blob: 7771da7dcc3543a890f0b38882a0757a23d63518 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "handler.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace google
namespace ipmi
constexpr char defaultConfigFile[] =
class Handler : public HandlerInterface
explicit Handler(const std::string& entityConfigPath = defaultConfigFile) :
~Handler() = default;
std::tuple<std::uint8_t, std::string> getEthDetails() const override;
std::int64_t getRxPackets(const std::string& name) const override;
VersionTuple getCpldVersion(unsigned int id) const override;
void psuResetDelay(std::uint32_t delay) const override;
std::string getEntityName(std::uint8_t id, std::uint8_t instance) override;
std::string getMachineName() override;
void buildI2cPcieMapping() override;
size_t getI2cPcieMappingSize() const override;
std::tuple<std::uint32_t, std::string>
getI2cEntry(unsigned int entry) const override;
std::string _configFile;
bool _entityConfigParsed = false;
const std::map<uint8_t, std::string> _entityIdToName{
{0x03, "cpu"},
{0x04, "storage_device"},
{0x06, "system_management_module"},
{0x07, "system_board"},
{0x08, "memory_module"},
{0x0B, "add_in_card"},
{0x0E, "power_system_board"},
{0x10, "system_internal_expansion_board"},
{0x11, "other_system_board"},
{0x17, "system_chassis"},
{0x1D, "fan"},
{0x1E, "cooling_unit"},
{0x20, "memory_device"}};
nlohmann::json _entityConfig{};
std::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, std::string>> _pcie_i2c_map;
* Given a type, entity instance, and a configuration, return the name.
* @param[in] type - the entity type
* @param[in] instance - the entity instance
* @param[in] config - the json object holding the entity mapping
* @return the name of the entity from the map
std::string readNameFromConfig(const std::string& type, uint8_t instance,
const nlohmann::json& config);
} // namespace ipmi
} // namespace google