blob: 86a437bcf780ac172cec54a0764f53f12354c47c [file] [log] [blame]
/** ==========================================================================
* 2011 by This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own risk and comes
* with no warranties. This code is yours to share, use and modify with no
* strings attached and no restrictions or obligations.
* For more information see g3log/LICENSE or refer refer to
* ============================================================================
* Filename:g3log.cpp Framework for Logging and Design By Contract
* Created: 2011 by Kjell Hedström
* PUBLIC DOMAIN and Not copywrited since it was built on public-domain software and at least in "spirit" influenced
* from the following sources
* 1. ;)
* 2. Dr.Dobbs, Petru Marginean:
* 3. Dr.Dobbs, Michael Schulze:
* 4. Google 'glog':
* 5. Various Q&A at StackOverflow
* ********************************************* */
#include "g3log/g3log.hpp"
#include "g3log/std2_make_unique.hpp"
#include "g3log/logworker.hpp"
#include "g3log/crashhandler.hpp"
#include "g3log/logmessage.hpp"
#include "g3log/loglevels.hpp"
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
namespace {
std::once_flag g_initialize_flag;
g3::LogWorker *g_logger_instance = nullptr; // instantiated and OWNED somewhere else (main)
std::mutex g_logging_init_mutex;
std::unique_ptr<g3::LogMessage> g_first_unintialized_msg = {nullptr};
std::once_flag g_set_first_uninitialized_flag;
std::once_flag g_save_first_unintialized_flag;
const std::function<void(void)> g_pre_fatal_hook_that_does_nothing = [] { /*does nothing */};
std::function<void(void)> g_fatal_pre_logging_hook;
std::atomic<size_t> g_fatal_hook_recursive_counter = {0};
namespace g3 {
// signalhandler and internal clock is only needed to install once
// for unit testing purposes the initializeLogging might be called
// several times...
// for all other practical use, it shouldn't!
void initializeLogging(LogWorker *bgworker) {
std::call_once(g_initialize_flag, [] {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_logging_init_mutex);
if (internal::isLoggingInitialized() || nullptr == bgworker) {
std::ostringstream exitMsg;
exitMsg << __FILE__ "->" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
exitMsg << "\tFatal exit due to illegal initialization of g3::LogWorker\n";
exitMsg << "\t(due to multiple initializations? : " << std::boolalpha << internal::isLoggingInitialized();
exitMsg << ", due to nullptr == bgworker? : " << std::boolalpha << (nullptr == bgworker) << ")";
std::cerr << exitMsg.str() << std::endl;
// Save the first uninitialized message, if any
std::call_once(g_save_first_unintialized_flag, [&bgworker] {
if (g_first_unintialized_msg) {
bgworker->save(LogMessagePtr {std::move(g_first_unintialized_msg)});
g_logger_instance = bgworker;
// by default the pre fatal logging hook does nothing
// if it WOULD do something it would happen in
// recurvise crash counter re-set to zero;
* default does nothing, @ref ::g_pre_fatal_hook_that_does_nothing
* It will be called just before sending the fatal message, @ref pushFatalmessageToLogger
* It will be reset to do nothing in ::initializeLogging(...)
* so please call this function, if you ever need to, after initializeLogging(...)
void setFatalPreLoggingHook(std::function<void(void)> pre_fatal_hook) {
static std::mutex m;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
g_fatal_pre_logging_hook = pre_fatal_hook;
// By default this function pointer goes to \ref pushFatalMessageToLogger;
std::function<void(FatalMessagePtr) > g_fatal_to_g3logworker_function_ptr = internal::pushFatalMessageToLogger;
/** REPLACE fatalCallToLogger for fatalCallForUnitTest
* This function switches the function pointer so that only
* 'unitTest' mock-fatal calls are made.
* */
void setFatalExitHandler(std::function<void(FatalMessagePtr) > fatal_call) {
g_fatal_to_g3logworker_function_ptr = fatal_call;
namespace internal {
bool isLoggingInitialized() {
return g_logger_instance != nullptr;
* Shutdown the logging by making the pointer to the background logger to nullptr. The object is not deleted
* that is the responsibility of its owner. *
void shutDownLogging() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_logging_init_mutex);
g_logger_instance = nullptr;
/** Same as the Shutdown above but called by the destructor of the LogWorker, thus ensuring that no further
* LOG(...) calls can happen to a non-existing LogWorker.
* @param active MUST BE the LogWorker initialized for logging. If it is not then this call is just ignored
* and the logging continues to be active.
* @return true if the correct worker was given,. and shutDownLogging was called
bool shutDownLoggingForActiveOnly(LogWorker *active) {
if (isLoggingInitialized() && nullptr != active && (active != g_logger_instance)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "\n\t\tAttempted to shut down logging, but the ID of the Logger is not the one that is active."
<< "\n\t\tHaving multiple instances of the g3::LogWorker is likely a BUG"
<< "\n\t\tEither way, this call to shutDownLogging was ignored"
<< "\n\t\tTry g3::internal::shutDownLogging() instead";
return false;
return true;
/** explicits copy of all input. This is makes it possibly to use g3log across dynamically loaded libraries
* i.e. (dlopen + dlsym) */
void saveMessage(const char *entry, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const LEVELS &level,
const char *boolean_expression, int fatal_signal, const char *stack_trace) {
LEVELS msgLevel {level};
LogMessagePtr message {std2::make_unique<LogMessage>(file, line, function, msgLevel)};
if (internal::wasFatal(level)) {
auto fatalhook = g_fatal_pre_logging_hook;
// In case the fatal_pre logging actually will cause a crash in its turn
// let's not do recursive crashing!
++g_fatal_hook_recursive_counter; // thread safe counter
// "benign" race here. If two threads crashes, with recursive crashes
// then it's possible that the "other" fatal stack trace will be shown
// that's OK since it was anyhow the first crash detected
static const std::string first_stack_trace = stack_trace;
if (g_fatal_hook_recursive_counter.load() > 1) {
"A recursive crash detected. It is likely the hook set with 'setFatalPreLoggingHook(...)' is responsible\n\n")
.append("---First crash stacktrace: ").append(first_stack_trace).append("\n---End of first stacktrace\n");
FatalMessagePtr fatal_message { std2::make_unique<FatalMessage>(*(message._move_only.get()), fatal_signal) };
// At destruction, flushes fatal message to g3LogWorker
// either we will stay here until the background worker has received the fatal
// message, flushed the crash message to the sinks and exits with the same fatal signal
//..... OR it's in unit-test mode then we throw a std::runtime_error (and never hit sleep)
} else {
* save the message to the logger. In case of called before the logger is instantiated
* the first message will be saved. Any following subsequent unitnialized log calls
* will be ignored.
* The first initialized log entry will also save the first uninitialized log message, if any
* @param log_entry to save to logger
void pushMessageToLogger(LogMessagePtr incoming) { // todo rename to Push SavedMessage To Worker
// Uninitialized messages are ignored but does not CHECK/crash the logger
if (!internal::isLoggingInitialized()) {
std::call_once(g_set_first_uninitialized_flag, [&] {
g_first_unintialized_msg = incoming.release();
std::string err = {"LOGGER NOT INITIALIZED:\n\t\t"};
std::string &str = g_first_unintialized_msg->write();
str.append(err); // replace content
std::cerr << str << std::endl;
// logger is initialized
/** Fatal call saved to logger. This will trigger SIGABRT or other fatal signal
* to exit the program. After saving the fatal message the calling thread
* will sleep forever (i.e. until the background thread catches up, saves the fatal
* message and kills the software with the fatal signal.
void pushFatalMessageToLogger(FatalMessagePtr message) {
if (!isLoggingInitialized()) {
std::ostringstream error;
error << "FATAL CALL but logger is NOT initialized\n"
<< "CAUSE: " << message.get()->reason()
<< "\nMessage: \n" << message.get()->toString() << std::flush;
std::cerr << error.str() << std::flush;
internal::exitWithDefaultSignalHandler(message.get()->_level, message.get()->_signal_id);
while (shouldBlockForFatalHandling()) {
/** The default, initial, handling to send a 'fatal' event to g3logworker
* the caller will stay here, eternally, until the software is aborted
* ... in the case of unit testing it is the given "Mock" fatalCall that will
* define the behaviour.
void fatalCall(FatalMessagePtr message) {
g_fatal_to_g3logworker_function_ptr(FatalMessagePtr {std::move(message)});
} // internal
} // g3