blob: 2e286e15ca03c0b4730fdf43969482dc3bb6b9dc [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <pam_authenticate.hpp>
#include <persistent_data_middleware.hpp>
#include <webassets.hpp>
#include <random>
#include <crow/app.h>
#include <crow/common.h>
#include <crow/http_request.h>
#include <crow/http_response.h>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
namespace crow {
namespace token_authorization {
class Middleware {
struct Context {
std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> session;
void beforeHandle(crow::Request& req, Response& res, Context& ctx) {
if (isOnWhitelist(req)) {
ctx.session = performXtokenAuth(req);
if (ctx.session == nullptr) {
ctx.session = performCookieAuth(req);
if (ctx.session == nullptr) {
boost::string_view authHeader = req.getHeaderValue("Authorization");
if (!authHeader.empty()) {
// Reject any kind of auth other than basic or token
if (boost::starts_with(authHeader, "Token ")) {
ctx.session = performTokenAuth(authHeader);
} else if (boost::starts_with(authHeader, "Basic ")) {
ctx.session = performBasicAuth(authHeader);
if (ctx.session == nullptr) {
BMCWEB_LOG_WARNING << "[AuthMiddleware] authorization failed";
// If it's a browser connecting, don't send the HTTP authenticate header,
// to avoid possible CSRF attacks with basic auth
if (http_helpers::requestPrefersHtml(req)) {
res.addHeader("Location", "/#/login");
} else {
// only send the WWW-authenticate header if this isn't a xhr from the
// browser. most scripts,
if (req.getHeaderValue("User-Agent").empty()) {
res.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");
// TODO get user privileges here and propagate it via MW Context
// else let the request continue unharmed
template <typename AllContext>
void afterHandle(Request& req, Response& res, Context& ctx,
AllContext& allctx) {
// TODO(ed) THis should really be handled by the persistent data
// middleware, but because it is upstream, it doesn't have access to the
// session information. Should the data middleware persist the current
// user session?
if (ctx.session != nullptr &&
ctx.session->persistence ==
crow::persistent_data::PersistenceType::SINGLE_REQUEST) {
const std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> performBasicAuth(
boost::string_view auth_header) const {
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "[AuthMiddleware] Basic authentication";
std::string authData;
boost::string_view param = auth_header.substr(strlen("Basic "));
if (!crow::utility::base64Decode(param, authData)) {
return nullptr;
std::size_t separator = authData.find(':');
if (separator == std::string::npos) {
return nullptr;
std::string user = authData.substr(0, separator);
separator += 1;
if (separator > authData.size()) {
return nullptr;
std::string pass = authData.substr(separator);
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "[AuthMiddleware] Authenticating user: " << user;
if (!pamAuthenticateUser(user, pass)) {
return nullptr;
// TODO(ed) generateUserSession is a little expensive for basic
// auth, as it generates some random identifiers that will never be
// used. This should have a "fast" path for when user tokens aren't
// needed.
// This whole flow needs to be revisited anyway, as we can't be
// calling directly into pam for every request
return persistent_data::SessionStore::getInstance().generateUserSession(
user, crow::persistent_data::PersistenceType::SINGLE_REQUEST);
const std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> performTokenAuth(
boost::string_view auth_header) const {
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "[AuthMiddleware] Token authentication";
boost::string_view token = auth_header.substr(strlen("Token "));
auto session =
return session;
const std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> performXtokenAuth(
const crow::Request& req) const {
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "[AuthMiddleware] X-Auth-Token authentication";
boost::string_view token = req.getHeaderValue("X-Auth-Token");
if (token.empty()) {
return nullptr;
auto session =
return session;
const std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> performCookieAuth(
const crow::Request& req) const {
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "[AuthMiddleware] Cookie authentication";
boost::string_view cookieValue = req.getHeaderValue("Cookie");
if (cookieValue.empty()) {
return nullptr;
auto startIndex = cookieValue.find("SESSION=");
if (startIndex == std::string::npos) {
return nullptr;
startIndex += sizeof("SESSION=") - 1;
auto endIndex = cookieValue.find(";", startIndex);
if (endIndex == std::string::npos) {
endIndex = cookieValue.size();
boost::string_view authKey =
cookieValue.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
const std::shared_ptr<crow::persistent_data::UserSession> session =
if (session == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// RFC7231 defines methods that need csrf protection
if (req.method() != "GET"_method) {
boost::string_view csrf = req.getHeaderValue("X-XSRF-TOKEN");
// Make sure both tokens are filled
if (csrf.empty() || session->csrfToken.empty()) {
return nullptr;
// Reject if csrf token not available
if (csrf != session->csrfToken) {
return nullptr;
return session;
// checks if request can be forwarded without authentication
bool isOnWhitelist(const crow::Request& req) const {
// it's allowed to GET root node without authentica tion
if ("GET"_method == req.method()) {
if (req.url == "/redfish/v1" || req.url == "/redfish/v1/" ||
req.url == "/redfish" || req.url == "/redfish/" ||
req.url == "/redfish/v1/odata" || req.url == "/redfish/v1/odata/") {
return true;
} else if (crow::webassets::routes.find(std::string(req.url)) !=
crow::webassets::routes.end()) {
return true;
// it's allowed to POST on session collection & login without
// authentication
if ("POST"_method == req.method()) {
if ((req.url == "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions") ||
(req.url == "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/") ||
(req.url == "/login")) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO(ed) see if there is a better way to allow middlewares to request
// routes.
// Possibly an init function on first construction?
template <typename... Middlewares>
void requestRoutes(Crow<Middlewares...>& app) {
black_magic::Contains<persistent_data::Middleware, Middlewares...>::value,
"token_authorization middleware must be enabled in app to use "
"auth routes");
BMCWEB_ROUTE(app, "/login")
"POST"_method)([&](const crow::Request& req, crow::Response& res) {
boost::string_view contentType = req.getHeaderValue("content-type");
boost::string_view username;
boost::string_view password;
bool looksLikeIbm = false;
// This object needs to be declared at this scope so the strings
// within it are not destroyed before we can use them
nlohmann::json loginCredentials;
// Check if auth was provided by a payload
if (contentType == "application/json") {
loginCredentials = nlohmann::json::parse(req.body, nullptr, false);
if (loginCredentials.is_discarded()) {
// check for username/password in the root object
// THis method is how intel APIs authenticate
nlohmann::json::iterator userIt = loginCredentials.find("username");
nlohmann::json::iterator passIt = loginCredentials.find("password");
if (userIt != loginCredentials.end() &&
passIt != loginCredentials.end()) {
const std::string* userStr = userIt->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
const std::string* passStr = passIt->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
if (userStr != nullptr && passStr != nullptr) {
username = *userStr;
password = *passStr;
} else {
// Openbmc appears to push a data object that contains the same
// keys (username and password), attempt to use that
auto dataIt = loginCredentials.find("data");
if (dataIt != loginCredentials.end()) {
// Some apis produce an array of value ["username",
// "password"]
if (dataIt->is_array()) {
if (dataIt->size() == 2) {
nlohmann::json::iterator userIt2 = dataIt->begin();
nlohmann::json::iterator passIt2 = dataIt->begin() + 1;
looksLikeIbm = true;
if (userIt2 != dataIt->end() && passIt2 != dataIt->end()) {
const std::string* userStr =
userIt2->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
const std::string* passStr =
passIt2->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
if (userStr != nullptr && passStr != nullptr) {
username = *userStr;
password = *passStr;
} else if (dataIt->is_object()) {
nlohmann::json::iterator userIt2 = dataIt->find("username");
nlohmann::json::iterator passIt2 = dataIt->find("password");
if (userIt2 != dataIt->end() && passIt2 != dataIt->end()) {
const std::string* userStr =
userIt2->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
const std::string* passStr =
passIt2->get_ptr<const std::string*>();
if (userStr != nullptr && passStr != nullptr) {
username = *userStr;
password = *passStr;
} else {
// check if auth was provided as a headers
username = req.getHeaderValue("username");
password = req.getHeaderValue("password");
if (!username.empty() && !password.empty()) {
if (!pamAuthenticateUser(username, password)) {
} else {
auto session = persistent_data::SessionStore::getInstance()
if (looksLikeIbm) {
// IBM requires a very specific login structure, and doesn't
// actually look at the status code. TODO(ed).... Fix that
// upstream
res.jsonValue = {
{"data", "User '" + std::string(username) + "' logged in"},
{"message", "200 OK"},
{"status", "ok"}};
// Hack alert. Boost beast by default doesn't let you declare
// multiple headers of the same name, and in most cases this is
// fine. Unfortunately here we need to set the Session cookie,
// which requires the httpOnly attribute, as well as the XSRF
// cookie, which requires it to not have an httpOnly attribute.
// To get the behavior we want, we simply inject the second
// "set-cookie" string into the value header, and get the result
// we want, even though we are technicaly declaring two headers
// here.
"XSRF-TOKEN=" + session->csrfToken +
"; Secure\r\nSet-Cookie: SESSION=" +
session->sessionToken + "; Secure; HttpOnly");
} else {
// if content type is json, assume json token
res.jsonValue = {{"token", session->sessionToken}};
} else {
BMCWEB_ROUTE(app, "/logout")
"POST"_method)([&](const crow::Request& req, crow::Response& res) {
auto& session =
app.template getContext<token_authorization::Middleware>(req)
if (session != nullptr) {
} // namespace token_authorization
} // namespace crow