blob: 285f5da78a400c60780210495d61f17900702d0a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Resource ../../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Redfish Login With Invalid Credentials
[Documentation] Login to BMC web using invalid credential.
[Tags] Redfish_Login_With_Invalid_Credentials
[Template] Login And Verify Redfish Response
# Expect status Username Password
InvalidCredentialsError* ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} deadpassword
InvalidCredentialsError* groot ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
InvalidCredentialsError* ${EMPTY} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
InvalidCredentialsError* ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${EMPTY}
InvalidCredentialsError* ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY}
Redfish Login Using Unsecured HTTP
[Documentation] Login to BMC web through http unsecured.
[Tags] Redfish_Login_Using_Unsecured_HTTP
Create Session openbmc http://${OPENBMC_HOST}
${data}= Create Dictionary
${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
Run Keyword And Expect Error *Connection refused*
... Post Request openbmc /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions
... data=${data} headers=${headers}
*** Keywords ***
Login And Verify Redfish Response
[Documentation] Login and verify redfish response.
[Arguments] ${expected_response} ${username} ${password}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response Expected REST status.
# username The username to be used to connect to the server.
# password The password to be used to connect to the server.
${data}= Create Dictionary username=${username} password=${password}
Run Keyword And Expect Error ${expected_response} redfish.Login ${data}