Commit tracker now prints information on closed issues
Change-Id: I09443d0045dd466390a4444982a618a5c93e7d1e
Signed-off-by: Charles Hofer <>
diff --git a/tools/commit-tracker b/tools/commit-tracker
index 3c7e7a2..b393984 100755
--- a/tools/commit-tracker
+++ b/tools/commit-tracker
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
import argparse
+import git
import logging
import os
import re
+import requests
import sys
import time
-import git
# @class CommitReport
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
class CommitReport:
def __init__(self, i_repo_uri, i_repo_name, i_sha, i_nice_name,
- i_summary, i_insertions, i_deletions):
+ i_summary, i_insertions, i_deletions, i_closed_issues):
self.repo_uri = i_repo_uri
self.repo_name = i_repo_name
self.sha = i_sha
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
self.summary = i_summary
self.insertions = i_insertions
self.deletions = i_deletions
+ self.closed_issues = i_closed_issues
self.subreports = []
def to_cl_string(self, i_level=0):
@@ -74,6 +76,12 @@
l_deletions += l_commit.get_total_deletions()
return l_deletions
+ def get_all_closed_issues(self):
+ l_closed_issues = self.closed_issues
+ for l_commit in self.subreports:
+ l_closed_issues.extend(l_commit.get_all_closed_issues())
+ return l_closed_issues
# @brief Main function for the script
@@ -92,16 +100,21 @@
# Compile issues, insertions, and deletions
+ l_issues = []
l_total_deletions = 0
l_total_insertions = 0
for l_report in l_reports:
l_total_deletions += l_report.get_total_deletions()
l_total_insertions += l_report.get_total_insertions()
+ l_issues.extend(l_report.get_all_closed_issues())
# Print commit information to the console
print 'Commits'
for l_report in l_reports:
print l_report.to_cl_string()
+ print 'Closed issues...'
+ for l_issue in l_issues:
+ print ' ' + str(l_issue[0]) + ' ' + str(l_issue[1])
print 'Insertions and Deletions'
print str(l_total_insertions) + ' insertions'
print str(l_total_deletions) + ' deletions'
@@ -181,7 +194,8 @@
- l_deletions)
+ l_deletions,
+ get_closed_issues(l_commit))
# Search the diffs for any bumps of submodule versions
l_diffs = l_commit.diff(str(l_commit.hexsha) + '~1')
@@ -326,6 +340,56 @@
deletions = int(
return insertions, deletions
+# @brief Gets closed issues from the commit message
+# @param i_commit : The commit to get closed issues for
+# @return A list of tuples, the first element being the ID of the issue, the
+# second being the title from GitHub
+def get_closed_issues(i_commit):
+ l_closed_issues = []
+ # Set up the regex
+ l_close_regex = re.compile(
+ '((F|f)ix((es|ed)?)|(C|c)lose((s|d)?)|(R|r)esolve((s|d)?)) '
+ + '+(?P<issue>[a-zA-Z0-9#]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9#]+)')
+ l_matches = l_close_regex.finditer(i_commit.message)
+ # Loop through all the matches getting each issue name
+ for l_match in l_matches:
+ l_issue_id ='issue')
+ l_issue_title = get_issue_title(l_issue_id)
+ l_closed_issues.append((l_issue_id, l_issue_title))
+ return l_closed_issues
+# @brief Gets the title of an issue based on the issue ID
+# @param i_issue_id : The ID of the issue to get the title for
+# @return The title of the issue
+def get_issue_title(i_issue_id):
+ # Construct the URL
+ l_url_tail = re.sub('#', '/issues/', i_issue_id)
+ l_full_url = '' + l_url_tail
+ l_title = ''
+ # Send in the web request
+ l_response = requests.get(l_full_url)
+ if 200 == l_response.status_code:
+ l_issue = l_response.json()
+ l_title = l_issue['title']
+ else:
+ logging.error(l_response.text)
+ logging.error('Recieved status code ' \
+ + str(l_response.status_code) \
+ + ' when getting issue titles.')
+ return l_title
# @brief Cuts the hash in commit revision names down to its 7 digit prefix