blob: 288a9845b7789782e8831b5d3ff0e28533fe45d7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <libpldm/bios.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct variable_field;
/** @struct pldm_bios_table_iter
* structure representing bios table iterator
struct pldm_bios_table_iter;
/** @brief Create a bios table iterator
* @param[in] table - Pointer to table data
* @param[in] length - Length of table data
* @param[in] type - Type of pldm bios table
* @return Iterator to the beginning on success. Returns NULL on failure.
struct pldm_bios_table_iter *
pldm_bios_table_iter_create(const void *table, size_t length,
enum pldm_bios_table_types type);
/** @brief Release a bios table iterator
* @param[in] iter - Pointer to bios table iterator
void pldm_bios_table_iter_free(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter);
/** @brief Check if the iterator reaches the end of the bios table
* @param[in] iter - Pointer to the bios table iterator
* @return true if either the iterator reaches the end or @p iter is NULL,
* otherwise false.
* @note *end* is a position after the last entry.
bool pldm_bios_table_iter_is_end(const struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter);
/** @brief Get iterator to next entry
* @param[in] iter - Pointer the bios table iterator
void pldm_bios_table_iter_next(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter);
/** @brief Get the bios table entry that the iterator points to
* @param[in] iter - Pointer to the bios table iterator
* @return Pointer to an entry in bios table
const void *pldm_bios_table_iter_value(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter);
/** @brief Get the bios attribute table entry that the iterator points to
* @param[in] iter - Pointer the bios attribute table iterator
* @return Pointer to an entry in bios attribute table
static inline const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_iter_attr_entry_value(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter)
return (const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *)
/** @brief Get the bios string table entry that the iterator points to
* @param[in] iter - Pointer the bios string table iterator
* @return Pointer to an entry in bios string table
static inline const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_iter_string_entry_value(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter)
return (const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *)
/** @brief Get the bios attribute value table entry that the iterator points to
* @param[in] iter - Pointer the bios attribute value table iterator
* @return Pointer to an entry in bios attribute value table
static inline const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_iter_attr_value_entry_value(struct pldm_bios_table_iter *iter)
return (const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *)
/** @brief Get the length of an entry in the BIOS String Table
* @param[in] string_length - Length of string
* @return Length of an entry in bytes
size_t pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode_length(uint16_t string_length);
/** @brief Create an entry of BIOS String Table and check the validity of the
* parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to a buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of the buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] str - String itself
* @param[in] str_length - Length of the string
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or str are NULL, or
* PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length is insufficient for encoding str. An
* appropriate value for entry_length can be determined using
* @ref pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode_length
int pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode(void *entry, size_t entry_length,
const char *str, uint16_t str_length);
/** @brief Get the string handle for the entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios string table entry
* @return Handle to identify a string in the bios string table
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_handle(
const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the string length for the entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios string table entry
* @return Length of string in bytes
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_string_length(
const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the string from the entry and check the validity of the
* parameters
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios string table entry
* @param[out] buffer - Pointer to a buffer to store the string
* @param[in] size - Size of the buffer to store the string
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or buffer are NULL, or
* PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if size is insufficient for NUL termination. An
* appropriate value for size can be determined using the expression
* `pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_string_length(entry) + 1`. The provided size value
* may be smaller than the entry's string, in which case the string placed in buffer will
* be truncated (but still NUL terminated).
int pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_string(
const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *entry, char *buffer,
size_t size);
/** @brief Find an entry in bios string table by string
* @param[in] table - The BIOS String Table
* @param[in] length - Length of the BIOS String Table
* @param[in] str - String itself
* @return Pointer to an entry in the bios string table
const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_string_find_by_string(const void *table, size_t length,
const char *str);
/** @brief Find an entry in bios string table by handle
* @param[in] table - The BIOS String Table
* @param[in] length - Length of the BIOS String Table
* @param[in] handle - Handle to identify a string in the bios string table
* @return Pointer to an entry in the bios string table
const struct pldm_bios_string_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_string_find_by_handle(const void *table, size_t length,
uint16_t handle);
/** @brief Get the attribute handle from the attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @return handle to identify the attribute in the attribute table
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_decode_attribute_handle(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the attribute type of the attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @return Type of the attribute table entry
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_decode_attribute_type(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the attribute name handle from the attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @return handle to identify the name of the attribute, this handle points
* to a string in the bios string table.
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_decode_string_handle(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Find an entry in attribute table by handle
* @param[in] table - The BIOS Attribute Table
* @param[in] length - Length of the BIOS Attribute Table
* @param[in] handle - handle to identify the attribute in the attribute table
* @return Pointer to the entry
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_attr_find_by_handle(const void *table, size_t length,
uint16_t handle);
/** @brief Find an entry in attribute table by string handle
* @param[in] table - The BIOS Attribute Table
* @param[in] length - Length of the BIOS Attribute Table
* @param[in] handle - The string handle
* @return Pointer to the entry
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_attr_find_by_string_handle(const void *table, size_t length,
uint16_t handle);
/** @struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info
* An auxiliary structure for passing parameters to @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode
struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info {
uint16_t name_handle; //!< attribute name handle
bool read_only; //!< indicate whether the attribute is read-only
uint8_t pv_num; //!< number of possible values
const uint16_t *pv_handle; //!< handles of possible values
uint8_t def_num; //!< number of default values
const uint8_t *def_index; //!< indices of default values.
/** @brief Get length that an attribute entry(type: enum) will take
* @param[in] pv_num - Number of possible values
* @param[in] def_num - Number of default values
* @return The length that an entry(type: enum) will take
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode_length(uint8_t pv_num,
uint8_t def_num);
/** @brief Create an entry of BIOS Attribute Table (type: enum) and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to a buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of the buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] info - Pointer to an auxiliary structure @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, otherwise PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or info are NULL, or
* PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length is insufficient to encode info. An appropriate
* value for entry_length can be determined using @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode_length.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode(
void *entry, size_t entry_length,
const struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info *info);
/** @brief Get the total number of possible values for the entry and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] pv_num - Pointer to total number of possible values
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or pv_num are NULL, or
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_num(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, uint8_t *pv_num);
/** @brief Get the total number of default values for the entry and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] def_num - Pointer to total number of default values
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, otherwise PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or def_num are NULL,
* or entry is not of type PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_def_num(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, uint8_t *def_num);
/** @brief Get possible values string handles and check the validity of the
* parameters
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] pv_hdls - Pointer to a buffer to store
* PossibleValuesStringHandles
* @param[in] pv_num - Number of PossibleValuesStringHandles the buffer can
* store
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, otherwise PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or pv_hdls are NULL,
* or entry is not of type PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION. An appropriate value for pv_num can be
* determined using @ref pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_num. pv_num may be
* less than the value provided by @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_num, in which case only the first pv_num
* handles will be decoded.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_hdls(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, uint16_t *pv_hdls,
uint8_t pv_num);
/** @brief Get Indices of default values
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] def_indices - Pointer to a buffer to store
* default value indices
* @param[in] def_num - Number of DefaultValues the buffer can
* store
* @return Number of default values decoded
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_def_indices(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, uint8_t *def_indices,
uint8_t def_num);
/** @struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info
* An auxiliary structure for passing parameters to @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode
struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info {
uint16_t name_handle; //!< attribute name handle
bool read_only; //!< indicate whether the attribute is read-only
uint8_t string_type; //!< The type of the string
uint16_t min_length; //!< The minimum length of the string in bytes
uint16_t max_length; //!< The maximum length of the string in bytes
uint16_t def_length; //!< The length of the default string in bytes
const char *def_string; //!< The default string itself
/** @brief Check fields in @ref pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info
* @param[in] info - Pointer to the pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info
* @param[out] errmsg - Pointer to an errmsg stored in the statically allocated
* memory
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info_check(
const struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info *info,
const char **errmsg);
/** @brief Get length that an attribute entry(type: string) will take
* @param[in] def_str_len - Length of default string
* @return The length that an entry(type: string) will take
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode_length(uint16_t def_str_len);
/** @brief Create an entry of BIOS Attribute Table (type: string) and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to a buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of the buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] info - Pointer to an auxiliary structure @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or info are NULL or info
* contains logically inconsistent data, or PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length is
* not sufficient to encode info. An appropriate value for entry_length can be determined
* using @ref pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode_length
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode(
void *entry, size_t entry_length,
const struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info *info);
/** @brief Get the length of default string in bytes for the entry and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] def_string_length Pointer to length of default string in bytes
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, otherwise PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or def_string_length
* are NULL, or entry is not of type PLDM_BIOS_STRING
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_decode_def_string_length(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry,
uint16_t *def_string_length);
/** @brief Get the type of string of bios attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute table entry
* @return Type of the string
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_decode_string_type(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get maximum length of the string from a bios attribute table entry in
* bytes
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios attribute table entry
* @return Maximum length of the string
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_decode_max_length(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get minimum length of the string from a bios attribute table entry in
* bytes
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to a bios attribute table entry
* @return Minimum length of the string
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_decode_min_length(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the default string from a bios attribute table entry
* @param[out] buffer - Pointer to a buffer to store the string
* @param[in] size - Size of the buffer to store the string
* @return Length of the string decoded
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_decode_def_string(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, char *buffer,
size_t size);
/** @struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info
* An auxiliary structure for passing parameters to @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_encode
struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info {
uint16_t name_handle; //!< attribute name handle
bool read_only; //!< indicate whether the attribute is read-only
uint64_t lower_bound; //!< The lower bound on the integer value
uint64_t upper_bound; //!< The upper bound on the integer value
uint32_t scalar_increment; //!< The scalar value that is used for the
//!< increments to this integer
uint64_t default_value; //!< The default value of the integer
/** @brief Check fields in @ref pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info
* @param[in] info - Pointer to the pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info
* @param[out] errmsg - Pointer to an errmsg stored in the statically allocated
* memory
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info_check(
const struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info *info,
const char **errmsg);
/** @brief Get length that an attribute entry(type: integer) will take
* @return The length that an entry(type: integer) will take
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_encode_length(void);
/** @brief Create an entry of BIOS Attribute Table (type: integer) and check the
* validity of the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to a buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of the buffer to create an entry
* @param[in] info - Pointer to an auxiliary structure @ref
* pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or info are null, or the data
* in info is not logically consistent. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length lacks
* capacity to encode the attribute.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_encode(
void *entry, size_t entry_length,
const struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info *info);
/** @brief Decode the specific fields(integer) of attribute table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an entry of attribute table
* @param[out] lower - The lower bound on the integer value
* @param[out] upper - The upper bound on the integer value
* @param[out] scalar - The scalar value that is used for the increments to
* this integer
* @param[out] def - The default value of the integer
void pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_decode(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry *entry, uint64_t *lower,
uint64_t *upper, uint32_t *scalar, uint64_t *def);
/** @brief Get the attribute handle from the attribute value table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @return handle to identify the attribute in the attribute value table
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_decode_attribute_handle(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the attribute type from the attribute value table entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @return Type of the attribute value entry
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_decode_attribute_type(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get length that an attribute value entry(type: enum) will take
* @param[in] count - Total number of current values for this enumeration
* @return The length that an entry(type: enum) will take
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_enum_length(uint8_t count);
/** @brief Get number of current values for the enum entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @return Total number of current values for this enumeration
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_enum_decode_number(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get CurrentValueStringHandleIndex
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @param[in, out] handles - Pointer to a buffer to store
* CurrentValueStringHandleIndex
* @param[in] number - Number of PossibleValuesStringHandles expected
* @return Number of CurrentValueStringHandleIndex decoded.
uint8_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_enum_decode_handles(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry, uint8_t *handles,
uint8_t number);
/** @brief Create an attribute value entry(type: enum) and check the validity of
* the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of attribute value entry
* @param[in] attr_handle - This handle points to an attribute in the
* BIOS Attribute Value Table.
* @param[in] attr_type - Type of this attribute in the BIOS Attribute Value
* Table
* @param[in] count - Total number of current values for this enum attribute
* @param[in] handle_indexes - Index into the array(provided in the BIOS
* Attribute Table) of the possible values of string handles for this attribute.
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry or handles are NULL, or if
* attr_type is not a PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length
* lacks capacity to encode handles into entry.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_enum(
void *entry, size_t entry_length, uint16_t attr_handle,
uint8_t attr_type, uint8_t count, const uint8_t *handles);
/** @brief Get length that an attribute value entry(type: string) will take
* @param[in] string_length - Length of the current string in byte, 0 indicates
* that the current string value is not set.
* @return The length that an entry(type: string) will take
pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_string_length(uint16_t string_length);
/** @brief Get length of the current string in bytes
* @param [in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @return The length of the current string in bytes
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_string_decode_length(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get Current String Itself
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @param[in, out] current_string - Struct variable_field, contains a pointer
* to the CurrentString field in the buffer of
* \p entry, \p entry must be valid
* when \p current_string is used.
void pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_string_decode_string(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry,
struct variable_field *current_string);
/** @brief Create an attribute value entry(type: string) and check the validity
* of the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of attribute value entry
* @param[in] attr_handle - This handle points to an attribute in the
* BIOS Attribute Value Table.
* @param[in] attr_type - Type of this attribute in the BIOS Attribute Value
* Table
* @param[in] string_length - Length of current string in bytes. 0 indicates
* that the current string value is not set.
* @param[in] string - The current string itself
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry is NULL, str is NULL while
* str_length is non-zero, or attr_type is not PLDM_BIOS_STRING. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH
* if entry_length lacks capacity to encode str into entry.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_string(
void *entry, size_t entry_length, uint16_t attr_handle,
uint8_t attr_type, uint16_t str_length, const char *string);
/** @brief Get length that an attribute value entry(type: integer) will take
* @return The length that an entry(type: integer) will take
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_integer_length(void);
/** @brief Get current values for the integer entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value table entry
* @return Current Value
uint64_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_integer_decode_cv(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Create an attribute value entry(type: integer) and check the validity
* of the parameters
* @param[out] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Length of attribute value entry
* @param[in] attr_handle - This handle points to an attribute in the
* BIOS Attribute Value Table.
* @param[in] attr_type - Type of this attribute in the BIOS Attribute Value
* Table
* @param[in] cv - Current Value
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA if entry is NULL or attr_type is not
* PLDM_BIOS_INTEGER. PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if entry_length lacks capacity to encode cv
* in entry.
int pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_integer(void *entry,
size_t entry_length,
uint16_t attr_handle,
uint8_t attr_type,
uint64_t cv);
/** @brief Get the handle from the attribute value entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value entry
* @return handle to identify the attribute in the attribute value table
uint16_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_decode_handle(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Get the length of the attribute value entry
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to bios attribute value entry
* @return Length of the entry
size_t pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_length(
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *entry);
/** @brief Find an entry in attribute value table by handle
* @param[in] table - The BIOS Attribute Value Table
* @param[in] length - Length of the BIOS Attribute Value Table
* @param[in] handle - handle to identify the attribute in the attribute value
* table
* @return Pointer to the entry
const struct pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry *
pldm_bios_table_attr_value_find_by_handle(const void *table, size_t length,
uint16_t handle);
/** @brief Get the size of pad and checksum
* @param[in] size_without_pad - Table size without pad
* @return The size of pad and checksum
size_t pldm_bios_table_pad_checksum_size(size_t size_without_pad);
/** @brief Append pad and checksum at the end of the table or return an error
* @param[in,out] table - Pointer to a buffer of a bios table
* @param[in] capacity - Size of the buffer of a bios table
* @param[in,out] size - On input, the table size without pad and checksum, on output, the table
* with the padding and checksum appended
* @return PLDM_SUCCESS on success, PLDM_INVALID_DATA if table or size are NULL, or
* PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH if size lacks capacity to encode the padded checksum in the
* buffer provided by table. The appropriate buffer capacity can be determined with the
* help of @ref pldm_bios_table_pad_checksum_size
int pldm_bios_table_append_pad_checksum(void *table, size_t capacity,
size_t *size);
/** @brief Build a new table and update an entry
* @param[in] src_table - Pointer to the source table
* @param[in] src_length - Size of the source table
* @param[out] dest_table - Pointer to the buffer of destination table
* @param[in,out] dest_length - Buffer size of the destination table as input
* parameter and will be assigned the length of
* the new table, if the function returns
* @param[in] entry - Pointer to an entry
* @param[in] entry_length - Size of the entry
* @return pldm_completion_codes
int pldm_bios_table_attr_value_copy_and_update(
const void *src_table, size_t src_length, void *dest_table,
size_t *dest_length, const void *entry, size_t entry_length);
/** @brief Verify the crc value of the complete table
* @param[in] table - Pointer to a buffer of a bios table
* @param[in] size - Size of the buffer of a bios table
* @return true: crc value is correct
bool pldm_bios_table_checksum(const uint8_t *table, size_t size);
#ifdef __cplusplus