blob: 60034be1d71334004d0b3bc4b59b6c36660ffbf1 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
BUILD="$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir=.)"
trap 'rm -rf "$BUILD"' EXIT
meson format --recursive --inplace || true
git diff --quiet
# Ensure the test suite passes in the default configuration. Note
# that we don't specify -Dabi=... - the default is equivalent to
# -Dabi=deprecated,stable,testing.
meson setup -Dabi-compliance-check=disabled "$BUILD"
meson compile -C "$BUILD"
meson test -C "$BUILD"
# Ensure the test suite passes in release mode. libpldm specifies
# -Db_ndebug=if-release by default, so building with --buildtype=release passes
# -DNDEBUG to the compiler for the library implementation. This build
# configuration will catch any unexpected changes in the library implementation
# and incorrect test case implementations.
meson configure --buildtype=release "$BUILD"
meson compile -C "$BUILD"
meson test -C "$BUILD" --timeout-multiplier 10 --wrapper 'valgrind --error-exitcode=1'
# Ensure the test suite links when testing symbols are removed from the ABI
meson configure --buildtype=debug "$BUILD"
meson configure -Dabi=deprecated,stable "$BUILD"
meson compile -C "$BUILD"
meson test -C "$BUILD"