blob: 9b4419bcd4b5536777066e79acbeacb1c1f3c1ca [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Common code for systemd based services.
# Prior to inheriting this class, recipes can define services like this:
# SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "foo.service bar.socket baz@.service"
# and these files will be added to the main package if they exist.
# Alternatively this class can just be inherited and
# ${PN}.service will be added to the main package.
# Other variables:
# Inhibit the warning that is displayed if a service unit without a
# restart policy is detected.
# SYSTEMD_SUBSTITUTIONS = "var:val:file"
# A specification for making python style {format} string
# substitutions where:
# var: the format string to search for
# val: the value to replace with
# file: the file in which to make the substitution
# SYSTEMD_USER_${PN}.service = "foo"
# SYSTEMD_USER_${unit}.service = "foo"
# The user for the unit/package.
# One or more environment files to be installed.
# SYSTEMD_LINK_${PN} = "tgt:name"
# A specification for installing arbitrary links in
# the ${systemd_system_unitdir} namespace, where:
# tgt: the link target
# name: the link name, relative to ${systemd_system_unitdir}
# SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_${PN} = "src:dest"
# A specification for installing unit overrides where:
# src: the override file template
# dest: the override install location, relative to ${systemd_system_unitdir}
# Typically SYSTEMD_SUBSTITUTIONS is used to deploy a range
# of overrides from a single template file. To simply install
# a single override use "foo.conf:my-service.d/foo.conf"
inherit obmc-phosphor-utils
inherit systemd
inherit useradd
envfiledir ?= "${sysconfdir}/default"
# Big ugly hack to prevent useradd.bbclass post-parse sanity checker failure.
# If there are users to be added, we'll add them in our post-parse.
# If not...there don't seem to be any ill effects...
def SystemdUnit(unit):
class Unit(object):
def __init__(self, unit):
self.unit = unit
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item is 'name':
return self.unit
if item is 'is_activated':
return self.unit.startswith('dbus-')
if item is 'is_template':
return '@.' in self.unit
if item is 'is_instance':
return '@' in self.unit and not self.is_template
if item in ['is_service', 'is_target']:
return self.unit.split('.')[-1] == item
if item is 'base':
cls = self.unit.split('.')[-1]
base = self.unit.replace('dbus-', '')
base = base.replace('.%s' % cls, '')
if self.is_instance:
base = base.replace('@%s' % self.instance, '')
if self.is_template:
base = base.rstrip('@')
return base
if item is 'instance' and self.is_instance:
inst = self.unit.rsplit('@')[-1]
return inst.rsplit('.')[0]
if item is 'template' and self.is_instance:
cls = self.unit.split('.')[-1]
return '%s@.%s' % (self.base, cls)
if item is 'template' and self.is_template:
return '.'.join(self.base.split('@')[:-1])
raise AttributeError(item)
return Unit(unit)
def systemd_parse_unit(d, path):
import configparser
parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser(strict=False)
parser.optionxform = str'%s' % path)
return parser
python() {
def check_sd_unit(d, unit):
searchpaths = d.getVar('FILESPATH', True)
path = bb.utils.which(searchpaths, '%s' %
if not os.path.isfile(path):
# Unit does not exist in tree. Allow it to install from repo.
# Return False here to indicate it does not exist.
return False
parser = systemd_parse_unit(d, path)
inhibit = listvar_to_list(d, 'INHIBIT_SYSTEMD_RESTART_POLICY_WARNING')
if unit.is_service and \
not unit.is_template and \ not in inhibit and \
not parser.has_option('Service', 'Restart'):
bb.warn('Systemd unit \'%s\' does not '
'have a restart policy defined.' %
return True
def add_default_subs(d, file):
for x in [
'%s:%s:%s' % (x, d.getVar(x, True), file))
def add_sd_unit(d, unit, pkg, unit_exist):
# Do not add unit if it does not exist in tree.
# It will be installed from repo.
if not unit_exist:
name =
unit_dir = d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True)
set_append(d, 'SRC_URI', 'file://%s' % name)
set_append(d, 'FILES_%s' % pkg, '%s/%s' % (unit_dir, name))
set_append(d, '_INSTALL_SD_UNITS', name)
add_default_subs(d, name)
def add_sd_user(d, file, pkg):
opts = [
'--shell /sbin/nologin',
var = 'SYSTEMD_USER_%s' % file
user = listvar_to_list(d, var)
if len(user) is 0:
var = 'SYSTEMD_USER_%s' % pkg
user = listvar_to_list(d, var)
if len(user) is not 0:
if len(user) is not 1:
bb.fatal('Too many users assigned to %s: \'%s\'' % (var, ' '.join(user)))
user = user[0]
'USER:%s:%s' % (user, file))
if user not in d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True):
'USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg,
'%s' % (' '.join(opts + [user])),
if pkg not in d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True):
set_append(d, 'USERADD_PACKAGES', pkg)
def add_env_file(d, name, pkg):
set_append(d, 'SRC_URI', 'file://%s' % name)
set_append(d, 'FILES_%s' % pkg, '%s/%s' \
% (d.getVar('envfiledir', True), name))
set_append(d, '_INSTALL_ENV_FILES', name)
def install_link(d, spec, pkg):
tgt, dest = spec.split(':')
set_append(d, 'FILES_%s' % pkg, '%s/%s' \
% (d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True), dest))
set_append(d, '_INSTALL_LINKS', spec)
def add_override(d, spec, pkg):
tmpl, dest = spec.split(':')
set_append(d, '_INSTALL_OVERRIDES', '%s' % spec)
unit_dir = d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True)
set_append(d, 'FILES_%s' % pkg, '%s/%s' % (unit_dir, dest))
add_default_subs(d, '%s' % dest)
add_sd_user(d, '%s' % dest, pkg)
if d.getVar('CLASSOVERRIDE', True) != 'class-target':
d.appendVarFlag('do_install', 'postfuncs', ' systemd_do_postinst')
pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
if d.getVar('SYSTEMD_SERVICE_%s' % pn, True) is None:
d.setVar('SYSTEMD_SERVICE_%s' % pn, '%s.service' % pn)
for pkg in listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_PACKAGES'):
svc = listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_SERVICE_%s' % pkg)
svc = [SystemdUnit(x) for x in svc]
tmpl = [x.template for x in svc if x.is_instance]
tmpl = list(set(tmpl))
tmpl = [SystemdUnit(x) for x in tmpl]
svc = [x for x in svc if not x.is_instance]
for unit in tmpl + svc:
unit_exist = check_sd_unit(d, unit)
add_sd_unit(d, unit, pkg, unit_exist)
add_sd_user(d,, pkg)
for name in listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_%s' % pkg):
add_env_file(d, name, pkg)
for spec in listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_LINK_%s' % pkg):
install_link(d, spec, pkg)
for spec in listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_%s' % pkg):
add_override(d, spec, pkg)
python systemd_do_postinst() {
def make_subs(d):
all_subs = {}
for spec in listvar_to_list(d, 'SYSTEMD_SUBSTITUTIONS'):
spec, file = spec.rsplit(':', 1)
all_subs.setdefault(file, []).append(spec)
for f, v in all_subs.items():
subs = dict([ x.split(':') for x in v])
if not subs:
path = d.getVar('D', True)
path += d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True)
path += '/%s' % f
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
content =
with open(path, 'w+') as fd:
except KeyError as e:
bb.fatal('No substitution found for %s in '
'file \'%s\'' % (e, f))
def install_envs(d):
install_dir = d.getVar('D', True)
install_dir += d.getVar('envfiledir', True)
searchpaths = d.getVar('FILESPATH', True)
for f in listvar_to_list(d, '_INSTALL_ENV_FILES'):
src = bb.utils.which(searchpaths, f)
if not os.path.isfile(src):
bb.fatal('Did not find SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE:'
'\'%s\'' % src)
dest = os.path.join(install_dir, f)
parent = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.exists(parent):
with open(src, 'r') as fd:
content =
with open(dest, 'w+') as fd:
def install_links(d):
install_dir = d.getVar('D', True)
install_dir += d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True)
for spec in listvar_to_list(d, '_INSTALL_LINKS'):
tgt, dest = spec.split(':')
dest = os.path.join(install_dir, dest)
parent = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.exists(parent):
os.symlink(tgt, dest)
def install_overrides(d):
install_dir = d.getVar('D', True)
install_dir += d.getVar('systemd_system_unitdir', True)
searchpaths = d.getVar('FILESPATH', True)
for spec in listvar_to_list(d, '_INSTALL_OVERRIDES'):
tmpl, dest = spec.split(':')
source = bb.utils.which(searchpaths, tmpl)
if not os.path.isfile(source):
bb.fatal('Did not find SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE '
'template: \'%s\'' % source)
dest = os.path.join(install_dir, dest)
parent = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.exists(parent):
with open(source, 'r') as fd:
content =
with open('%s' % dest, 'w+') as fd:
do_install_append() {
# install systemd service/socket/template files
[ -z "${_INSTALL_SD_UNITS}" ] || \
install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
for s in ${_INSTALL_SD_UNITS}; do
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/$s \
sed -i -e 's,@BASE_BINDIR@,${base_bindir},g' \
-e 's,@BINDIR@,${bindir},g' \
-e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' \