker.get()); |
| auto sink_handle = worker->addSink(std::make_unique<crow::ColorCoutSink>(), |
| &crow::ColorCoutSink::ReceiveLogMessage); |
| |
| std::string ssl_pem_file("server.pem"); |
| ensuressl::ensure_openssl_key_present_and_valid(ssl_pem_file); |
| |
| BmcAppType app; |
| |
| crow::webassets::request_routes(app); |
| crow::kvm::request_routes(app); |
| |
| crow::logger::setLogLevel(crow::LogLevel::INFO); |
| |
| CROW_ROUTE(app, "/systeminfo") |
| ([]() { |
| |
| crow::json::wvalue j; |
| j["device_id"] = 0x7B; |
| j["device_provides_sdrs"] = true; |
| j["device_revision"] = true; |
| j["device_available"] = true; |
| j["firmware_revision"] = "0.68"; |
| |
| j["ipmi_revision"] = "2.0"; |
| j["supports_chassis_device"] = true; |
| j["supports_bridge"] = true; |
| j["supports_ipmb_event_generator"] = true; |
| j["supports_ipmb_event_receiver"] = true; |
| j["supports_fru_inventory_device"] = true; |
| j["supports_sel_device"] = true; |
| j["supports_sdr_repository_device"] = true; |
| j["supports_sensor_device"] = true; |
| |
| j["firmware_aux_revision"] = "0.60.foobar"; |
| |
| return j; |
| }); |
| |
| CROW_ROUTE(app, "/ipmiws") |
| .websocket() |
| .onopen([&](crow::websocket::connection& conn) { |
| |
| }) |
| .onclose( |
| [&](crow::websocket::connection& conn, const std::string& reason) { |
| |
| }) |
| .onmessage([&](crow::websocket::connection& conn, const std::string& data, |
| bool is_binary) { |
| boost::asio::io_service io_service; |
| using boost::asio::ip::udp; |
| udp::resolver resolver(io_service); |
| udp::resolver::query query(udp::v4(), "", "623"); |
| udp::endpoint receiver_endpoint = *resolver.resolve(query); |
| |
| udp::socket socket(io_service); |
| socket.open(udp::v4()); |
| |
| socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(data), receiver_endpoint); |
| |
| std::array<char, 255> recv_buf; |
| |
| udp::endpoint sender_endpoint; |
| size_t len = |
| socket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint); |
| // TODO(ed) THis is ugly. Find a way to not make a copy (ie, use |
| // std::string::data() to |
| std::string str(std::begin(recv_buf), std::end(recv_buf)); |
| LOG(DEBUG) << "Got " << str << "back \n"; |
| conn.send_binary(str); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| app.port(18080) |
| //.ssl(std::move(ensuressl::get_ssl_context(ssl_pem_file))) |
| .run(); |
| } |