blob: bfd5507476b098cd54bcaa59ea750623be6991cb [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace ikvm
* @class Args
* @brief Command line argument parser and storage
class Args
* @struct CommandLine
* @brief Stores the original command line arguments for later use
struct CommandLine
* @brief Constructs CommandLine object
* @param[in] c - Number of arguments
* @param[in] v - Array of arguments
CommandLine(int c, char** v) : argc(c), argv(v)
~CommandLine() = default;
CommandLine(const CommandLine&) = default;
CommandLine& operator=(const CommandLine&) = default;
CommandLine(CommandLine&&) = default;
CommandLine& operator=(CommandLine&&) = default;
int argc;
char** argv;
* @brief Constructs Args object
* @param[in] argc - The number of arguments in the command line call
* @param[in] argv - The array of arguments from the command line
Args(int argc, char* argv[]);
~Args() = default;
Args(const Args&) = default;
Args& operator=(const Args&) = default;
Args(Args&&) = default;
Args& operator=(Args&&) = default;
* @brief Get the original command line arguments
* @return Reference to the CommandLine structure storing the original
* command line arguments
inline const CommandLine& getCommandLine() const
return commandLine;
* @brief Get the desired video frame rate
* @return Value of the desired frame rate in frames per second
inline int getFrameRate() const
return frameRate;
* @brief Get the video subsampling
* @return Value of the video subsampling
inline int getSubsampling() const
return subsampling;
* @brief Get the path to the USB keyboard device
* @return Reference to the string storing the path to the keyboard device
inline const std::string& getKeyboardPath() const
return keyboardPath;
* @brief Get the path to the USB mouse device
* @return Reference to the string storing the path to the mouse device
inline const std::string& getPointerPath() const
return pointerPath;
* @brief Get the path to the V4L2 video device
* @return Reference to the string storing the path to the video device
inline const std::string& getVideoPath() const
return videoPath;
* @brief Get the identical frames detection setting
* @return True if identical frames detection is enabled
inline bool getCalcFrameCRC() const
return calcFrameCRC;
/* @brief Prints the application usage to stderr */
void printUsage();
* @brief Desired frame rate (in frames per second) of the video
* stream
int frameRate;
/* @brief Desired subsampling (0: 444, 1: 420) */
int subsampling;
/* @brief Path to the USB keyboard device */
std::string keyboardPath;
/* @brief Path to the USB mouse device */
std::string pointerPath;
/* @brief Path to the V4L2 video device */
std::string videoPath;
/* @brief Identical frames detection */
bool calcFrameCRC;
/* @brief Original command line arguments passed to the application */
CommandLine commandLine;
} // namespace ikvm