blob: ac4cd014110758c80af3fc2ad240f33e05b4d23a [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "OpenPOWER Debug Collector"
DESCRIPTION = "Application to log error during host checkstop and watchdog timeout"
PR = "r1"
inherit autotools \
pkgconfig \
obmc-phosphor-systemd \
pythonnative \
require ${PN}.inc
DEPENDS += " \
phosphor-logging \
autoconf-archive-native \
sdbus++-native \
RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \
phosphor-logging \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
# This provides below 2 applications that are called into in case
# of host checkstop and host watchdog timeout respectively.
APPS = "checkstop watchdog"
DEBUG_TMPL = "openpower-debug-collector-{0}@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "${@compose_list(d, 'DEBUG_TMPL', 'APPS')}"
# This needs to be executed as part of host crash
CHECKSTOP_TMPL = "openpower-debug-collector-checkstop@.service"
CRASH_TGTFMT = "obmc-host-crash@{0}.target"
CHECKSTOP_INSTFMT = "openpower-debug-collector-checkstop@{0}.service"
# Make watchdog part of obmc-host-timeout target
WDOG_TMPL = "openpower-debug-collector-watchdog@.service"
TIMEOUT_TGTFMT = "obmc-host-timeout@{0}.target"
WDOG_INSTFMT = "openpower-debug-collector-watchdog@{0}.service"
# Capture debug information on watchdog timeout
DEBUG_WD_TIMEOUT_TMPL = "openpower-debug-collector-watchdog-timeout@.service"
DEBUG_WD_TIMEOUT_INSTFMT = "openpower-debug-collector-watchdog-timeout@{0}.service"
# Do not depend on phosphor-logging for native build
DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "phosphor-logging"
# Do not depend on phosphor-logging for native SDK build
DEPENDS_remove_class-nativesdk = "phosphor-logging"
# Provide a means to enable/disable install_error_yaml feature
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "install_error_yaml"
PACKAGECONFIG[install_error_yaml] = " \
--enable-install_error_yaml, \
--disable-install_error_yaml, ,\
# Enable install_error_yaml during native and native SDK build
PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-native = "install_error_yaml"
PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-nativesdk = "install_error_yaml"
# Disable install_error_yaml during target build
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_class-target = "install_error_yaml"
# Disable generating elog error header file during bitbake. Applications
# should be using the elog header generated by phosphor-logging recipe
EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-gen_errors"
BBCLASSEXTEND += "native nativesdk"