blob: a6af6ed84e80f518f9e9a9f975605bc30fbc729e [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "getConfig.hpp"
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
namespace estoraged
namespace util
/** @brief finds the size of the linux block device in bytes
* @param[in] devpath - the name of the linux block device
* @return size of a block device using the devPath
uint64_t findSizeOfBlockDevice(const std::string& devPath);
/** @brief finds the predicted life left for a eMMC device
* @param[in] sysfsPath - The path to the linux sysfs interface
* @return the life remaing for the emmc, as a percentage.
uint8_t findPredictedMediaLifeLeftPercent(const std::string& sysfsPath);
/** @brief Get the part number (aka part name) for the storage device
* @param[in] sysfsPath - The path to the linux sysfs interface.
* @return part name as a string (or "unknown" if it couldn't be retrieved)
std::string getPartNumber(const std::filesystem::path& sysfsPath);
/** @brief Get the serial number for the storage device
* @param[in] sysfsPath - The path to the linux sysfs interface.
* @return serial name as a string (or "unknown" if it couldn't be retrieved)
std::string getSerialNumber(const std::filesystem::path& sysfsPath);
/** @brief Look for the device described by the provided StorageData.
* @details Currently, this function assumes that there's only one eMMC.
* When we need to support multiple eMMCs, we will put more information in
* the EntityManager config, to differentiate between them. Also, if we
* want to support other types of storage devices, this function will need
* to be updated.
* @param[in] data - map of properties from the config object.
* @param[in] searchDir - directory to search for devices in sysfs, e.g.
* /sys/block
* @param[out] deviceFile - device file that was found, e.g. /dev/mmcblk0.
* @param[out] sysfsDir - directory containing the sysfs entries for this
* device.
* @param[out] luksName - name of the encrypted LUKS device.
* @return True if the device was found. False otherwise.
bool findDevice(const StorageData& data, const std::filesystem::path& searchDir,
std::filesystem::path& deviceFile,
std::filesystem::path& sysfsDir, std::string& luksName);
} // namespace util
} // namespace estoraged