blob: a348db2ad1a66d6f21bb771e05ccfff31c7fee08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
enum class IPMINetfnIntelOEMGeneralCmd
cmdSetBIOSID = 0x26,
cmdGetOEMDeviceInfo = 0x27,
cmdGetAICSlotFRUIDSlotPosRecords = 0x31,
cmdSetSystemGUID = 0x41,
cmdSetPowerRestoreDelay = 0x54,
cmdGetPowerRestoreDelay = 0x55,
cmdSetShutdownPolicy = 0x60,
cmdGetShutdownPolicy = 0x62,
cmdGetChassisIdentifier = 0x92,
cmdGetProcessorErrConfig = 0x9A,
cmdSetProcessorErrConfig = 0x9B,
cmdGetLEDStatus = 0xB0,
enum class IPMINetfnIntelOEMPlatformCmd
cmdCfgHostSerialPortSpeed = 0x90,
enum class IPMIIntelOEMReturnCodes
ipmiCCPayloadActive = 0x80,
ipmiCCInvalidPCIESlotID = 0x80,
ipmiCCParameterNotSupported = 0x80,
ipmiCCPayloadAlreadyDeactivated = 0x80,
ipmiCCSetInProcess = 0x81,
ipmiCCPayloadDisable = 0x81,
ipmiCCLostArbitration = 0x81,
ipmiCCInvalidCablePortIndex = 0x81,
ipmiCCHealthStatusNotAvailable = 0x81,
ipmiCCBusError = 0x82,
ipmiCCReadOnly = 0x82,
ipmiCCWriteOnly = 0x82,
ipmiCCNoCablePresent = 0x82,
ipmiCCDataCollectionInProgress = 0x82,
ipmiCCPayloadActivationLimitReached = 0x82,
ipmiCCNACKOnWrite = 0x83,
ipmiCCDataCollectionFailed = 0x83,
ipmiCCCanNotActivateWithEncrption = 0x83,
ipmiCCCanNotActivateWithoutEncryption = 0x84,
ipmiCCInvalidChecksum = 0x85,
ipmiCCNoCabledPCIEPortsAvailable = 0xC2,
enum class IPMIReturnCodeExt
ipmiCCInvalidLUN = 0xC2,
ipmiCCTimeout = 0xC3,
ipmiCCStorageLeak = 0xC4,
ipmiCCRequestDataTruncated = 0xC6,
ipmiCCRequestDataFieldLengthLimitExceeded = 0xC8,
ipmiCCCanNotReturnNumberOfRequestedDataBytes = 0xCA,
ipmiCCRequestSensorDataRecordNotFound = 0xCB,
ipmiCCDestinationUnavailable = 0xD3,
ipmiCCParamterNotSupportInPresentState = 0xD5,
constexpr const uint8_t netfunIntelAppOEM = 0x3E;
static constexpr ipmi_netfn_t netfnIntcOEMGeneral =
NETFUN_NONE; // Netfun_none. In our platform, we use it as "intel oem
// general". The code is 0x30
// Intel OEM Platform code is 0x32
static constexpr ipmi_netfn_t netfnIntcOEMPlatform = NETFUN_OEM;
static constexpr const uint8_t maxBIOSIDLength = 0xFF;
static constexpr const uint8_t maxCPUNum = 4;
static constexpr const char* biosObjPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/bios";
static constexpr const char* biosIntf =
static constexpr const char* biosProp = "BiosId";
static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayObjPath =
static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayIntf =
static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayProp = "PowerRestoreDelay";
static constexpr const char* processorErrConfigObjPath =
static constexpr const char* processorErrConfigIntf =
static constexpr const char* postCodesObjPath =
static constexpr const char* postCodesIntf =
static constexpr const char* identifyLEDObjPath =
static constexpr const char* ledIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical";
static constexpr const char* statusAmberObjPath =
static constexpr const char* statusGreenObjPath =
static constexpr const uint8_t noShutdownOnOCOT = 0;
static constexpr const uint8_t shutdownOnOCOT = 1;
static constexpr const uint8_t noShutdownPolicySupported = 0;
static constexpr const uint8_t shutdownPolicySupported = 1;
static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyIntf =
static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyObjPath =
static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyObjPathProp = "Policy";
static constexpr const char* fwGetEnvCmd = "/sbin/fw_printenv";
static constexpr const char* fwSetEnvCmd = "/sbin/fw_setenv";
static constexpr const char* fwHostSerailCfgEnvName = "hostserialcfg";
static constexpr const uint8_t getHostSerialCfgCmd = 0;
static constexpr const uint8_t setHostSerialCfgCmd = 1;
// parameters:
// 0: host serial port 1 and 2 normal speed
// 1: host serial port 1 high spend, port 2 normal speed
// 2: host serial port 1 normal spend, port 2 high speed
// 3: host serial port 1 and 2 high speed
static constexpr const uint8_t HostSerialCfgParamMax = 3;
enum class IPMINetfnIntelOEMAppCmd
mdrStatus = 0x20,
mdrComplete = 0x21,
mdrEvent = 0x22,
mdrRead = 0x23,
mdrWrite = 0x24,
mdrLock = 0x25,
mdr2AgentStatus = 0x30,
mdr2GetDir = 0x31,
mdr2GetDataInfo = 0x32,
mdr2LockData = 0x33,
mdr2UnlockData = 0x34,
mdr2GetDataBlock = 0x35,
mdr2SendDir = 0x38,
mdr2SendDataInfoOffer = 0x39,
mdr2SendDataInfo = 0x3a,
mdr2DataStart = 0x3b,
mdr2DataDone = 0x3c,
mdr2SendDataBlock = 0x3d,
enum class OEMDevEntityType
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct GUIDData
uint8_t node1;
uint8_t node2;
uint8_t node3;
uint8_t node4;
uint8_t node5;
uint8_t node6;
uint8_t clock1;
uint8_t clock2;
uint8_t timeHigh1;
uint8_t timeHigh2;
uint8_t timeMid1;
uint8_t timeMid2;
uint8_t timeLow1;
uint8_t timeLow2;
uint8_t timeLow3;
uint8_t timeLow4;
struct DeviceInfo
uint8_t biosIDLength;
uint8_t biosId[maxBIOSIDLength];
struct SetPowerRestoreDelayReq
uint8_t byteMSB;
uint8_t byteLSB;
struct GetPowerRestoreDelayRes
uint8_t byteMSB;
uint8_t byteLSB;
struct GetOemDeviceInfoReq
uint8_t entityType;
uint8_t countToRead;
uint8_t offset;
struct GetOemDeviceInfoRes
uint8_t resDatalen;
uint8_t data[maxBIOSIDLength];
struct SetProcessorErrConfigReq
uint8_t resetCfg; // Reset Configuration
// [0]: CATERR Reset Enabled
// 0b: Disabled
// 1b: Enabled
// [1]: ERR2 Reset Enabled
// 0b: Disabled
// 1b: Enabled
// [7:2]: Reserved
uint8_t reserved; // Reserved
resetErrorOccurrenceCounts; // Reset Error Occurrence Counts
//[0]: Reset CPU Error Counts
// 0b: Keep CPU Error Counts
// 1b: Reset all CPU Error Counts to zero
//[7:1]: Reserved
struct GetProcessorErrConfigRes
uint8_t resetCfg; // Reset Configuration
// [0]: CATERR Reset Enabled
// 0b: Disabled
// 1b: Enabled
// [1]: ERR2 Reset Enabled
// 0b: Disabled
// 1b: Enabled
// [7:2]: Reserved
uint8_t reserved; // Reserved
char caterrStatus[maxCPUNum]; // for all CPUs including the non-legacy
// socket CPU CPU CATERR (Core Error)
// occurrence
// [5:0]: Error Occurrence Count
// [7:6]: CPU Status
// 00b: Disabled
// 01b: Enabled
// 11b: Not Present
struct GetOEMShutdownPolicyRes
uint8_t policy;
uint8_t policySupport;
struct CfgHostSerialReq
uint8_t command;
uint8_t parameter;
#pragma pack(pop)