blob: 685474cec97c44d015e9412d3d9cba7f993b6bdd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
This module provides functions which are useful to plug-in call point programs.
import sys
import os
import re
import collections
import gen_print as gp
def get_plug_in_package_name(case=None):
Return the plug-in package name (e.g. "OS_Console", "DB_Logging").
Description of argument(s):
case Indicates whether the value returned
should be converted to upper or lower
case. Valid values are "upper", "lower"
or None.
plug_in_package_name = os.path.basename(gp.pgm_dir_path[:-1])
if case == "upper":
return plug_in_package_name.upper()
elif case == "lower":
return plug_in_package_name.lower()
return plug_in_package_name
def return_plug_vars():
Return an OrderedDict which is sorted by key and which contains all of the
plug-in environment variables.
Example excerpt of resulting dictionary:
This function also does the following:
- Set a default value for environment variable AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_NICKNAME
if it is not already set.
- Register PASSWORD variables to prevent their values from being printed.
plug_in_package_name = get_plug_in_package_name(case="upper")
regex = "^(AUTOBOOT|" + plug_in_package_name + ")_"
# Set a default for nickname.
if os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_NICKNAME", "") == "":
os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_HOST", "")
plug_var_dict = \
collections.OrderedDict(sorted({k: v for (k, v) in
if re.match(regex, k)}.items()))
# Register password values to prevent printing them out. Any plug var
# whose name ends in PASSWORD will be registered.
password_vals = {k: v for (k, v) in plug_var_dict.items()
if re.match(r".*_PASSWORD$", k)}.values()
map(gp.register_passwords, password_vals)
return plug_var_dict
def sprint_plug_vars(headers=1):
Sprint the plug-in environment variables (i.e. those that begin with
AUTOBOOT_ those that begin with <plug-in package_name>_ in upper case
Example excerpt of output:
Description of argument(s):
headers Print a header and a footer.
plug_var_dict = return_plug_vars()
buffer = ""
if headers:
buffer += "\n" + gp.sprint_dashes()
for key, value in plug_var_dict.items():
buffer += key + "=" + value + "\n"
if headers:
buffer += gp.sprint_dashes() + "\n"
return buffer
def get_plug_vars():
Get all plug-in variables and put them in corresponding global variables.
This would include all environment variables beginning with either
"AUTOBOOT_" or with the upper case version of the plug-in package name +
underscore (e.g. OP_SAMPLE_VAR1 for plug-in OP_Sample).
The global variables to be set will be both with and without the
"AUTOBOOT_" prefix. For example, if the environment variable in question
is AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_HOST, this function will set global variable
module = sys.modules['__main__']
plug_var_dict = return_plug_vars()
# Get all "AUTOBOOT_" environment variables and put them into globals.
for key, value in plug_var_dict.items():
setattr(module, key, value)
setattr(module, re.sub("^AUTOBOOT_", "", key), value)
def get_plug_default(var_name,
Derive and return a default value for the given parm variable.
This function will assign a default by checking the following environment
variables in the order shown. The first one that has a value will be used.
- <upper case package_name>_<var_name>
- AUTOBOOT_<var_name>
If none of these are found, this function will return the value passed by
the caller in the "default" parm.
Let's say your plug-in is named "OS_Console" and you call this function as
get_plug_default("quiet", 0)
The first of these environment variables that is found to be set will be
used to provide the default value.
If none of those has a value, 0 (as specified by the caller in this
example) is returned.
Let's say the master driver program is named obmc_boot. obmc_boot program
is responsible for calling plug-ins. Let's further suppose that the user
wishes to run the master program with --debug=0 but wishes to have all
plug-ins run with --debug=1. This could be accomplished with the
following call:
export AUTOBOOT_OVERRIDE_DEBUG=1 ; obmc_boot --debug=0
--plug_in_dir_paths=<list of plug ins>
As another example, let's suppose that the user wishes to have just the
OS_Console plug-in run with debug and everything else to default to
debug=0. This could be accomplished as follows:
export OS_CONSOLE_DEBUG=1 ; obmc_boot --debug=0 --plug_in_dir_paths=<list
of plug ins>
And as one more example, let's say the user wishes to have obmc_boot and
OS_Console run without debug but have all other plug-ins run with debug:
export AUTOBOOT_OVERRIDE_DEBUG=1 ; export OS_CONSOLE_DEBUG=0 ; obmc_boot
--debug=0 --plug_in_dir_paths=<list of plug ins>
Description of argument(s):
var_name The name of the variable for which a
default value is to be calculated.
default The default value if one cannot be
var_name = var_name.upper()
plug_in_package_name = get_plug_in_package_name(case="upper")
package_var_name = plug_in_package_name + "_" + var_name
default_value = os.environ.get(package_var_name, None)
if default_value is not None:
# A package-name version of the variable was found so return its value.
autoboot_var_name = "AUTOBOOT_OVERRIDE_" + var_name
default_value = os.environ.get(autoboot_var_name, None)
if default_value is not None:
# An AUTOBOOT_ version of the variable was found so return its value.
return default_value
autoboot_var_name = "AUTOBOOT_" + var_name
default_value = os.environ.get(autoboot_var_name, None)
if default_value is not None:
# An AUTOBOOT_ version of the variable was found so return its value.
return default_value
return default
def srequired_plug_in(req_plug_in_names,
Return an empty string if the required plug-ins are found in
plug_in_dir_paths. Otherwise, return an error string.
Example call:
error_message = srequired_plug_in(req_plug_in_names, plug_in_dir_paths)
Description of argument(s):
req_plug_in_names A list of plug_in names that the caller
requires (e.g. ['OS_Console']).
plug_in_dir_paths A string which is a colon-delimited list
of plug-ins specified by the user (e.g.
DB_Logging:FFDC:OS_Console:Perf). Path
values (e.g. "/home/robot/dir1") will be
stripped from this list to do the
analysis. Default value is the
# Calculate default value for plug_in_dir_paths.
if plug_in_dir_paths is None:
plug_in_dir_paths = os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_PLUG_IN_DIR_PATHS", "")
error_message = ""
# Convert plug_in_dir_paths to a list of base names.
plug_in_dir_paths = \
filter(None, map(os.path.basename, plug_in_dir_paths.split(":")))
# Check for each of the user's required plug-ins.
for plug_in_name in req_plug_in_names:
if plug_in_name not in plug_in_dir_paths:
error_message = "The \"" + get_plug_in_package_name() +\
"\" plug-in cannot run unless the user also selects the \"" +\
plug_in_name + "\" plug in:\n" +\
return error_message
def required_plug_in(req_plug_in_names,
Return True if each of the plug-ins in req_plug_in_names can be found in
plug_in_dir_paths Otherwise, return False and print an error message to
Example call:
if not required_plug_in(['OS_Console'], AUTOBOOT_PLUG_IN_DIR_PATHS):
return False
Description of argument(s):
(See Description of arguments for srequired_plug_in (above)).
error_message = srequired_plug_in(req_plug_in_names, plug_in_dir_paths)
if not error_message == "":
return False
return True
# Create print wrapper functions for all sprint functions defined above.
# func_names contains a list of all print functions which should be created
# from their sprint counterparts.
func_names = ['print_plug_vars']
# stderr_func_names is a list of functions whose output should go to stderr
# rather than stdout.
stderr_func_names = []
replace_dict = dict(gp.replace_dict)
replace_dict['mod_qualifier'] = 'gp.'
func_defs = gp.create_print_wrapper_funcs(func_names, stderr_func_names,