blob: 29bb85c88d555e31127889784f47cd3616eb9941 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
D-bus interface to manage an encrypted storage device.
- name: Format
description: >
Format the encrypted device and create an ext4 filesystem.
- name: Password
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
- self.Error.EncryptionError
- self.Error.FilesystemError
- name: Erase
description: >
Erase the contents of the device.
- name: Password
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
- name: EraseType
type: enum[self.EraseMethod]
description: >
Describes what type of erase is done.
- self.Error.EncryptionError
- self.Error.EraseError
- self.Error.FilesystemError
- name: Lock
description: >
Unmount the filesystem, lock the device, and remove sensitive data
(e.g. volume key) from memory.
- name: Password
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
- self.Error.EncryptionError
- self.Error.FilesystemError
- name: Unlock
description: >
Activate the device and mount the filesystem.
- name: Password
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
- self.Error.EncryptionError
- self.Error.FilesystemError
- name: ChangePassword
description: >
Change the password that unlocks the storage device.
- name: OldPassword
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes for the old LUKS password.
- name: NewPassword
type: array[byte]
description: >
Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
- self.Error.EncryptionError
- name: Locked
type: boolean
default: false
description: >
Indicates whether the device is locked.
- name: EraseMethod
description: >
Indicates which erase method/step is being requested.
- name: CryptoErase
description: >
Destroys the encryption key slots, preventing decyrption.
- name: VerifyGeometry
description: >
Confirms a set percent of the disk is accessible.
- name: LogicalOverWrite
description: >
Overwrites the disk with a reproducible incompressible pattern.
- name: LogicalVerify
description: >
Verifies a reproducible pattern has been written to the disk.
- name: VendorSanitize
description: >
Uses the sanitization provided by the device firmware.
- name: ZeroOverWrite
description: >
Writes zeros over the whole disk.
- name: ZeroVerify
description: >
Verifies the the entire disk has been zeroed.
- name: SecuredLocked
description: >
Locks the disk to prevent data being written to it.