blob: b3939842673c83ea67b271c5b950d24d2d1fcf50 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright c 2016 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @file commit-tracker
# @brief Prints out all commits on the master branch of the specified
# repository, as well as all commits on linked submodule
# repositories
import argparse
import git
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import sys
import time
# @class CommitReport
# @brief A class representing information about a commit and all commits in
# relevant subrepos
class CommitReport:
def __init__(self, i_repo_uri, i_repo_name, i_sha, i_nice_name,
i_summary, i_insertions, i_deletions, i_closed_issues):
self.repo_uri = i_repo_uri
self.repo_name = i_repo_name
self.sha = i_sha
self.nice_name = i_nice_name
self.summary = i_summary
self.insertions = i_insertions
self.deletions = i_deletions
self.closed_issues = i_closed_issues
self.subreports = []
def to_cl_string(self, i_level=0):
# Define colors for the console
RED = '\033[31m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
# Put the string together
l_cl_string = (' ' * i_level) + RED + self.repo_name + ENDC + ' ' \
+ BLUE + self.nice_name + ENDC + ' ' \
+ re.sub('\s+', ' ', self.summary)
# Do the same for every subreport
for l_report in self.subreports:
l_cl_string += '\n' + l_report.to_cl_string(i_level + 1)
return l_cl_string
def get_total_insertions(self):
l_insertions = self.insertions
for l_commit in self.subreports:
l_insertions += l_commit.get_total_insertions()
return l_insertions
def get_total_deletions(self):
l_deletions = self.deletions
for l_commit in self.subreports:
l_deletions += l_commit.get_total_deletions()
return l_deletions
def get_all_closed_issues(self):
l_closed_issues = self.closed_issues
for l_commit in self.subreports:
return l_closed_issues
# @brief Main function for the script
# @param i_args : Command line arguments
def main(i_args):
# Parse the arguments
l_args_obj = parse_arguments(i_args)
# Print every commit
print 'Getting report for ' + l_args_obj.repo_dir
l_reports = generate_commit_reports(
# Compile issues, insertions, and deletions
l_issues = []
l_total_deletions = 0
l_total_insertions = 0
for l_report in l_reports:
l_total_deletions += l_report.get_total_deletions()
l_total_insertions += l_report.get_total_insertions()
# Print commit information to the console
print 'Commits'
for l_report in l_reports:
print l_report.to_cl_string()
print 'Closed issues...'
for l_issue in l_issues:
print ' ' + str(l_issue[0]) + ' ' + str(l_issue[1])
print 'Insertions and Deletions'
print str(l_total_insertions) + ' insertions'
print str(l_total_deletions) + ' deletions'
# @brief Parses the arguments from the command line
# @param i_args : The list of arguments from the command line, excluding the
# name of the script
# @return An object representin the parsed arguments
def parse_arguments(i_args):
l_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Prints commit information from the given repo and all ' \
+'sub-repos specified with SRC_REV, starting from the ' \
+'most recent commit specified going back to the ' \
+'earliest commit specified.')
help='The URI of the repo to get commit information for')
help='The directory of the repo to get commit information for')
help='A reference (branch name, HEAD, SHA, etc.) to the most ' \
+'recent commit to get information for')
help='A reference to the earliest commit to get information for')
return l_parser.parse_args(i_args)
# @brief Generates a list of CommitReport objects, each one
# representing a commit in the given repo URI and path,
# starting at the beginning commit inclusive, ending at the
# end commit exclusive
# @param i_repo_uri : The URI to the repo to get reports for
# @param i_repo_path : The path to the repo to get reports for
# @param i_begin_commit : A reference to the most recent commit. The
# most recent commit to get a report for
# @param i_end_commit : A reference to the commit farthest in the
# past. The next youngest commit will be
# the last one to get a report for
# @return A list of CommitReport objects in order from newest to
# oldest commit
def generate_commit_reports(i_repo_uri, i_repo_path, i_begin_commit,
# Get the repo that the user requested
clone_or_update(i_repo_uri, i_repo_path)
l_repo = git.Repo(i_repo_path)
except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
logging.error(str(i_repo_path) + ' is not a valid git repository')
# Get commits between the beginning and end references
l_commits = l_repo.iter_commits(rev=(i_begin_commit + '...'
+ i_end_commit))
# Go through each commit, generating a report
l_reports = []
for l_commit in l_commits:
# Get the insertion and deletion line counts
l_insertions, l_deletions = get_line_count(
str(l_commit.hexsha) + '~1')
# Construct a new commit report
l_report = CommitReport(
i_repo_path.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', ''),
# Search the diffs for any bumps of submodule versions
l_diffs = l_commit.diff(str(l_commit.hexsha) + '~1')
for l_diff in l_diffs:
# If we have two files to compare with diff...
if l_diff.a_path and l_diff.b_path:
# ... get info about the change, log it...
l_subrepo_uri, l_subrepo_new_hash, l_subrepo_old_hash \
= get_bump_info(l_repo, str(l_commit.hexsha),
i_repo_path, l_diff.b_path)
logging.debug('Found diff...')
logging.debug(' Subrepo URI: ' + str(l_subrepo_uri))
logging.debug(' Subrepo new hash: '
+ str(l_subrepo_new_hash))
logging.debug(' Subrepo old hash: '
+ str(l_subrepo_old_hash))
logging.debug(' Found in: ' + str(l_diff.b_path))
# ... and print the commits for the subrepo if this was a
# version bump
if (l_subrepo_new_hash
and l_subrepo_old_hash
and l_subrepo_uri
and l_subrepo_uri.startswith('git')):
logging.debug(' Bumped')
l_subrepo_path = l_subrepo_uri.split('/')[-1]
l_subreports = generate_commit_reports(
# Put the report on the end of the list
except git.exc.GitCommandError as e:
logging.error(str(i_begin_commit) + ' and ' + str(i_end_commit)
+ ' are invalid revisions')
return l_reports
# @brief Gets the repo URI, the updated SHA, and the old SHA from a
# given repo, commit SHA and file
# @param i_repo : The Repo object to get version bump information
# from
# @param i_hexsha : The hex hash for the commit to search for
# version bumps
# @param i_repo_path : The path to the repo containing the file to
# get bump information from
# @param i_file : The path, starting at the base of the repo,
# to the file to get bump information from
# @return Returns the repo URI, the updated SHA, and the old SHA in
# a tuple in that order
def get_bump_info(i_repo, i_hexsha, i_repo_path, i_file):
# Checkout the old repo
# Get the diff text
l_diff_text = i_repo.git.diff(i_hexsha, i_hexsha + '~1', '--', i_file)
logging.debug('Hash: ' + i_hexsha)
logging.debug('File: ' + i_repo_path + '/' + i_file)
logging.debug('Diff Text: ' + l_diff_text)
# SRCREV sets the SHA for the version of the other repo to use when
# building openbmc. SHAs should be stored in the file in a format
# like SRCRV =? "<SHA>". Find both the new '+' and old '-' ones
l_old_hash = None
l_new_hash = None
l_old_hash_match ='-[A-Z_]*SRCREV[+=? ]+"([a-f0-9]+)"',
l_new_hash_match ='\+[A-Z_]*SRCREV[+=? ]+"([a-f0-9]+)"',
if l_old_hash_match:
l_old_hash =
if l_new_hash_match:
l_new_hash =
# Get the URI of the subrepo
l_uri = None
if os.path.isfile(i_repo_path + '/' + i_file):
l_changed_file = open(i_repo_path + '/' + i_file, 'r')
for l_line in l_changed_file:
# URIs should be stored in a format similar to
# SRC_URI ?= "git://<path to repo>"
l_uri_match ='_URI[+=? ]+"([-a-zA-Z0-9/:\.]+)"', l_line)
if l_uri_match:
l_uri =
logging.debug(i_repo_path + '/' + i_file)
# Go back to master
return l_uri, l_new_hash, l_old_hash
# @brief Updates the repo under the given path or clones it from the
# uri if it doesn't yet exist
# @param i_uri : The URI to the remote repo to clone
# @param i_path : The file path to where the repo currently exists or
# where it will be created
def clone_or_update(i_uri, i_path):
# If the repo exists, just update it
if os.path.isdir(i_path):
l_repo = git.Repo(i_path)
# If it doesn't exist, clone it
l_repo = git.Repo.init(i_path)
origin = l_repo.create_remote('origin', i_uri)
l_repo.create_head('master', origin.refs.master) \
# @brief Gets the number of changed lines between two commits
# @param i_repo : The Repo object these commits are in
# @param i_begin_commit : A git reference to the beginning commit
# @param i_end_commit : A git reference to the end commit
# @return A two-tuple containing the number of insertions and the number of
# deletions between the begin and end commit
def get_line_count(i_repo, i_begin_commit, i_end_commit):
diff_output = i_repo.git.diff(i_end_commit, i_begin_commit, shortstat=True)
insertions = 0
deletions = 0
insertion_match ='([0-9]+) insertion', diff_output)
deletion_match ='([0-9]+) deletion', diff_output)
if insertion_match:
insertions = int(
if deletion_match:
deletions = int(
return insertions, deletions
# @brief Gets closed issues from the commit message
# @param i_commit : The commit to get closed issues for
# @return A list of tuples, the first element being the ID of the issue, the
# second being the title from GitHub
def get_closed_issues(i_commit):
l_closed_issues = []
# Set up the regex
l_close_regex = re.compile(
'((F|f)ix((es|ed)?)|(C|c)lose((s|d)?)|(R|r)esolve((s|d)?)) '
+ '+(?P<issue>[a-zA-Z0-9#]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9#]+)')
l_matches = l_close_regex.finditer(i_commit.message)
# Loop through all the matches getting each issue name
for l_match in l_matches:
l_issue_id ='issue')
l_issue_title = get_issue_title(l_issue_id)
l_closed_issues.append((l_issue_id, l_issue_title))
return l_closed_issues
# @brief Gets the title of an issue based on the issue ID
# @param i_issue_id : The ID of the issue to get the title for
# @return The title of the issue
def get_issue_title(i_issue_id):
# Construct the URL
l_url_tail = re.sub('#', '/issues/', i_issue_id)
l_full_url = '' + l_url_tail
l_title = ''
# Send in the web request
l_response = requests.get(l_full_url)
if 200 == l_response.status_code:
l_issue = l_response.json()
l_title = l_issue['title']
logging.error('Recieved status code ' \
+ str(l_response.status_code) \
+ ' when getting issue titles.')
return l_title
# @brief Cuts the hash in commit revision names down to its 7 digit prefix
# @param i_name_rev : The name of the revision to change
# @return The same revision name but with the hash its 7 digit prefix instead
def to_prefix_name_rev(i_name_rev):
l_name_rev = i_name_rev
l_hash, l_name = l_name_rev.split()
l_name_rev = l_hash[0:7] + ' ' + l_name
return l_name_rev
# Only run main if run as a script
if __name__ == '__main__':