blob: ef09c4608520a2cad6b9658c7ebfdb19106eedc0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "handler.hpp"
#include <blobs-ipmid/blobs.hpp>
#include <memory>
// Extern "C" is used due to the usage of dlopen() for loading IPMI handlers
// and IPMI blob handlers. This happens in two steps:
// 1) ipmid loads all libraries in /usr/lib/ipmid-providers from its
// loadLibraries() function using dlopen().
// 2) The blobs library,, loads all libraries in
// /usr/lib/blobs-ipmid from its loadLibraries() function. It uses dlsym()
// to locate the createHandler function by its un-mangled name
// "createHandler". Using extern "C" prevents its name from being mangled
// into, for example, "_Z13createHandlerv".
extern "C" std::unique_ptr<blobs::GenericBlobInterface> createHandler()
return std::make_unique<blobs::MetricBlobHandler>();