blob: 3bd10eb1d8ac07572112d3f71617b7797fbbb510 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eou pipefail
# Path to the meson build directory
: "${BUILD:=build}"
ABSPATH="$(command -v "$0" | xargs realpath)"
# Deal with relative paths
: "${LIBPLDM_ROOT:="${ABSPATH%scripts/apply-renames}"}"
# Deal with clang including its version in all the tool names
: "${CLANG_VERSION:=18}"
: "${CLANG_RENAME:="$(command -v clang-rename-"${CLANG_VERSION}")"}"
: "${CLANG_APPLY_REPLACEMENTS:="$(command -v clang-apply-replacements-"${CLANG_VERSION}")"}"
# Make it parallel
: "${JOBS:="$(nproc)"}"
# Allow clang-rename to pick up the per-file flags from the compile command
# database
: "${CRFLAGS:="-p=."}"
CRINPUT=$(realpath --relative-to "$BUILD" "$1")
# Deal with clang-rename segfaulting when file paths from the compile command
# database don't resolve properly
cd "$BUILD"
# We export the fixes to yaml files so we can apply them all in one hit later
trap "rm -f fixes.*.yaml" EXIT
# See `man 7 gitglossary` for some explanation of the pathspec provided to `git
# ls-files`, which, separately, is also subject to bash's brace expansion. See
# "Brace Expansion" in `man bash`.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
git ls-files -- ':/:*.[ch]'{,pp} |
xargs -I '{}' -n 1 -P "$JOBS" -- \
bash -c '"$0" --force --input="$1" --export-fixes="$(mktemp fixes.XXXXX.yaml)" "$2" "$3"' \
# Now apply the generated fixes
# Deal with subsequent runs of clang-rename bailing out because it's modified
# the symbol declaration in the headers, and then is surprised by the lack of a
# declaration for the as-yet un-renamed symbol in the implementation
git -C "$LIBPLDM_ROOT" restore -- include