blob: 9afd9adc9ddf9bce3266c3312525283c8c84025c [file] [log] [blame]
* Functions for generating psuedo-random CPER PCI/PCI-X bus error sections.
* Author:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../../edk/BaseTypes.h"
#include "../gen-utils.h"
#include "gen-sections.h"
//Generates a single psuedo-random PCI/PCI-X bus error section, saving the resulting address to the given
//location. Returns the size of the newly created section.
size_t generate_section_pci_bus(void** location)
//Create random bytes.
int size = 208;
UINT8* bytes = generate_random_bytes(size);
//Set reserved areas to zero.
UINT64* validation = (UINT64*)bytes;
*validation &= 0x1FF; //Validation 9-63
UINT32* reserved = (UINT32*)(bytes + 20);
*reserved = 0;
UINT64* bus_command = (UINT64*)(bytes + 40);
*bus_command &= 0x100000000000000; //Bus command bytes bar bit 56.
//Fix values that could be above range.
UINT16* error_type = (UINT16*)(bytes + 16);
*error_type = rand() % 8;
//Fix error status.
create_valid_error_section(bytes + 8);
//Set return values, exit.
*location = bytes;
return size;