blob: 7db370d9fb1fc62520a9b3b3d3fc90988fe6cd3a [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "utils/query_param.hpp"
#include <bmcweb_config.h>
namespace redfish
[[nodiscard]] inline bool setUpRedfishRoute(crow::App& app,
const crow::Request& req,
crow::Response& res)
BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "setup redfish route";
// Section 7.4 of the redfish spec "Redfish Services shall process the
// [OData-Version header] in the following table as defined by the HTTP 1.1
// specification..."
// Required to pass redfish-protocol-validator REQ_HEADERS_ODATA_VERSION
std::string_view odataHeader = req.getHeaderValue("OData-Version");
if (!odataHeader.empty() && odataHeader != "4.0")
return false;
// If query parameters aren't enabled, do nothing.
if constexpr (!bmcwebInsecureEnableQueryParams)
return true;
std::optional<query_param::Query> queryOpt =
query_param::parseParameters(req.urlView.params(), res);
if (queryOpt == std::nullopt)
return false;
// If this isn't a get, no need to do anything with parameters
if (req.method() != boost::beast::http::verb::get)
return true;
std::function<void(crow::Response&)> handler =
[&app, handler(std::move(handler)),
query{*queryOpt}](crow::Response& res) mutable {
processAllParams(app, query, handler, res);
return true;
} // namespace redfish