blob: 216871c6f3d2cd6665b425a4eef140dfd508e11d [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Compare processor speed in turbo and non-turbo modes.
# Test Parameters:
# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
# OS_HOST The OS host name or IP Address.
# OS_USERNAME The OS login userid (usually root).
# OS_PASSWORD The password for the OS login.
Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot
Library ../syslib/
Variables ../data/
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Test Setup Pre Test Case Execution
Test Teardown Post Test Case Execution
*** Test Cases ***
Turbo And Non-Turbo Processor Speed Test
[Documentation] Compare processor turbo and non-turbo speeds.
[Tags] Turbo_And_Non-Turbo_Processor_Speed_Test
Set Turbo Setting Via REST True
${mode}= Read Turbo Setting Via REST
Should Be Equal ${mode} True
... msg=Issued call to set Turbo mode but it was not set.
# The OS governor determines the maximum processor speed at boot-up time.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
${proc_speed_turbo}= Get Processor Max Speed Setting
Smart Power Off
Set Turbo Setting Via REST False
${mode}= Read Turbo Setting Via REST
Should Be Equal ${mode} False
... msg=Issued call to disable Turbo mode but it was not disabled.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
${proc_speed_non_turbo}= Get Processor Max Speed Setting
Rpvars proc_speed_turbo proc_speed_non_turbo
${err_msg}= Catenate Reported turbo processor speed should be
... greater than non-turbo speed.
Should Be True ${proc_speed_turbo} > ${proc_speed_non_turbo}
... msg=${err_msg}
*** Keywords ***
Get Processor Max Speed Setting
[Documentation] Get processor maximum speed setting from the OS.
# - On the OS run: ppc64_cpu --frequency
# - Return the maximum frequency value reported.
# The command ppc64_cpu is provided in both Ubuntu and RHEL on Power.
${command}= Set Variable
... ppc64_cpu --frequency | grep max | cut -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1
# The ppc64_cpu --frequency command returns min, max, and average
# cpu frequencies. For example,
# min: 2.500 GHz (cpu 143)
# max: 2.700 GHz (cpu 1)
# avg: 2.600 GHz
# The ${command} selects the max: line, selects only the
# 2.700 GHz (cpu 1) part, then selects the 2.700 number.
# Get the maximum processor frequency reported.
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... ${command} print_out=${1}
${frequency}= Convert To Number ${output}
[Return] ${frequency}
Pre Test Case Execution
[Documentation] Do the pre test setup.
# Save the initial system turbo setting.
# Start (setup) console logging.
${initial_turbo_setting}= Read Turbo Setting Via REST
Set Suite Variable ${initial_turbo_setting} children=true
Start SOL Console Logging
Post Test Case Execution
[Documentation] Do the post test teardown.
# - Restore original turbo setting on the system.
# - Capture FFDC on test failure.
# - Power off the OS and close all open SSH connections.
Set Turbo Setting Via REST ${initial_turbo_setting}
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Smart Power Off
Close All Connections