blob: afccc623248609e9133ce14d49bfe2ada199be2a [file] [log] [blame]
#include "metric.hpp"
#include "metricblob.pb.h"
#include "util.hpp"
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
namespace metric_blob
using phosphor::logging::entry;
using phosphor::logging::log;
using level = phosphor::logging::level;
BmcHealthSnapshot::BmcHealthSnapshot() :
done(false), stringId(0), ticksPerSec(0)
struct ProcStatEntry
std::string cmdline;
std::string tcomm;
float utime;
float stime;
// Processes with the longest utime + stime are ranked first.
// Tie breaking is done with cmdline then tcomm.
bool operator<(const ProcStatEntry& other) const
const float negTime = -(utime + stime);
const float negOtherTime = -(other.utime + other.stime);
return std::tie(negTime, cmdline, tcomm) <
std::tie(negOtherTime, other.cmdline, other.tcomm);
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcProcStatMetric BmcHealthSnapshot::getProcStatList()
constexpr std::string_view procPath = "/proc/";
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcProcStatMetric ret;
std::vector<ProcStatEntry> entries;
for (const auto& procEntry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(procPath))
const std::string& path = procEntry.path();
int pid = -1;
if (isNumericPath(path, pid))
ProcStatEntry entry;
entry.cmdline = getCmdLine(pid);
TcommUtimeStime t = getTcommUtimeStime(pid, ticksPerSec);
entry.tcomm = t.tcomm;
entry.utime = t.utime;
entry.stime = t.stime;
catch (const std::exception& e)
log<level::ERR>("Could not obtain process stats");
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
bool isOthers = false;
ProcStatEntry others;
others.cmdline = "(Others)";
others.utime = others.stime = 0;
// Only show this many processes and aggregate all remaining ones into
// "others" in order to keep the size of the snapshot reasonably small.
// With 10 process stat entries and 10 FD count entries, the size of the
// snapshot reaches around 1.5KiB. This is non-trivial, and we have to set
// the collection interval long enough so as not to over-stress the IPMI
// interface and the data collection service. The value of 10 is chosen
// empirically, it might be subject to adjustments when the system is
// launched later.
constexpr int topN = 10;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
if (i >= topN)
isOthers = true;
ProcStatEntry& entry = entries[i];
if (isOthers)
others.utime += entry.utime;
others.stime += entry.stime;
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcProcStatMetric::BmcProcStat s;
std::string fullCmdline = entry.cmdline;
if (entry.tcomm.size() > 0)
fullCmdline += " " + entry.tcomm;
*(ret.add_stats()) = s;
if (isOthers)
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcProcStatMetric::BmcProcStat s;
*(ret.add_stats()) = s;
return ret;
int getFdCount(int pid)
const std::string& fdPath = "/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/fd";
return std::distance(std::filesystem::directory_iterator(fdPath),
struct FdStatEntry
int fdCount;
std::string cmdline;
std::string tcomm;
// Processes with the largest fdCount goes first.
// Tie-breaking using cmdline then tcomm.
bool operator<(const FdStatEntry& other) const
const int negFdCount = -fdCount;
const int negOtherFdCount = -other.fdCount;
return std::tie(negFdCount, cmdline, tcomm) <
std::tie(negOtherFdCount, other.cmdline, other.tcomm);
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcFdStatMetric BmcHealthSnapshot::getFdStatList()
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcFdStatMetric ret;
// Sort by fd count, no tie-breaking
std::vector<FdStatEntry> entries;
const std::string_view procPath = "/proc/";
for (const auto& procEntry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(procPath))
const std::string& path = procEntry.path();
int pid = 0;
FdStatEntry entry;
if (isNumericPath(path, pid))
entry.fdCount = getFdCount(pid);
TcommUtimeStime t = getTcommUtimeStime(pid, ticksPerSec);
entry.cmdline = getCmdLine(pid);
entry.tcomm = t.tcomm;
catch (const std::exception& e)
log<level::ERR>("Could not get file descriptor stats");
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
bool isOthers = false;
// Only report the detailed fd count and cmdline for the top 10 entries,
// and collapse all others into "others".
constexpr int topN = 10;
FdStatEntry others;
others.cmdline = "(Others)";
others.fdCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
if (i >= topN)
isOthers = true;
const FdStatEntry& entry = entries[i];
if (isOthers)
others.fdCount += entry.fdCount;
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcFdStatMetric::BmcFdStat s;
std::string fullCmdline = entry.cmdline;
if (entry.tcomm.size() > 0)
fullCmdline += " " + entry.tcomm;
*(ret.add_stats()) = s;
if (isOthers)
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcFdStatMetric::BmcFdStat s;
*(ret.add_stats()) = s;
return ret;
void BmcHealthSnapshot::serializeSnapshotToArray(
const bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcMetricSnapshot& snapshot)
size_t size = snapshot.ByteSizeLong();
if (size > 0)
if (!snapshot.SerializeToArray(, size))
log<level::ERR>("Could not serialize protobuf to array");
void BmcHealthSnapshot::doWork()
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcMetricSnapshot snapshot;
// Memory info
std::string meminfoBuffer = readFileIntoString("/proc/meminfo");
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcMemoryMetric m;
std::string_view sv(;
// MemAvailable
int value;
bool ok = parseMeminfoValue(sv, "MemAvailable:", value);
if (ok)
ok = parseMeminfoValue(sv, "Slab:", value);
if (ok)
ok = parseMeminfoValue(sv, "KernelStack:", value);
if (ok)
*(snapshot.mutable_memory_metric()) = m;
// Uptime
std::string uptimeBuffer = readFileIntoString("/proc/uptime");
double uptime = 0, idleProcessTime = 0;
if (parseProcUptime(uptimeBuffer, uptime, idleProcessTime))
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcUptimeMetric m1;
*(snapshot.mutable_uptime_metric()) = m1;
log<level::ERR>("Error parsing /proc/uptime");
// Storage space
struct statvfs fiData;
if ((statvfs("/", &fiData)) < 0)
log<level::ERR>("Could not call statvfs");
uint64_t kib = (fiData.f_bsize * fiData.f_bfree) / 1024;
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcDiskSpaceMetric m2;
*(snapshot.mutable_storage_space_metric()) = m2;
// The next metrics require a sane ticks_per_sec value, typically 100 on
// the BMC. In the very rare circumstance when it's 0, exit early and return
// a partially complete snapshot (no process).
ticksPerSec = getTicksPerSec();
// FD stat
*(snapshot.mutable_fdstat_metric()) = getFdStatList();
if (ticksPerSec == 0)
log<level::ERR>("ticksPerSec is 0, skipping the process list metric");
done = true;
// Proc stat
*(snapshot.mutable_procstat_metric()) = getProcStatList();
// String table
std::vector<std::string_view> strings(stringTable.size());
for (const auto& [s, i] : stringTable)
strings[i] = s;
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcStringTable st;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i)
bmcmetrics::metricproto::BmcStringTable::StringEntry entry;
*(st.add_entries()) = entry;
*(snapshot.mutable_string_table()) = st;
// Save to buffer
done = true;
// BmcBlobSessionStat (9) but passing meta as reference instead of pointer,
// since the metadata must not be null at this point.
bool BmcHealthSnapshot::stat(blobs::BlobMeta& meta)
if (!done)
// Bits 8~15 are blob-specific state flags.
// For this blob, bit 8 is set when metric collection is still in
// progress.
meta.blobState |= (1 << 8);
meta.blobState = 0;
meta.blobState = blobs::StateFlags::open_read;
meta.size = pbDump.size();
return true;
std::string_view BmcHealthSnapshot::read(uint32_t offset,
uint32_t requestedSize)
uint32_t size = static_cast<uint32_t>(pbDump.size());
if (offset >= size)
return {};
return std::string_view( + offset,
std::min(requestedSize, size - offset));
int BmcHealthSnapshot::getStringID(const std::string_view s)
int ret = 0;
auto itr = stringTable.find(;
if (itr == stringTable.end())
stringTable[] = stringId;
ret = stringId;
ret = itr->second;
return ret;
} // namespace metric_blob